Daily Archives: November 3, 2011

Reasons to be Cheerful 3

It’s that time of the week again, and actually there’s a lot of cheerfulness this morning as the sun is shining on the dew in the garden so it’s all looking beautifully sparkly!

Higgins is rather enjoying being allowed to have the door open so he can gallop in and out without always being the wrong side of the door.

And the garden looks rather good from his level too!

 I’m very cheerful about the fact that I have a hollyhock growing at last.  I love hollyhocks, and have been so annoyed by the way they will happily seed themselves in between gaps in the paving at the side of the road, and refuse to grow in my garden.  This one has spent six months getting enormously tall, but has managed to flower before the snow arrives!

Now I’ve just got to see if I can get colourful ones to grow next year…

And talking about sparkly things, today my younger son’s new fiancee is coming to lunch to show us her engagement ring and to talk about making bunting for their wedding next May. Now that really is exciting!

So I have no trouble at all finding three reasons to be cheerful this week , how about you? If you’ve only just arrived, you can find out all about the Reasons to be Cheerful Linky here.  If you add your three reasons to your latest blog post and add it to the Linky at the end of this post, then we can share a bit of cheerfulness with all our bloggy chums.  And if you don’t have your own blog, don’t worry, just leave a comment, I’d love to hear from you xx

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