Thursday was a mild and springlike day, a relief after days of icyness and gloom. The door was open so Higgins could rush in and out of the garden and boss the birds about, and the sun retired in a blaze of glory.
Things are getting a bit busy here on Planet Penny as I get my head around the Open Studios in a few months time. The brochure entry has been proof read, and the form filled in for a place in the Open Studios Exhibition in the Forum in Norwich. It’s quite a feat getting back into the habit of sorting paper work and being organised after being out of the workplace for so long.
Now I can share an exciting secret with you that I have been sitting on for a couple of weeks! Those of you who have been following Planet Penny for a while will know that I have been popping off the Holt twice a year to the Pick’n’Mix Makers’ Market (and spending far too much money!). The very first time I went I was so impressed with the whole ethos of the thing. The organisers, Lisa of Bobobun, and Teena of Kitschen Pink had managed to go beyond the ‘Craft Market’ which has become so devalued over the years and had got together a really broad mix of artists and makers of beautiful things and put them into a charming Church Hall with a great retro feel. One day, I thought when I went to the first one, one day I’ll get myself organised enough to apply to take part in this.
So can you imagine my great surprise and excitement when, a couple of weeks ago , I had an email out of the blue from the lovely Lisa inviting me to take part in the next Market on June 11th!!!!! WOW! So, no more knitting and crocheting for a while, I shall be needlefelting like fury, watch out for sparks! I’m gradually building up sketches and ideas for the little woolly creatures who live on Planet Penny so I thought I’d ask, what do you think? If you were wandering through the fluffy undergrowth on PP, what would you expect to see? I’ll be gradually adding my creations to the Folksy Shop and obviously showing them to you here first so it would be lovely if you were to join in. I’ll have a think about how I could award a prize or something.
Where do the Flying Pigs come in? Well when the children were young, and they would promise to do something as asked, something monumental, like tidying their bedrooms, or sorting their laundry, Tim would mutter under his breath, ‘Hmm, and Pigs might fly!’ And I like the idea of a Flying Pig! Also, it’s also a really good analogy for realising the seemingly impossible dream…
…and they are flying in from all directions!
And finally, I will be taking part in this Exhibition, Little Bird at the Dukes Theatre Gallery, Lancaster. 22 March-17 April 2011 which is for a really good cause which you can read about here. And this is the little bird who will be flying up to Lancaster very soon…
Oh dear…as I have been sitting here typing away, the little burst of spring-like weather has become grey and overcast, and the Weatherman on ‘Gardeners’ Question Time’ has just assured me that ‘Winter hasn’t done with us yet’ . I’d better wake Higgins up and suggest a little walk, he won’t be pleased. He’s such a ‘fair weather’ dog!
I’m looking forward to reading your suggestions!
Back soon….x

Hi! I too have been invited to sell my stall wares Pick’n’Mix in Holt on 11 June. Wooohooo!
Isn’t this exciting!
Hi! Congrats for your invite. (and to the commenter above me!)
I think it would be nice to see a couple of needle felted sheep, like the ones on your header, or a whole fantasy farm!!!
Hello Penny, this is all fabulous congratulatory news! What a first half of the year you will have to look forward too xox I love your flying pigs they are just great, very characterful. I think Planet Penny needs a mini Higgins to wander it’s pastures on and how about a ladybird, butterfly and some sea creatures like a seahorse or mermaid too? Enjoy all your needle felting and lets hopefully look forward to some more of yesterday’s air of spring to come x Penny
Dear Penny, when I read the name of your post, I thought this sounds good! When I saw that flying pig, I thought, can’t be true! I don’t think you need any help – if you make these most sweet ‘fairy things’ you need to be very busy to have any at the market, because I’m sure you sell them at once! Every new ‘tiny being’ is so qute and unique!
Have a wonderful weekend and lovely walks with Higgins!
You know I love cats..I think raccoons would be hilarious! (cuz they’re not when they have their babies in my attic!!)
Jane x
How wonderful! I love your needle felted creations….so clever! Those pigs are adorable! My dogs hate the wet and cold also :-)…how about chickens they always look full of character?
Not exactly what youasked for, but what about some felty afternoon tea? You’ve always got such yummy things going on and dainty crockery….something treat inspired? Otherwise, I agree with Penelope – mini Higginss!
Gardener’s Q Time – another thing I must see if I can get transported here over the airwaves…
All the besst for your preparations!
Hi Penny I just read your comment over at Alice’s and it made so much sense…thank you for sharing it has helped xx
Well done Penny-I’m doing Open Studio too this year and suddenly it is March already and how fast will the time between now and then go? Way too fast! Aaaaaargh!I feel like the White Rabbit.
Your flying pigs are wonderful, Penny, really, really wonderful, you should definitely make lots more of them for the vintage fair. That’s fantastic news that you’ve been invited! FANTASTIC! And well deserved. Love Vanessa xxx
What marvellous news Penny, well done!
The pigs are super, you do that felting so well. I like the idea of sheep and chickens too.
Your needlefelted creatures are gorgeous. I’ll have to practice a lot more, if I want to make anything like this. It goes to show that needlefelting is really just limited by imagination.
Congratulations Penny! I love the flying pigs but my favourites have to be the little bluebirds.