Happy Monday! The beginning of another week, and I think now, like it or not, we have to admit that Christmas is coming. 41 days! oo-er!
Have you started the Christmas shopping yet? I’ve been so busy thinking about having things on my stall for the Pick’n’Mix Makers Market I just haven’t had a thought about actually buying things myself! I’m sure I’ll find the answer to several pressie dilemmas on the other stalls there. If you want to see just what’s coming up, have a look at this post about the June Market.
So what have I been making this week? There’s been more of the same with the baubles and the dolly peg dolls, which have already started to sell so I need to keep up, but the new thing was in response to a remark about the Duck I made for the Auction for Team Hannah (where you can bid for him!)…
…and his jolly heart shaped balloon.
So I’ve made some more. With spots!
It reminds me of the film Up…
I would like to put these for sale on Folksy, the problem being the infinite variety, it would take so long to list them. I’m really not good at churning out masses of things all the same. I suppose if I listed them by the main colour, people could take pot luck on the spots, I don’t know…. What do you think?
I just think they look so jolly. Would be fun in a nice shiny green pot plant!
If you like Handmade Monday, go over to see Wendy of 1st Unique Gifts, where lots of other creative people have links to what they’ve been up to.
I must get back to my felting needle, see you soon x
P.S. To those of you who have been missing Higgins, he’s fine and full of mischief as ever. If you need a little mini dachshund fix, you can find a post he wrote a while ago just here!

Oh, thank you so much for the Higgins fix!
I think the hearts are just beautiful, and they would look beautiful in a potted plant, as you say!
Truly gorgeous xx
Lovely hearts – why don’t you just list them once on Folksy and ask buyers to convo you their colour choice – I’m sure I’ve seen that done before
They are so lovely. I love the colours, the shape, the spots, just everything! Seeing those has really brightened up my rainy Monday! x
Agree with MadeByEwe, and have seen it done like that before. I would love to know more about needle felting… any chance of a tutorial, pretty please.
Ooops almost forgot… love the hearts
madebyewe is right, so that;s one problem solved then. Your hearts are lovely would brighten up any setting. Not sure what needle felting is?
they are very cute Penny! I love them and loved reading about Hannah, what a wonderful idea. I think we as bloggers could do a lot of wonderful fundraising for different causes.
Love the hearts and pot luck on colours would be exciting x
Another vote for asking folk to convo you their colour choice. Because then we can all buy one, or three!
Wilbur my mini wire haired dachshund sends Higgins a woof ;D
That duck and those balloons are so adorable!!!!
Your hearts are brilliant. Choice of colour for the heart but pot luck on the spots is a great idea.
Jan x
I adored that film, ‘Up’. What a thought-provoking story. And your heart balloons are also adorable. I really wouldn’t mind what colour I got!
So pretty, I would list by the colour and explain they are all unique and that is the beauty of handmade
Love the hearts! I would just list the heart colours available and not worry about letting people pick the spot colour – and even list one as a ‘lucky dip’ where they just order one and you do the picking! They are all lovely Mich x
Oh wow! Gorgeous felty hearts – I would say list them as a bunch of 10!! They look fabulous all together as they are, as a decoration in their own right.
Let me know if you list them!
Having ‘had a go’ at needlefelting, I can appreciate how good you are. I find it really tricky not to end up with a shapeless blob – lol!
Hi Penny! Your new felted hearts are so beautiful!
xxx Teje
Love the spotted hearts. I agree with everyone who suggested that you let the customer decide what colour they wanted – I would go for a mixture.
Add them as one post. You can always take more photos as items sell.
I love them. Think they are such a fun idea. Great make and lovely post.
Lovely hearts. I would go for either letting people choose main colour and pot luck on the spots or people being sent a totally random heart. That way it will be a surprise which one you get.
Oo, I quite like the idea of taking pot luck! Maybe you should list them together ‘cos the photo of the bundle looks fab, then people can PM if they have a preference or give them the option of a lucky dip – adds to the excitement of receiving the parcel!
I’m not sure which way is best or easiest to let people choose since I don’t sell stuff, but I’m sure the suggestions are good ones. (ok, I’m not help!) But I sure think those hearts are awesomely beautiful! Someone should just buy the whole bundle!
I love those felted hearts – and they look so good bundled together!