Keeping Mobile!

Crochet Heart Key Ring

If last week’s post was all about the Hearts and Flowers Mobile, this week has just been about keeping mobile, full stop!   Last Monday morning I was proceeding blamelessly down the road in my little car, an old faithful which has been in the family for years, and an elderly man pulled out of a side road straight into me.  He confessed that he just didn’t see me.  Neither of us was hurt, just shaken, and I thought I had got off lightly with a damaged bumper.  Alas, an inspection at the garage discovered that all sorts of things had happened under the bonnet (you can tell I’m not terribly sure what happens under the bonnet!) and my car was deemed beyond economical repair.

I’ve forgotten which insurance company used to trumpet that they don’t make a drama out of a crisis, but it certainly wasn’t ours!  I won’t bore you with the tale of how many hoops they produced for us to leap through, even when it was established I was completely blameless.  I’ll gloss over the gibbering frustration and cut to the happy ending which was that the lovely man in our local garage (we went to primary school together) produced an ideal replacement which ticks all the boxes, particularly of transporting my mum and her wheelchair.  And in the nick of time as Tim has just headed off in his car which is about to spend a week in the car park at Luton Airport. (Not Tim you understand, just his car!)   So I’m mobile again, and I’ve got a much better use for hoops than jumping through, as you will see…

We’re about to plunged back into Winter apparently.  I saw a newspaper headline yesterday which screamed  “48 HOURS OF SNOW HELL!!”  some people can expect “UP TO 10CM!!!”  That’s around 4 inches if you are reading this in the US, where by all accounts some of you are sitting under 4 FEET and more of the stuff.  If you are, I’m thinking of you.  I’m sure you are coping better than the UK where the default position seems to be of ‘making a drama out of a crisis’ again.  SO embarrassing!

So that’s why I’m going back to earlier in the week when the sun shone and Higgins and I went out into the garden to spot signs of spring.  The primroses are still looking good…

Min Dachshund and primroses


There was just the one violet…

violet…a solitary crocus..

yellow crocus..and of course, my favourite snowdrops…

snowdropsI brought this piece of Spring indoors too…

Snowdrops planted in a cupA good use for a favourite cup which has been glued back together after an unfortunate incident with a tabby cat!

And those hoops we were jumping through ?  Well, I’ve made another mobile, for the knitters this time.  Remember the Christmas ornaments from Day Two of the Advent Calendar?  I just loved the mini yarn balls and needles so much I wanted to use them again…mini balls in Planet Penny yarns for Advent day 2

A mobile for knitters It would be perfect for hanging in a craft corner…

A mobile of mini yarn balls and needles

…and a great way of using yarn scraps.  (It reminds me of the story of the old lady who had a box in her dresser labelled ‘Pieces of String To Short to be Useful’, I have bags of yarn like that!)

Tomorrow I am back to needlefelting, neglected for too long.  I have a group of 14 ladies from or local W.I.S.E. group (Women In Search of Entertainment) I just hope I can entertain them with a needlefelting class…we are making hearts and  I hope to have some pictures for my next post.

I’m linking up with Handmade Monday later today which you’ll find hosted by Wendy over on Handmade Harbour and…

I’ll be back soon,  have a lovely week …x


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40 thoughts on “Keeping Mobile!

  1. Free Spirit Designs

    What an eventful week! I’m sorry to hear about your poor car… far better that the car was damaged than its driver though! 🙂

    I love your idea of transplanting snowdrops to a pretty cup and bringing them in doors – so much so i think i will do something similar! we have quite a gathering in the garden now so removing one or two won’t spoil the overall effect 🙂

    your yarn ball mobile is enchanting! perfect for setting a happy creative atmos in a crafty spot 🙂 x

  2. Trish

    Loving your pictures of flowers as there are none to be seen in my garden yet although the shoots are there. It’s also snowing and has been all morning so they are all going to get buried. I think I like the little knitty balls of wool even better thank the hearts and flowers.

  3. Annie @ knitsofacto

    What a perfect idea … I can just see one of your mobiles hanging in my new studio when it’s done.
    Glad you got the car sorted Penny, and before the bad weather. You’ve gotta’ laugh about the British reaction to a sprinkling of snow, although in our defence it happens so rarely it’s not economical for us to invest in the infrastructure to deal with it that they have in the US. All it seems to do here mind you is rain!

    Higgins is looking very dapper and glossy there!

  4. Carol

    Glad you are ok and it was just your poor little car that got hurt.
    Lovely photos, snowdrops are just so wonderful. I’ve planted up a variety of bulbs in cups and other containers. At the moment they are sitting in the greenhouse awaiting their turn to shine.
    What a happy mobile, sunshine on a cold, wet. manky day.
    Carol xx

  5. Teje

    I’m happy to hear that you are fine, Penny and I hope you get your car back soon! Does Higgings react to that whizzler? Ours don’t pay any attention.
    I love your mini yarn balls! x Teje

  6. Penelope

    Poor you Penny, it’s a mind field dealing with insurer’s at the best of times! I’m pleased to hear that all’s well ends well ad that you are mobile with a car that suites your needs.
    I’m just adoring those sweet balls of wool with their dinky little needles, perfect for a crafter’s corner indeed.
    I love all the colour that your planet cottons bring. I’ve got plans for the left over cottons that I purchased from you in the near future. Just in a queue of Spring related things I need to make :o)

    Keep safe and cosy xox Penny

  7. KateUK

    That snowdrop idea is a cracker- especially when it is so very,very wet outside- don’t want to go out there to look at them, but the next moment it stops raining/sleeting/snowing/ I shall nip out and pot some up.

  8. Chris

    Dear Penny, so glad that the only thing hurt was your car…maybe your replacement will be twice as nice!! Loved your photos today, especially Higgins and the lil cup with the snowdrops, which seems to be a favorite, with the others, as well! 🙂
    Also the wee mobile is adorable! Love reading your posts…you are such a happy, funny soul!
    Keep warm!!

  9. Lynda

    the old lady who had a box in her dresser labelled ‘Pieces of String To Short to be Useful’

    Hey, I heard about her when I stayed in Hay On Wye. Is she an urban myth?

  10. wendy

    Glad to hear you’re all right after the bump, even if the car isn’t. Oh the frustrations these days of sorting out things that should be simple!

    Love the knitting mobile – just gorgeous!

    It’s not just snow we’re not good with is it? Rain, sun and wind all cause untold problems too. We are pretty rubbish with extreme weather for a country where the weather can change on a hourly basis.

  11. Clare Lewis

    Argh sounds like you had aright nightmare with the car, glad its all sorted now. Your knitting mobile is wonderful and I love your teacup planter idea i might have a go at this myself.

  12. wendy

    Beautiful flowers and oh so much snow, summer here and don’t get snow in winter around home. Glad you are ok and have a good replacement car. Lovely Higgins, slightly addicted to this guy lol.

  13. Marigold

    I’m so sorry for your car! RIP faithful friend. The Goatmother and Goatfather hit a deer last Fall which totaled their car. You just never know. Such gorgeous signs of Spring! Yay! Wish we had some.

  14. Pickle-Lily

    A lovely post full of lovely things to cheer me up on a dismal morning. (I am sorry about your accident – sometimes it;s thought of what could have been that is worse.) I too love the mug idea, and as I have a swamp for a back garden, might just follow suit! Jo x

  15. liz

    I love it when the garden starts to wake up and that promise of spring is in the air. Your mobile looks great such a fantastic idea for using up scraps 🙂

  16. Tickled Pink

    Thank goodness the car got sorted. Isn’t it funny how happy insurance companies are to take our money, but as soon as it comes to actually doing something they are a little more reluctant.
    I love all your makes, they really cheer me up in these gloomy grey days.

  17. Gina

    Good that you are not hurt Penny and have got the car sorted out. I do wonder about insurance companies sometimes. I love your new mobile… such fun!

  18. Gertie

    I’m so sorry to hear about your little bump and just glad that you got your car sorted.

    The snowdrops in the teacup are delightful. What a wonderful way of using teacups.

    Your knitted mobile really made me smile. It’s so cute.

    Higgins is looking gorgeous as ever.

  19. greenrabbitdesigns

    I think yarn shops everywhere should have one of your mobiles in their windows . Beautiful! 🙂
    Sorry about the car but thankfully no one was hurt.
    No snow here, just rain and then more rain!
    V xxx

  20. Jill Spain

    What a lovely mobile. I thought the one you posted last week was lovely, but this is even more gorgeous. Great pics of spring bursting out too – Higgins looks pleased. Hope yuo have a good week

  21. Alison

    Sorry to hear about your accident but I’m so glad your back on the road. The mobile looks so much fun with the balls of wool and needles.
    Ali x

  22. Kirsty Hoare

    Loving your new mobile and your snowdrops. My snowdrops have unfortunately bitten the dust this year – not a single one came up.

    Hope you get your car sorted soon.

  23. Helen

    I love the knitting mobile,, so colourful and cheerful 🙂
    Glad you got the cr sorted out too x
    Not looking forward to snow again. I know we dont suffer as they do elsewhere, but its no fun pushing a pram thru the ice with a fat belly! Still am glad not to be in your neck of the woods in the winter! As pretty as it is!

  24. Ewa

    Wow! What a time you have had! Glad it all got sorted out in the end. The aftermath of these ‘prangs’ can be a positive nightmare!!! Good idea to absorb yourself in a creative activity such as needle felting! Perfect tonic! Well done. Your garden looks fab. Trying not to be envious, as all I can see in my garden (in Scotland) are bit of leaves poking out of the ground! Ho. Hum. Just have to be patient and hope the slugs have not munched the 200 snowdrop bulbs I planted last year! Have fun!

  25. Mrs. Micawber

    Those insurance companies – how they hate to let go of YOUR hard-earned cash! I’m glad your story had a happy ending, and that no one was hurt.

    The snowdrops are lovely, and I’m longing to see violets again. Thanks for sharing yours!

    That mobile is perfect – like a colourful little galaxy of yarny stars.


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  27. Gigi Lee

    I want to make mobiles and saw your pics on Sulia. So here I am. Great site. I’ll be following you. Thanks.

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