Just a little post to tell you about the Planet Penny Bakery which is happening next weekend at Arts Desire in Norwich. The Craft Lounge at Arts Desire is hosting a workshop next Saturday morning between 10.30 and 1pm where I will teaching how to create these low calorie, high fibre cupcakes. A plateful of these little fancies would look so cute on a dresser full of eclectic vintage china, and they make great pincushions!
There are still a few places on the course. It would be lovely to have you along to learn a fascinating skill which once mastered will open the door on all sorts of projects. The only limit is your imagination! If you don’t live near enough but have friends in the area, please spread the word…
Don’t forget to come back and visit very soon because I have such a great giveaway coming up!
I’ve always enjoyed finding gadgets, books, patterns etc I can recommend via the blog. These days I get approached to write and host reviews. This is very flattering, but I value my relationship with all of you far too much to want to turn my personal space on Planet Penny into advertising space for random ‘Stuff’. (Believe me, some of the ‘Stuff’ I’ve been approached about is extremely random! )
So I’ve got something fab to tell you about, and then I’ll be giving you a chance to win one of your very own…Can’t wait? Well, come back tomorrow to find out…
See you then…x
P.S. This week I’m linking up with Handmade Monday so do call over and catch up with all the crafty goings on!

Great job on the cupcakes. They look so lifelike!
Is there no end to your creative ability? They had me fooled! I hope it all goes well for you Penny.
The cupcakes look awesome, unfortunately the Isle of Wight is a bit far to come for a workshop…
Low calorie, high fibre cupcakes? Are you sure they are not edible Penny?! I hope your workshop fills up this week and wish I could teleport myself to attend. Looking forward to tomorrow’s mystery post.
We bumped into T,C, M and B on the beach this afternoon, it was lovely to see them all again and are meeting up on Weds for some after work pimms! Wish you could teleport to join us. have a great week Penny and thanks for your lovely comment on my recent post xox Penny
I thought they were real!! looking forward to tomorrow.
Your cupcakes are truly amazing! And I can’t wait till tomorrow’s surprise!
Wow. They are so realistic !!! Can’t wait for the surprise tomorrow xx
You had me fooled for a bit too. Lovely cakes.
They look totally edible!
Has Higgins tried one?
Ooooohh, that strawberry looks so real – very mouthwatering. Lovely work, as always, you are so talented. Hope you have a good week
I’ve just spent 5 minutes staring at your cakes and trying to decide whether some of them are edible or not! You really are very creative and talented.
aww these are so pretty! i looooove the strawberry one! i agree, they would look gorgeous decorating a dresser. I’m sure you’ll have tonnes of takers for the workshop
Oh wow! I honestly thought these were real! I was about to get my apron out!! Wish I was nearer Norwich. Good luck with the workshop
I thought they were real too!!! Your skill never ceases to amaze me! Jo x
Now that is a workshop I would love to be able to attend. Your cakes look truly amazing.