Thank you!

What a wonderful welcome back you have given me, unexpected and so heartwarming. Thank you…

I thought I would share with you something pretty personal to me which might give you a little insight to my journey back here. It certainly helped me make sense of my own life over the past few years and some clarity as to how I want to travel into the future.

I had a lot of pleasure drawing it too!

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3 thoughts on “Thank you!

  1. Mary

    I do hope you’ve found some comfort in both the lighthouse of family and the meadow of hopefulness – wonderful imagery there and remember that your value dear Penny lies in your self, your unique YOU not in any thing you may feel you must create or accomplish x creativity will return for each of us – you are not alone xx

  2. cleopiti

    Thank you too !
    You’re not alone, dear Penny, and you’ve a map !
    I love it !
    I hope i’ll find my way too ! May be, shall I draw my own map too !
    Many thanks Penny !

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