So, I’ve talked about it long enough – I am now officially a blogger. Jane Brocket of the Yarnstorm blog must take the credit (or blame) for this as I had her lovely book, ‘The Gentle Art of Domesticity’ for Christmas and I am now fired with enthusiasm.
I ‘m doing my usual thing of having too many projects on the go at once, but when I saw Jane’s lovely wavy crochet throw I just had to have a go, especially as I had a bag of gorgeous soft bluebelly colours sitting by my chair. By the end of the first episode of the last Prime Suspect I had enough made to have a disagreement with Henry the cat about it. It would grow so much more quickly without 14 pounds of purring tabby cat sprawled across it! However, there is also the small matter of a basket of snappy turquoise and blue crochet squares to stitch together into a cosy blanket for small grandsons, a stripy pullover in a landscape of soft greens, gold and yellow for the larger of the two boys, and a gorgeous explosion of a big knitted square in firework colours to turn into a bean bag. So why am I sitting at the computer?