Monthly Archives: January 2008

Unfinished symphonies, crochet & knit – finished!

Sampler square crochet blanket Crochet blanket and knit cushion

A big gap since my last entry while I applied myself to all those projects I was writing about. The crochet blanket had been lurking in a basket for quite a while since I first started working my way through a book of crochet squares patterns.

I’d got to the point of joining the squares which is deadly dull, and I needed the impetus of hearing about my son Thomas’ move into an old cold house with two small boys to push me into action and get it done and dusted. Now it is finished and delivered, and I am nursing a rotten cold, I’m wishing I had one for me!

Once I had that under my belt I was on a roll… Next was the floor cushion. I bought this amazing yarn from Ebay, a big hank of random dyed marino wool with a strange thick/thin twist and started knitting it out from the centre, log cabin style. I backed it with a piece of scarlet furnishing fabric from my stash, and fastened it with big buttons… it looks great! That went off to the grandsons as well!

Now all I have to do was to polish off the little pullover – done! – and I’ve cleared the decks for the next project. Except for the socks

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