Saturday 13th June was World Knit in Public Day so we took ourselves off to the village shop and sat outside, wowing the passing public with our knitting skills! The sun shone, Andy in the shop supplied coffee and biscuits, and we spent a pleasant morning chatting to the shop customers as they came to collect their morning papers. A couple of people went home and collected their own knitting projects so that they could come back and join us. It was nice to think that we were part of something so global , and yet we were able to take part in it on our own doorsteps.
If you look very closely at me in the left of the photo you will see I am wielding giNORMOUS knitting needles made by my friend Bill, (in return for some mad socks). I was able to use up a vast quantity of fluffy wool 10 strands at a time to make what I thought would be a rug. Henry thinks differently, so at the moment it’s a cat bed.