Was back in old haunts on Monday, Jen and I went to look round the Degree Show at Norwich University College of the Arts from which we both graduated in 2005. I was particularly impressed by the Visual Studies and Textile work and not just because those are my own fields of particular interest. There was such a high degree of skill and expertise displayed, areas which seem to lose out when the drive is towards ‘Conceptual Art’, and the concept is considered communicated by an unmade bed or a thumbprint in a blob of Blu Tack. Any way, all grist to the mill from my point of view of getting back my thing, oooh don’t know the word, but I had it when I left Art School and then mislaid it! All topped off with lunch in a shady garden and a catch up on the gossip, lovely!

Oh penny!! I really must get my fringe cut!
I have just caught up with your blog, and its fantastic. I really enjoyed our day at the art school and lunch too.
The print making workshop looked interesting, I visited the exhibition yesterday , lovely day – exhibition followed by walk on the beach with Abbe and Poppy and then lunch at the Dun Cow. Had a ‘Marley & Me’ moment tho ,when Poppy decided to jump out of the parked car and then proceeded to dangy from her harness alongside the car, much to the amusement of many and I mean many passers by!!!
take care Penny see you soon Jen
All sorts of lovely things here. I must show Mari (my wife) she’ll love it all as much as I do.
Best wishes,