Last night saw the monthly meeting of the Knit and Stitch group that I started in our village. There was quite a debate at its inception as to whether we could advertise a ‘Stitch and Bitch‘ group in the parish magazine. In the end it was decided that it might, just possibly, cause a fit of the vapours amongst those of a nervous disposition. We are very delicate here in Norfolk! Still, it hasn’t stopped us all having a very jolly evening once a month with wine, tea, coffee, gossip and laughter and even the odd stitch or two. Although the basis for the group is that we use stitches of all persuasions – knitting, crochet, needlepoint, cross-stitch et al., we are currently working on a joint project making squares for a comfort blanket ahead of the Macmillan Coffee Morning at the end of September. There are a variety of patterns from well known knitwear designers to be downloaded from the website and I happily started on the first of those, a rather lovely Debbie Bliss cabled square.
I have to report it’s completely unsuitable for knitting in company, especially with a nice glass of wine in the mix! It is impossible to sit there muttering “Purl seven knit fifteen cable three back knit four make bobble knit two…. OH, *?!^$!*!!!? where was I?…” while every one else is chatting and having fun. Carol sensibly opted for a straight moss stitch which looked great, and she didn’t rip it out once! I got up this morning, made a cuppa and finished it in an hour. I’ve now passed the pattern on to my mother, it may be the only Debbie Bliss one I make, the Martin Storey square looks quite relaxing!
Although this colour really doesn’t do it for me! To be continued…
I’m always so admiring of those who can knit cables and intentional holes . Mind you , I can do moss stitch and think your friend made a wise choice . Hope you show us the completed blanket , when it’s finished .
Just reread my comment above ….. once completed , the blanket would be finished , wouldn’t it .
I’m halfway through knitting that Debbie Bliss square… for the second time! The size was all wrong for me when I started it and I had to alter the pattern!