I’m celebrating the completion of a second pair of socks! Despite my little difficulty about repeating myself, I’ve actually made not one but two pairs of matching socks with Christmas presents in mind. I don’t make them for just anybody. They take too long, and the wool is too expensive to give then to the people who look at them askance and then buy multipacks of sports socks from Matalan (you know who you are!) No my socks are for the appreciative people in my life, and for them I am happy to acknowledge the fact that they have two feet and go that extra mile to produce two socks the same. Although the price of a ball of sock yarn to produce one pair is more than that multi pack, I realised today as I was lining up my personal collection for a photoshoot that I am still wearing the first pair I ever made, in 2004. And they still make me happy…
I had a little help with the photography, Higgins wasn’t sure about the lighting…

I appreciate them. I do, I do, I do!
And I’ve been good all year.
but such BIG feet!
Oh what fabulous socks!! How long will it take me, I wonder, to progress from re-learner’s lumpy-scarf knitting to wonderful socks?
(And why don’t you have an email address? I need help to sort out the award you so nicely gave me!)
Oh dear! Here it is.. .pennygj@googlemail.com If I can knit socks, anyone can! Penny x
Gorgeous socks… what a lovely range of colours. I’m knitting some for my husband for Christmas but it’s slow progress. Haven’t forgotten about my award by the way!
As a Matalan Multipack Male I agree you should ONLY give them to those who will cherish them.
This swine agrees that such knitted pearls should not be cast before him.
However, I do appreciate the skill and admire the colours. But I’m firmly comitted to Phillistine Engineering Grey, ‘cos if they ain’t like that when I get, them they soon will be.
Much as I love you, if I had to knit with Phillistine Engineering Grey wool I would lose the will to live xxx
Exceptionally pretty socks ….and TWO of each colour . You have indeed gone the extra mile . I can quite understand your feeling that they musn’t be given away willy-nilly …… in fact I’d keep them all for myself !
signed : the buyer of multi packs of black socks in Primark , Sonata .
To all those who think they can’t knit socks, it’s okay….not painful….Penny encouraged me to tackle my first pair. I went to see the lovely lady who sells wool on Norwich Market. Her stall is full of scrumptious wool and lots of encouragement. I was so proud. All went well all the way down the ‘cuff’ , round the heel, (a triumph) onwards, tapering towards the toe, and then I had to finish off with ‘grafting’. It’s like getting all the way round Aintree and plummeting off at the final fence when you’re in the lead! I will get it eventually………oh yes I will. In the meantime all those waiting for the first pair off the needles, be patient, especially Chris who loves woolly socks.
In the meantime if anyone has a picture/diagram of how this is done, pleeeeeease! I like visuals not wordy instructions. Love Kit
I buy those too! A girl can never have too many socks! P x
Try this, it may help! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7jIzwO5Nv4
Weehee – fab socks! They’re super. I’m going to have a go making some – I’d be happy with one!
Make one and keep your money in it under the mattress as I threatened the bank manager last time the bank messed up! Px
Wonderful socks!!! Srummy colours!!!!
I found some wonderful sock wool when we were in Denmark and knitted two pairs last year. Determined to not waste a scrap of wool, I decided to use the ‘toe-up’ method (found instructions somewhere on the web).
We went Denmark again this year, so I bought another stash of sock yarn
A very festive red stripy pair of socks is in progess – just turned the heel of the second one and on the home straight.
You’re absolutely right – I would have to interview a prospective recipient of hand knitted socks, to make sure the socks would beworn, loved and cared for over many years. I would also offer a darning service so their life could be extended
Celia (H)
We have a branch of extended family in Denmark. I need to train one of my visiting offspring in the merits of sock wool before their next visit and send them with a wish list! P x
Your socks look SPLENDID displayed like that, really lovely. Higgin’s is just like Douglas, has to get in on the action when there’s a camera around! Love Vanessa xxx
You know Penny, I just might try that – my fortune would fit nicely into one sock! Thanks
Your knitted socks are divine. I;ve only knitted one pair but I wasn’t too happy with the way the random wool colours turned out – a bit too dull (it was Noro yarn, so not cheapo).
Do you have favourite yarns, patterns, books that you could recommend. Your photos have inspired me to try again.
Thanks x
Hello Deborah, Thanks for commenting, it’s really nice to get feedback. Have a look at Viridian Yarns for some nice bright colours, I usually use their pattern which is very user friendly,and easy to size down. I’ve made little ones for my grandsons and they love them! I also like the little Vogue ‘Knitting on the Go’ books which you can probably get on Amazon. Good luck, I’d love to know how you get on. P x
Just to add to that, I didn’t realise that Viridian is a wholesale outlet, I must have got their yarn through someone else. They do have an extensive list of shops selling their yarns on their website so I hope you find one near you. Penny x
On Sat, Dec 12, 2009 at 6:03 PM, Penelope Graham-Jones wrote:
> Hello Deborah, Thanks for commenting, it’s really nice to get > feedback. Have a look at Viridian Yarns for some nice bright colours, I > usually use their pattern which is very user friendly,and easy to size > down. I’ve made little ones for my grandsons and they love them! I also > like the little Vogue ‘Knitting on the Go’ books which you can probably get > on Amazon. Good luck, I’d love to know how you get on. > P x >
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