…the Norwich Bead and Textile Fair that is. A lovely Sunday morning treat. Having said that, I ALWAYS get a headache when I go to these things, I get so overwhelmed with colour, and texture, and wanting to try new things and talking myself out of it … Anyway, we did our usual circuit to check out what was on offer, a coffee to calm down and then spent some money.
I couldn’t resist this fabric…
I seem to have a ‘tea’ thing in my head at the moment,because there was also this button…
(which is much much smaller than that!)
I’ve been wanting to try printing some fabric for a project for ages so I was very happy to find Crafty Notions stand, a range of textile paints called Colourful Thoughts and a nice lady demonstrating exactly how they work so I bought these…
And then, to keep myself occupied in odd moments with a ball of wool, I HAD to have this…
Natural Dye Studio ‘Angel’ baby Alpaca, Cashmere and Silk lace weight. It is SO soft, and came with a free scarf pattern…
It was nice to meet up with old friends, and make new ones. Fellow students from courses at Broadland Art Centre, a bloggy friend, Teena of Kitschen Pink, and Bridget of feltbybridget.com with her lovely felty, woolly stall. Bridget even went home and started her own blog!
Outside in the fresh and rather damp air, were some lovely pieces of floral inspiration. Don’t you just love the colour of these pansies?
I feel a patchwork quilt coming on…
…and in the strange rather stormy overcast light, the euphorbia was almost Dayglo green…
And we found a little bed where the planting was straight off a nineteen thirties printed cotton frock…
And now it’s time to get some work done. I’m still working my way through sorting stuff out of boxes, but I now have a work surface and lots of things to get on with…
Back soon!
P.S. My 100th post is coming up very soon, watch out for another giveaway…!

Fabulous purchases… especially that gorgeous fabric. I can imagine those rows of pansies inspiring a quilt.
Hi Penny
Love your teacup fabric! and your lovely floral photo’s…..
I love that button! So cute!
Aaaww Higgins, you little porky pie. We give ours apples and carrots, sweet peppers, Douglas isn’t so keen on strawberries or plums, must be the texture. But yes, grapes and chocolate are meant to be a no-no. And celery (I think). What a fab bumper blog post, so much to admire, like the tea cup fabric and your crochet scarf, the yarn is crocheting up beautifully. And your little flowers on your tea pot cosy, how wonderful. I like pansies too, their happy little faces, that photo of the pansy ‘quilt’ is lovely. Glad to hear you’re well. Love Vanessa xxx
mmmm, lovely stuff…. the dye looks inspiring, look forward to seeing what you do with it!