Hello All, Higgins here! Being helpful again! Mum’s been busy in the garden all week. She says I’m not helpful there. At All…Grrrrmph….those green things are growing aren’t they? Why do they have to be in rows?
So I’m on the tappy thing. Do you want to hear about me going to the beach? I went with Auntie Aimee And Auntie Charlotte. Mum didn’t come. She can’t do long walks like we can. I had to wear my seat belt, it’s boring.
I like the beach but they said I had to wear my jumper.
That’s boring too…but it’s warm…I s’pose…
There’s a big bath at the beach, it’s called the sea. It’s very cold…not like my bath at home…and there was a thing, having a bath…
I thought it was dog, and we could play, but it didn’t have any EARS!! I’ve got lovely ears. Auntie Charlotte said it was a seal…
I think it wanted to play too…
…but it didn’t have any LEGS! I’ve got legs even though they’re only little … AND he didn’t have a towel…
My legs got a bit tired so I had to have a carry back to the car…
I had to have my jumper taken off…
… AND wear my seat belt…AGAIN!
…but I had a lovely day…THANK YOU!
P S. A big thank you to Charlotte for the great photos…

A great post! Max and Benjy are amazed by ‘the sea monster.’
Oh Higgins, what a strange animal that was! You looked very smart indeed in your coat. It looks as though you had a lovely time on the beach. I am impressed with your typing – tricky with paws x
Oh Higgins! What an adventure!…I wish I had an ocean where I live! Thank you for the report!
Val in Kansas
Oh I wish We would go to see seal! you are lucky!
A brill blog – lots of super stuff – I will be back for a better snoop!!
WOW, Higgins! Such an adventure. You are a very lucky boy to have such special aunties to take you to see the critter at the beach. I miss the sea living here in Ontario…I remember the salty taste when the wind blew and the shcloopy sound of the waves on the sand.
I hope you gave your aunties thank you kisses.
P.S. It was very sensible of you to wear a seat belt.
great post – loved the pics of the seal (and higgins!)
congrats on 100 posts – keep going!!
You are more than welcome Mr Higgins, we had a lovely day too! Big kisses from your auntie Aimee xx
Oh Higgins! What a super day you had with you lovely aunties. How very sensible to wear a seat belt and put on you snuggly red jumper while you were walking on the beach.
The seal too – how exciting for you!
Is Penny going to let rename the blog to Planet Higgins?
Only Higgins could outshine a seal !
But the trim figure you cut in that nifty red jumper is very dashing . Definitely your colour !
I have just discovered your Blog and am enjoying reading back over the past 100. Happy Anniversary.
They are great photos – the seal is adorable!
It’s prime orca spotting season here but I haven’t seen so much as a lump of drift wood.
Happy gardening!
Oh Higgins, you are a star and I have to say you look rather dashing in that fleecy red jumper!
I shall show the pictures to Lily (the whippet who doesn’t like walking) tonight to see if they inspire her.
She is already a convert to your guerilla style of gardening!
Higgins you do look very dapper in your jumper, even more fetching than that gorgeous seal you found in the bath x
Well Higgins, that’s a very busy day for such a small boy with little legs. What an adventure, and what beautiful eyes and nose you have, I almost found myself kissing the screen of my computer because you look so cuddly and GORGEOUS. Please don’t let that go to your head Higgins.
Your secret admirer, Vanessa xxxxxxxx
What a fabulous day it was young Higgins and the seal was very amusing wasn’t he!! We had a lovely day too and you look fab in your jumper – everyone says so, but we still prefer the batman suit! Lots of hugs, Auntie Charlotte xxx
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What a big adventure for a little dog, looked like the seal was looking for a friend.
Your coat looked very smart indeed.
Carol xx