Last year the Virginia Creeper was a solitary, spindly strand struggling to stay clinging to the wall. I was a little brutal and trimmed it back to door height during the winter and it’s done so well over the summer, despite being torn off in the wind several times. Now it is truly glorious, and I have high hopes of it spreading really well next year, and hiding the join between the old house wall and the extension.
I was a bit premature in a previous post when I said how well the sunflowers had withstood the wind and went outside to find one drooping miserably over the fence. Never mind, it’s all looking pretty good in a vase.
I’ve been playing around with my basket of Stylecraft Special DK and working on a cushion assortment to compliment the crochet blanket. Ikea came up trumps – again – on my last visit with small cushions, 30cms, for a ridiculous price, something like 79p a piece! I managed to hold back though and only got six.
My first two have been a colour experiment. A cool one…
…and a warm one.
I’m happy with how they look…
…and the quality controller is testing them as I write!
There’s another cushion in the making but for now I’ve got to persuade Higgins it’s time for walkies, just as he’s decided it’s time to get comfy…

Oh Penny what beautiful autumn colours! I love the warm coloured crochet cushion it looks super cosy for the autumn chills and as for Higgins he is super sweet as quality controller xox thanks for all your uplifting colours x
Hello Penny! How wonderful autumn colours! You have made beautiful cushions! It’s so nice to use lot’s of colours and mix them for crochet! I’m happy to see Higgins who is always so lovely! Hugs for him!
Wishes Teje
What a gloriously colourful posting Penny! The Virginia Creeper looks spectacular and what to say about your crochet? I am sure the quality controller will agree ….. Gorgeous!!
Val xx
Ooh penny I love them!!!!! They’re lovely… I was thinking for my next cushion (in preparation for my cushion exhibition!!!! he he he) i need to make a granny square one, a good old plain granny square, which let’s face it, is the best type around! your colours are so inspiring and delish on this grey windy day in NZ!
OK penny, I have to go and hit the books again, thank for that wee diversion!
I’m colour happy!
p.s 79p??? thats cheaper than our blimmin op shops!
Oh what a delightfully cheerful post Penny. Especially welcome on this cold, grey dripping morning. Your creeper has wonderful hues, your Sunflowers are worthy of van Gogh and the cushions look wonderful against your quilt – enhanced, of course, by Higgins.
Hi..the virginia creeper is so gorgeous..i have one at front of the house and its so beautiful,have another at bottom of garden thats slowly advancing towards the house..i love them just wish the colour would last longer..i absolutely love your crochet work..i can’t do that..but as compensation i got 2 of the most beautiful crochet blankets from a jumble sale for £ satisfaction..they are just perfect for snugglies for my 2 little girls and me when they are not here…
take care
It obviously pays to be firm with Virginia Creeper , I see . That’s a stunning display .
And inside is as bright and cheery as out ! I’m now quite warmed up despite all the wind and drizzle we’ve been having , Thankyou !
Higgins in that last photo! Ellie gets quite violent if we try to move her when she’s comfy, which of course I don’t put up with. She’s so strong willed for something so tiny. Watch out you don’t get comfy on that sofa in your studio Penny, it looks lethally comfortable and inviting, and GLORIOUS! Love Vanessa xxx
Your colors are so beautiful together. The cushions are so pretty and they look so comfortable. You inspire me to take up my hook and get busy , and your Higgins looks very much like my Cole. He is a character and indeed my quality control checker also.