Monthly Archives: October 2010

All Better Now…

Thanks you all so much for all the lovely messages of concern about Higgins when he wasn’t well.  He really enjoyed all the kisses and cuddles I had to pass on and it seemed to work.  He’s finished all the pills, and is back on form, full of bounce and mischief. As you can see…

He really isn’t supposed to sit on the studio  sofa, given that he’s eaten all the corners off the indoor cushions, but somehow, using that ‘bottom that’s made out springs’, he gets there.

After a big walk this morning I tucked him up in bed  so I could sneak off to Norwich for lunch, a gallery and a little retail therapy.  The King of Hearts is a lovely destination for all of those things and it’s such a shame that due to lack of funds it’s due to close very soon.  After a bowl of warm and spicy soup we had a look round the Twenty by Twenty Exhibition, an eclectic mix of East Anglian talent covering print, sculpture, textiles and mixed media.

The retail therapy came courtesy of some of the little independent shops which are popping up in Norwich which is making it more amd more exciting, interesting and dangerous to the purse!  Mrs Bobobun wrote about this one a little while ago but I only got there today.  It’s lovely!

It’s full of all the stuff I love. I limited myself to a present for my daughter, and as it was so prettily wrapped up in tissue  I can’t show you what it is yet!

Can you guess?

And I also indulged my wrapping paper fetish. I’m always falling in love with gorgeous paper, and then can’t bring myself to use it!  This is double sided, so twice as nice…

Then there is The Book Hive extremely dangerous place for me since it’s full of books!

And you know what I’m like around books.  I bought this one….

I’ve dipped into it , there’s another blog post in my head already!

I had to drop in to see the lovely wool lady on Norwich Market… Really.  I had to.  I found two more lovely colourways in the wool I used for the fingerless gloves  in this post

and some lovely bright sock wool.

I really need to knit myself some new socks.  All my old faithfuls have started to go into holes, possibly helped by having my toes chewed…need I say more?

But I mustn’t start anything else until I’ve finished my latest cushion. I’ve done the granny squares…

…but the latest one has been a bit more ambitious, and has required a degree of ‘frogging’ to get it right.  It be all ready for my next post.

Oh dear, there’s a beeping from the kitchen.  Time to remove the Blogger hat and put on the Chef’s apron.  I’ll leave you with the rose I rescued from the garden before the last bout of nasty weather…


We’ve got to do the prize draw.  Higgins was really looking forward to it. We were going to have fun with the hat, and interesting pieces of paper and possibly running round the garden trying to read the piece of paper before it got too soggy.

But Higgins is a poorly little pup…

We had to spend some time at the vet’s today because he couldn’t eat his breakfast biscuits and spat out his cornflake at Granny’s.  And when he barked at the post lady, he squeaked.  It seems to be a sore throat.  I have been poaching chicken to serve with rice and he can manage that.  No walkies, and no playing with friends…and Higgins can’t do that either! 

So while Higgins sleeps off the injection and the antibiotic tablets, I am quietly enlisting the assistance of the online Random Number Generator (which isn’t quite so much interactive fun)

I gave everyone a number, pressed go..and…


Sarah Hickman!

Congratulations Sarah! Your Pompom Bunting will be in the post next week, I hope you enjoy it.   Meanwhile, I shall put my nurse’s hat on again and go and check out the sick room…sssssh….

Town and County

I’d already been thinking about Town and Country life when the latest Selvedge Magazine landed on the door mat this morning.  Isn’t it strange when that happens?

Last week we stayed in North Somerset for a couple of days visiting family and even though I left there when I was a child I still feel I’m going ‘home’.  I love the hills, and the meadows.  It seems so green after living in arable Norfolk where the fields are so often ploughed and brown.  But I’m also very fond of Bristol as a city and we were lucky to have a beautiful day for a quick visit,  and a trip across the river on the ferry to walk around the new development of what used to be the docks.

I love that row of icecream coloured houses perched precariously along the edge, don’t you? I do have an ‘If I win the lottery fantasy’ about buying an apartment just here, very streamlined and minimalist, and trotting off in the evening to a sophisticated little bar before moving on to the theatre.  Spending sunday mornings on one of the boats that have been converted into a restaurant reading the papers over a leisurely breakfast and popping off to Bath in the afternoon for a cream tea.

It’s very modern…

This is the Planatarium. Could it be a planet for Penny?

The pigeons always make themselves at home…

The facilities don’t seem to be so good for dogs.  Don’r show Higgins…

We also visited Bath, not for a cream tea, but lunch.

I love the warm golden look of Bath…

One day we’ll get there with more time to explore.  I rather wanted to go lion hunting.   There were apparently 100 lions all over the city to discover, decorated by various artists and groups.  These were rather elegant…

But my heart was won by this one…

Isn’t he just fabulous?

Love the curled lip, all that’s missing are the blue suede shoes!

Back home, the lovely weather is over and we’re back to dog walking in the mud.

But there’s lots to see here too.  Free food…

Beautiful colours…

A very brave poppy!

And these delicate, amazing toadstools…

So where would you rather be? With what you know about me now can you see me in a minimalist apartment without my mountain of yarn, and textiles and books and stuff?  Nope, me neither!

P.S. Tomorrow is the day of the Pompom Bunting Draw from this post.  If you are quick there is still just time to leave a comment and enter!

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