This year I’m taking back Christmas. I’ve spent too long being made cynical by the avalanche of glittery glitzy comercialisation which starts it’s inexorable rumble around the middle of October. I’m left feeling overwhelmed and inadequate by Christmas Eve because I’m not hosting my own little festive drinks party, handing round my Marks and Spencers nibbles wearing the little black dress I have successfully slimmed into over the preceding weeks, my face dewy from the Clarins facial I fitted in earlier on in the day while having a pedicure. I only recover my equilibrium on Christmas morning when, wrapped in an apron, I potter round the kitchen with the sprouts and the turkey with carols on the radio, talking to family and getting back to what Christmas is really all about.
I’ve already experienced the familiar panicky feeling in the supermarket when confronted by pyramids of Quality Street and Roses tins, I just want to run away and hide till it’s all over. Last year I got in such a flap because nobody sold Christmas cards I could bear to write my name in, I didn’t send any at all!
This year it WILL be different.
Last night I sat tucked up on the sofa with Delia and Nigella and the Christmas issues of Country Living,
Country Homes and Interiors …
and the Sainsbury Magazine …
and got in the mood. I’m all geared up to make a Christmas cake for the first time in years, (I probably won’t be doing anything very ambitious with the icing after the Fairy Cake debacle!) AND a pudding, AND mincemeat. I will share with you the frangipane mince pie recipe I discovered last year which turned me from ‘take it or leave it’ on the mince pie front to a ‘sneak into the pantry last thing at night’ greedy pig.
And I shall make more decorations and share those with you too.
This isn’t a spur of the moment decision either. If you’ve been visiting Planet Penny for a while you may remember this post from way back. I didn’t mention it again because it seemed to frighten you all!
There are 39 days to go. Maybe this year I will be organised? Are you going to join in?

I think I shall be sticking to good old humbug again this year, but I hope you enjoy your foray into the experience. I’m looking forward to seeing what decorations you come up with.
This year our oldest son and his family will not be able to come to our house this Christmas. So, instead of sitting there wondering what to do–we are going on a cruise with our other (single) grown children. I will decorate the house some but not as much as usual. I will get the baking that I love to do out of my system next week for Thanksgiving. We can decide what we do or don’t want to do. When I look at the open ocean I feel so close to God–so I don’t think I will forget just because I am on a cruise–the reason for the season.
I like the idea of ” Taking back Christmas ” I’m in.
I had to do a bit for Christmas a while back as I organised a swap
(on my other blog) but otherwise it can all wait – a daughter to get through her driving test & 18th birthday first – packed lunch for 20 hungry paintballers – she decided NOT to have a party HORRAY !!! We are going out to dinner as a family on her birthday & someone else can do all the hard work!
Can’t stand it when the shops get Christmas decorations in before we’ve even had Halloween & bonfie night !
Most of our village shops have poppies in their windows & not a hint of tinsle in sight !
We have decided to “do” Christmas this year. Money is always tight so we have given each other promises/swapped chores/something for the house etc for Christmas the past few years. This year I just want to unwrap something,something that isn’t practical, and something hubby has chosen for me. We always decorate though and make a big deal about meals,and the cats always get new toys(like they need anymore!!) and being in Canada we always get snow, but I just want to tear off pretty paper and be suprised.
Jane x
Dear Penny, I feel the same! I feel every year that I can’t stand all the ‘fuss’ around the Christmas but then I found the mood and in my own piece at home I make decorations and bake something easy and enjoy the lights in the tree and the candles around! I have to go to by ‘Country Living’ – this Christmas issue is always so wonderful!
Best wishes Teje
Lovely Penny, well done for embracing the festivities, I am really impressed at the idea of a baked christmas cake and home made decorations. I love christmas day as Andy does all the cooking and I don’t wear a black dress looking glam, instead I stay in my PJ’s until I really have to get dressed and love watching Alice getting excited and joyful. We always make home made decorations in some form or other and I have kept these as the years have run forward. I like fairy lights and snuggling under blankets and drinking mulled wine a lot ;0)
My issue of Country living has been read and digested for December, I’m going to haul out the last couple of years issues and get some further inspiraton.
Your post made me laugh as it reminded me of the ‘grumpy old woman’ xmas program that appears on telly each year xox
I’ve made some presents this year (for those who appreciate handmade items) and I hope to crochet some snowflakes (Attic24 pattern)to hang and to put in presents too.
Won’t be making my cake, got a small one from M & S when they were half price.
Looking forward to your frangipangi mince pies recipe and the decoration instructions.
I have tickets for a York Waits Concert, will be going to the Christmas events at the Rydedale Folk Museum and the “A Light for Christmas” Service in St. Peter and St. Paul’s church in Pickering.
I hope your Christmas will be everything you hope it will be.
Hi Penny, Nero’s Post and Patch led me to your blog. I’m glad you’re embracing christmas this year! I’m beginning to think it will be the other way around for me… I started getting all excited over the first christmas magazines and decorations in october, but am beginning to feel a lack of cheer.. And there’s over a month to go yet!
Thanks for your comment, always so good to meet somebody new! As a lover of traditional Christmas it’s still a real jolt to celebrate the occasion wearing swimming costumes and flip flops. However, it does mean that there really isn’t a great deal more organisation to do than if you were planning a posh picnic. So a Kiwi Christmas on the beach again this year, fantastic!
Overwhelmed is just how I always feel. I love christmas, but really only the week before and up to Boxing Day. At work one woman mentions presents she’s buying from Argos nearly every day, I have to bite my tongue for fear of sounding a real old misery. I’m not as I have two little girls and a big man who still believe in the magic of it all, but I can’t cope with the crass, naff comercialism that so many people settle for. Definately a homemade christmas here with no Argos catalogues for the present shopping.
Before the girls we had christmas off one year and it was wonderful too. Hope you enjoy getting into the swing of it all Penny.
Lisa x
Eek! All of these christmas count downs are scaring me!!!!!
Your mags look so cozy… this is my first christmas on the blogs, so it’s my first time really seeing a white christmas! Or White Christmii? So many of them!!!
looking forward to seeing all of your making and cooking and special mincemeats that just must be eaten! have a lovely day Penny!
Dear Penny, it’s me again…I couldn’t reach you by e-mail to tell you that I would like to pass ‘The Versatile Blogger Award’ on to you! You have so wonderful blog full of lovely crafts and stories with Higgings!
Love Teje
Hi Penny – I’m leaving another comment to try to work out how & why I am getting a copy of all your comments sent to my email ! What did I do?!
I’m with you – bring on the holidays! I love them, I immerse myself in them and they bring me joy!! Woo hoo! I also love LOVE your color combinations on your pillows and afghan! Thanks for sharing!
Teresa from Corbett, Oregon
Oh, I get so homesick reading your festive posts – I am too entirely hot and bothered to think about putting the oven on! Can I just watch? I have half a pocket advent calendar made – hope that counts as getting in the spirit!
Lovew that you pointed out the best bit of Christmas though (not the sneaking into the pantry bit either)!
Go for it Penny! Love Vanessa xxx
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