Remember I mentioned robins the other day? Well, since then I’ve been seeing them all over the place and I particularly liked this image in Country Living.
But I’ve also been having a lovely time with the needle felting,which I have sadly neglected lately with all the knitting and crochet work I’ve been doing. I’ve really got to get back to making the big stuff I enjoy so much, but just at the moment I’ve been having lots of fun with my Christmas theme in mind. Hence the robins…
I love the way they fit into the palm of the hand, they are very tactile, if time consuming to make. I can just imagine how sweet they would look as a Christmas table centre, or all along a mantlepiece. That was the intention, but I have been getting sternly spoken to by my artist friends. How long ago did I first mention selling on line? Don’t tell me, it’s too long. I’ve been procrastinating like mad, in the name of research. However, after an assortment of dire threats from people I had previously assumed were sweet and mild mannered…ladies, you know who you are!…I have taken the plunge.
Planet Penny is now a Folksy Shop..Ta DAAA!
As from half an hour ago.
And there my little robins are available to buy. At the moment, I have said I’m only shipping to the UK, but do get in touch if you live somewhere else and would like to make a purchase.
Now I have to work out how to put a link on the side bar… Hmm, please bear with me, I think there might be a few teething problems before I get it right!

Edited to add: As of 2012, Planet Penny is to be found on Etsy, where the latest versions of the needlefelt Robins are to be found…

I DO love me some Higgins!!
Oh Penny, a HUGE congratulations for opening your folksy shop! Those felt robins are just heavenly and I will need to get my skates on over to your shop before they all sell out! You are ever so talented.
I was also mesmerised by the picture of the robin in this month’s Country Living adas for Higgins he’s so cute he’s almost edible! xxxxP xxo
Higgins looks so smart in his red jacket, bless him.
Your Robins are lovely, well done for opening the shop and good luck with it too.
the robins are adoable
Ooo I adore those little robins…so clever! And it looks like your pooch is trying to be a robin redbreast too
‘sweet & mild mannered’…at one time!
Oh oh oh! Oh my goodness! They are just wonderful. Now, if you’re coming to Holt tomorrow could you bring one or two along and I’ll buy them instantly? Oh! Fingers crossed you haven’t sold out xxx
Those Robins are just fab! So much character (love the feet too).
Oh they are adorable – I love the felt work I see in Blogland.
Higgns reminds me of Tilly( Matilda of Monks Hill to be exact ! ) my late Grandparents’ dog ( also no longer with us ). She got very fat then was diagnosed with diabetes & went to the size of a twiglet !
Doesn’t Higgins look smart? What an expression.
Lovely robins too.
Good luck with the Folksy shop.
Carol xx
Hello Penny! Vow – Vow Congratulations!!! I know how exited you’re feeling now (believe me…)!
I’m so happy you have done it! All the best for your new shop!
Love Teje
Ps. Kisses for Higgins!
…well done Penny and good start!!! Teje
Oh my goodness Penny, they are just adorable!!! I love them so much! Especially the picture with one upside down with his little feet! you are soooooooooooo clever….. I hope you sell heaps in your shop, crossing fingers for you!
I’m going to have a search on your blog for your tea cozy now… I’m obsessed and need some different tea cozy joy to feed my addiction!