We’re really getting into the swing of Christmas here on Planet Penny, are you keeping up? My main problem has been that if I’m being creative I can’t squeeze in the blogging, sorry, I will try harder!
Delia’s’ Happy Christmas’ is sitting up on the kitchen bar and I have in progress Christmas cake, Christmas pudding AND mincemeat. All of it has to sit over night for the flavours to blend so the kitchen will be a frenzy of activity tomorrow too. But the smell is already tantalising, mixed spice, cinnamon and my favourite, freshly grated nutmeg, the zesty tang of oranges and lemons and heady aroma of the dried fruit for the cake, steeping in brandy. (note to self – I must not pick and nibble…no, no, NO!)
This morning I popped out to the shop where the sun was shining on the snow and a brass band was playing carols which made me feel really festive so when I heard what a depressing play was on the radio I abandoned it for my ‘free from the Daily Mail’ carols CD….
Higgins, under protest, has gone for walk so I have been able to quickly clear up the carnage left after he disemboweled his festive reindeer soft toy, new today, little terror. He seems to think his mission in life is to remove the squeaks from all his toys, leaving a trail of stuffing all through the house.
So what have I been up to? Well next Saturday we have a Christmas Fair at our village hall and the Knit and Stitch Group have a table to fill. I have been stitching and stuffing in ever available spare moment, producing little hearts…
and birds…
The next project is to find a twiggy branch which I can turn into a tree for them to perch on at the fair, my cherry blossom branches don’t look Christmassy enough…
As usual I am battling with the light for photographs, flash does weird things with the colour. I find I don’t have one photo which shows that each little bird is made with two different but complementing colours with little silver stars for eyes, and every bird is different.
If you would like to buy the hearts or birds without a trip to Norfolk please get in touch!
Higgins is home now, and very tired. He can’t think who could have done the naughty thing to his toy and made all that mess, because he is, of course, a very good dog. Look, butter wouldn’t melt in his mouth, now would it?

What gorgeous decorations!! And Christmsd cooking…you just can’t go wrong with Delia. I made her Christmas cake last weekend and the house was filled with lovely, Christmassy, spicy smells!
Not fooled at all, Higgins. That’s the cute face a Very Naughty Little Dog makes when trying to get back in the good books.
From One Who Knows….
you have been busy Penny!!!
Oh I love those little birds, they’re gorgeous! I’d love a tree with just them on it for Christmas… or maybe a branch would do, instead of a tree…..
Naughty Higgins, thats sooooo cute! Raymond has many toy mice and he is intent on ripping the tails off them which he manages after a few months of playing!
Good luck for your stall! I hope you sell HEAPS!
I love your pink candy striped hearts Penny they look scrummy together. I have a few barebrances which I sprayed some silver spray onto to make them look a little more festive, might be an idea for your birdies xox All the very best with your sales , I’m sure you’ll be a sell out xox
Mmm – can smell the spices! Got jasmine and lemon blossom here, which is divine but not as festive as spiced fruit. Those wee birds are very lovely – I did notice the stars because at first I saw the one on the fruity bird, next to last and thought how clever that you matched a flower to where the eye should be and then I realised they all had flowers for eyes and then it dawned on me that they were actually stars…bet you wanted to know the un-workings of my rusty cogs for a brain…? I’ve been trying to make a dress for my mum for Christmas! Not going well! I wish you more luck with all your creative plans!
Oh Penny, you really are getting into the spirit aren’t you? Love the hearts and birds, I’m sure they will do very well on the stall.
You have been busy! I’m sure your birds and hearts will be snapped up.
Oh, who could have wrecked poor Higgins’s toy? It is obvious such an innocent looking dog couldn’t possible be the culprit, could he?
Did you get the Elvis Christmas CD with the Mail? It is excellent., another one for the Christmas CD colleciton.
I used to always listen to the play on Radio 4 but gave up on them. I find an audio book from the library is a good accompaniment to most tasks.
Carol xx
Still REALLY keen to buy one of your bright fair Isle cushions, any chance? I know I should make one myself but I just love your choice of colours, and I have birthday money burning a hole in my pocket.
my doxie does the same thing with her toys. shakes them back and forth, chews on them, and pulls all the stuffing out all over the house, just to get at the squeeker. once it’s been removed, she looses all interest in the thing and we have to buy new ones.
Ooh, new things! Your little birds are perfect Penny. Mr Robin has settled in here. He likes to sit on a tiny vintage flower pot and watch what’s going on.