Monthly Archives: January 2011

A New Year Gift…

….to celebrate my 150 Blog Post!   I can’t believe it’s come round so quickly…

Anyway, a belated Happy New Year to you all, thank you for visiting.  I’m sorry to have been away so long but there have been guests, invited and uninvited.  No-one invited flu of the Swinish persuasion, but he came anyway and laid several of our party low, and as I write the smallest one is still very poorly.  We’re all sending get well wishes southwards  as hard as we can, here in Norfolk.

So, not many photos at the moment, and not enough to join in with Emma’s Splash of Colour today, maybe tomorrow.

Higgins had a lovely time with all the people to cuddle him, he makes an excellent hot water bottle!  He wore his hat…

….for at least 20 seconds.  Ate his Father Christmas toy so fast I didn’t get a chance to photograph it, called a Christmas truce with Henry…

…and then dragged a cushion under the dining table to sleep off his own Christmas dinner while we ate ours.

Anyway, the giveaway.  Are you all decorationed out, or would you like something towards Christmas 2011 to hang on your tree?  I have been needlefelting again, this time Christmas baubles and I have made a very special one to share with you, and for one lucky person to win. 

The bauble is 5″ from the top wooden bead to the bottom bead,that’s  just under 13cm,  is made from my hand dyed Merino and Blue-Face Leicester fleece and is completely unique. (‘cos I hate to repeat myself!)

To win it, just leave a comment on this post, all the names will go into the hat and Higgins will decide the lucky winner by eating drawing the winning name.  the plan had been to draw it on Twelth Night but because I’m so late, I will let it run until next Monday, the 10th.

Even if you’ve never commented before, please do, it would be lovely to hear from you x

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