Sometimes its awfully tempting to be a complete slob, and NOT do the healthy dog walking thing but just to stay in out of the blustery weather and snuggle up with a book. Especially as the dog in question is equally unenthusiastic and dives under the covers at the sight of the little fleecy coat. But we’ve both got waistlines to worry about and perk up once we’re actually out there…

We were rather hoping to find snowdrops the other day and went off to Sheringham Park on the North Norfolk coast, which is a lovely place for walking, with added bracing sea breezes. There’s a woody area…
…and the spot where I know there will be bluebells in a few months time…
…there is the pasture around the house…
and the promise of masses of rhododendrons before very long.
In fact, a couple of brave and hardy ones were already showing what to expect later in the year…
But it was only at the very end of the walk I spotted what I had been looking for. A lone clump…
So if I can’t find drifts of snowdrops, can I find the mythic Bluebird of Happiness?
Oh yes, it’s at the bottom of my bag of coloured fleece, just waiting for the magic felting needle to conjure him up…
…and here he is, with his little pink felted heart…
just in time for Valentines day!
He’s destined for the Planet Penny Folksy shop so he could be yours!
And finally, the Pink Pooch has departed to be a star on the stage. Higgins found him to be far too much competition and barked long and hard every time he put in an appearance so he had to find theatrical digs elsewhere. He was happy to go though…
So with the competition safely out of the way, (and Henry the Cat safely ensconced in a chair) it’s safe to comandeer the prime spot in front of the fire…
Aaaah, that’s better…

Aaah! it’s a Higgins post
Thank you Penny
Lovely flower pics…so excited about the bluebells coming! I love the little bluebird…very sweet
Higgins, you’re the best! I’m happy to see that you enjoy your life and make so wonderful walks!
Dear Val, you have made adorable felting again! These are real piece of art!
Sunny wishes from Teje and Nero
Mum, you’re amazing!
Higgins on the other hand…
Goodness,Higgins and my cat could compete for the ‘Most Absurdly Relaxed Animal Pose of All Time”, not sure who would win.
Hello Penny, what a fabulous post! Your blue bird is just so delicately beautiful and I hope he finds a lovely new home soon. Higgins is just too cute for words, what character!
I long with pangs in my heart for bluebell season…ooooh yes bring it on xox P
Great post! The Bluebird is a work of art, really beautiful and Higgins? Such a cutie with his little coat!
You are amazing! the bluebird of happiness is so gorgeous! And so is Higgins! I’m glad you didn’t find bits of pink pooch everywhere!
Oh, I just love the Bluebird! You were so clever to make the Pink Pooch but I can understand why Higgins was unhappy with it.
I didn’t know that Thomas was related to you, I’ve been reading his blog for a few months. Talented chap, eh?
That last photo, classic! Perfect happiness and such a handsome chap.
The bluebird is beautiful, I’m sure he’ll soon be flying off to a new home.
My sister works full time and can’t have a dog until she retires so she joined Yesterday she took “her” dog out for the first time. Hope it is the first of lots of happy walks.
Oh, Higgins and snowdrops in one post.
I am happy!
Jane x
oh what lovely pics, and the snowdrops and the little bluebird and then Higgins the fire bliss
well the little bluebird of happiness just had to be mine Happy Monday
Sos, Higgins, the bluebird’s out done you this week! Gorgeous!
And snowdrops….
Lovely though the snowdrops are , those rhododenrons are very “you” in that fabulous pink !
I’m sure Pink Pooch’s rise to international stardom and acclaim will be meteoric and wish her well !