Is anyone else Tweeting? I was a very reluctant tweeter and stood by bleating instead as another member of the family set me up in order to follow Higgins on Twitter (I know, it’s mad, and now you know that madness runs in the family! And Higgins is hopeless at Tweeting, he’s too busy barking…)
And now I’m still in two minds. For all its good points – the networking, the information, it’s SUCH a distraction. I keep wandering off at a tangent, looking at other blogs, recipes, photographs and websites. I know it’s a really good way of finding a network of other people doing what I do, and as I tentatively start to offer my wares for sale I know that it’s a good thing but there’s just TOO MUCH INFORMATION! That’s the trouble with a butterfly brain, I keep fluttering off to the next pretty flower!
But I have been doing some actual, as opposed to virtual, fluttering in the garden. It’s been one of those days when you know that even if Spring hasn’t actually sprung yet, it’s going to do it very soon. I planted some pots to put by the studio door a couple of weeks ago and they are looking good…
…if a little windswept! As Higgins will tell you!
And in the front garden there are all sorts of little patches of loveliness…
Woops, there’s my little shadow again…
…probably worrying I’m about to find his secret bones stash. (He has this unfortunate habit which I’ve only just found out about. He sometimes has a little hide bone which always seemed to disappear remarkable quickly. I found out why when I cleared out the raised vegetable beds. As I was heaving out the old dead stuff Higgins leapt in to rescue…uurgh..what’s THAT…? Have you ever seen one of those dried hide bones when they’ve been rehydrated by a few weeks in the mud? They turn into a long, unravelled jellyish wobbly bit of blubber and look especially revolting when being dragged away by a frantic little dog who is convinced I’m going to snatch it away to eat myself. I don’t think so!)
But mostly, I’ve been needlefelting. My little Bluebirds have flown away, two of them all the way to Sweden. But another little creature has turned up on Planet Penny. It’s the Gardening Mouse! He scuttles around under the trees on Planet Penny arranging the wild flowers. would you like to meet him?
Although I’m very fond of him I must be business like, so if you need a little Gardening Mouse to help you, he can be found here.
So I’d better get back to work. Thank you for all the encouraging comments you’ve been leaving, it’s so lovely when you take time to stop by and say hello. I couldn’t do this without you!

I sometimes find soggy chews welded to carpets or cushions when Tosca’s 7 teeth have had to stop for a rest! Strange how little dogs love these horrible bits of dried skin…..
Hi Penny, no I have never gone anywhere near twitter… too afraid of things like twitter and facebook really. I find being a blogger takes up my time and then as you say it’s soooo easy to get distratced from one blog to another. I think I have a butterfly mind too to be honest.
Mr. mouse is a beautiful blue, your really are marvelous with our hand makes xox We are having glorious sunshine here today and I hae bee mothering Alice with a rotten cold. Good excuse to get some knitting done
ps. Ohh I forgot to say how amazing it is seeing spring unfurl at the moment, it fills my heart with sheer delight xox Enjoy!
Hi! I used to find the hide bones in my dogs hiding place. He was a Lab, so the bones were huge!
The little mouse you’ve made is very sweet, another one, that I’m sure will sell very quickly!
Love the gardening mouse, so cute.
Looks like you have a nice garden too. Ours is still a mess.
Such a beautiful mouse! Sadly we cannot rehome him because he would suffer a fate worse than a pink pooch in Higgins’ chops!!
Jane x
I’m the same with Twitter and not entirely sure what I’m doing. Love the little mouse!
I can’t see the point of Twitter, but then, I don’t have a business…I joined Facebook but I don’t really get that either.
Your garden has far more colour than mine, I have just the one Vinca flower. Was the wind blowing Higgins’s ear inside out?
Love the mouse, the colours are gorgeous.
What Higgins needs is a bit of doggy competition, then he’ll eat those bones. No bones about it. Hugo and I have just been cooing over his photos, we reckon he’s smaller than our Mini Dachshunds, we reckon he’s tiny!? Your mouse is very, very sweet Penny! Love Vanessa xxx
Thank you so much for your lovely comment on my blog! Your blog is lovely – I’ll be back soon
Hello Penny and Higgins! You seem to have more spring than we here in Crete! Thank your for lovely spring flowers!
I love your new mouse – it is just adorable! You make those tine sweeties so qute and live! Who wouldn’t need a sweet mouse for a company! I prefer your woollen mouse than the real one Nelli brought to me yesterday.
Hugs for Higgins! xxx Teje
Hello Penny, thank you for your lovely comment…
I completely agree with you, nature is unstoppable and My mum once said “remember, we’re just passing through here and we’re only visitors” which was very profound. Theres something about the earth shaking that is quite terrifying and makes us realise how teeny tiny we are in proportion to the world, and kind of shrinks our egos and makes us realise that there is so much more out there than our perceptions of life… maybe thats why there is so much pulling together after disasters instead of individualism?
Thank you Penny XXX
I know this post was a long time ago but your dog is just precious! Those feet!! OH OH OH!