Hooray, it’s official, today is the first day of Spring and Higgins and I have been in the garden in shirtsleeves! (Well I have, Higgins is still stuck in that hairy vest he wears) Hope you all had a lovely weekend. Tim and I went off to look for daffodils yesterday, and found some! Isn’t it ridiculous how you go off on holiday and hunt out nice places to go, but never get round to visiting places right on your doorstep at home?
We have the lovely Hoveton Hall Gardens literally next door to us and as we’d already missed the Snowdrop Walk for various reasons I was determined we’d get along to the Daffodil Walk. Unfortunately we didn’t have quite the glorious weather on Sunday which we enjoyed on Saturday so the photos aren’t quite at sparkly as I had hoped, but never mind. What is nice is that you can really see the bare bones of the garden as it comes to life and I’m now quite determined to go back at regular intervals and watch it grow, I think the rhodedendrons and azaleas will be glorious!
If I lived here I think I could spend quite a bit of time just drifting round this little lake in a rowing boat listening to the birds singing and the wind in the trees…
…with permission from Mr Swan of course!
I’ve never seen daffodils like this before…
Not entire sure what I make of these, there’s some thing a bit Bart Simpson-ish about them don’t you think?
I can’t wait to visit the Spider Garden when everything is in bloom, despite the scary guardian of the gate!
if you can’t quite make him (or her) out, this is what I mean!
After a nice walk and a cup of tea I got back to my latest needlefelting project. I was sorting through all my dyed yarns the other day and found a gorgeous little bag of something soft and very cuddly, and a completely natural colour.
It’s Alpaca fleece, and the herd live two fields away, here! And although it’s alpaca, doesn’t it just make you think of bunnies? Easter Bunnies? so here is my own Easter Bunny…
right down to his fluffy bunny tail!
Mr Bunny is now for sale in the Planet Penny shop on Folksy, so I think I’d better go and size up those Alpacas to see if they can spare any more fleece so I can make him some little friends!
Hope Spring is springing where you are xxx

all looks beautiful! I love the daffodils. you must look at the daffodils on Honing Long Lane this year-they are amazing!!
Hi Penny, great to see your spring! Amazing all those yellow flowers in the nature! But even more amazing is your bunny!!! Iiik it’s too sweet! I want to catch her cheeks and nose! I wish she could be mine … better make many friends for her …
Thank you so much for your lovely comment! xxx Teje & Nero
Hugs for Higgins and you!
Spring here too- glorious blossom and we even had blue sky for an hour or so this morning.Daffs coming out,hyacinths blooming and bees buzzing.Such a relief after the gloomy winter!
That is one cute rabbit.
Isn’t it wonderful to see the sun and the flowers? I did like the Bart Simpson ones. Such a cute bunny.
What a super place to have on your own doorstep! I love that spider’s web gate.
Lovely Penny! THose big trees look so magical, they don’t grow like that in NZ and I love looking at them on blogs from the UK, it’s all witchy and fabulous!
Your bunny is too cute. I bet Higgins would love a piece of alpaca bunny!
Oh gosh, don’t let Higgin’s even SEE your Easter bunny! You’d never see it again! So sweet, your easter bunny, so sweet. And Sring has arrived hasn’t it! Though with today’s beautiful sunny day, my thoughts are already moving on to Summer! Love Vanessa xxx
Hello Penny
Oh how lucky you are to have such a walk on your doorstep, I just adore all the daffodils and blossoming trees at the moment. I am really looking forward to the bluebells coming xox As your your bunnykins, too sweet for words. Higgins would no doubt love to have a bite or two? Thanks for popping by my blog, alwas lovely to hear from you xxxP
Ooh look at those funny little daffodils – they look like cyclamen.
Your Easter bunny is adorable xx
Hi Penny
Thought I must see the bunny and have a look at your blog. Both fab – LOVE the bun, will go and tell “Petali” original owner that her fleece is being put to good use!
Also my first ever attempt at blog you have inspired me!!
Lovely to see daffodils again …. and so many ! We’ll have to wait a bit , but the crocus have finally dared to emerge , so it’s only a matter of time .
Little Bun is wonderful …. your creations all have such interesting faces !!
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