Firstly I would like to say thank you SO much for the good wishes that have been sent for my Mum. One of the pleasures of the blogging community is precisely that, community. It’s easy to feel very isolated when these things happen, especially when you are in a rural area and you have to be on hand when someone’s ill. I can’t tell you how it’s helped to have your kind thoughts to read. Nan (yes, that’s her name, it’s not short for Nanny!) is gradually improving and getting stronger, although not nearly fast enough for her liking. I’ve ben asured by a nurse tho’ that the Noro virus takes ages to get over when you are generally in good health, so it will take while yet for someone like her. (And I’m sorry Alice, that the name of your favourite wool obsession has been hijacked for something so nasty!)
It’s been tricky fitting in as much making as I would like with all the to-ing and fro-ing going on, but with Easter in mind I’ve produced these for the Easter Tree.
Do you have an Easter Tree? We first saw them in the Netherlands nearly 20 years ago and I have had one ever since, it’s such a lovely herald of Spring. These decorations are the size of a hens egg, and being needle felt are light enough to hang from a twiggy branch of twisted willow. They will be in the Folksy Shop very soon.
And I though it would be nice to have an Easter giveaway, especially as I have found the perfect thing for your morning cuppa on a bright spring morning!
So if you like cows…
or hens…
or even sheep…
…it doesn’t matter because they are all here together on this one sunshine yellow cup and saucer!
All you need to do is to leave a comment here, and if you put a link to your blog, Facebook page or Tweet about it be sure to let me know and I’ll put you in the hat twice! I’ll keep it running until the 15th April and get Higgins to help me with the draw. (I’m sure he’ll get the hang of it eventually!)

Penny, the Noro virus is just dreadful, I had it last winter and took ages to recover. Your Mother has you to care for her so I hope it won’t take her so long.
Those eggs look so good. I don’t have a tree but I do have some long twigs from red Dogwood which I keep saying I should decorate, every Easter…
Love the chicken cup and saucer!
Firstly,glad your Mum is on the mend, hopefully it won’t take too long for her to be truly well.
I would love to be entered in your Easter giveaway..the cup and saucer would certainly brighten my day!
Off now to do the linky thing to your blog.(I’ve used the cup and saucer pic as the link pic hope that’s OK)
Jane x
Hi Penny, sorry not to have been in touch and I have just read your previous post. I am so pleased your mum is on the mend, viruses are just so nasty and make you feel very weak and vulnerable. I hope your mum is able to pace herself and shake it off for good very soon.
We have some long twigs which a friend gave me from her allotment a few years ago which I use as our Easter tree and then as our “bare branch” Christmas tree too. It’s usually where we hang home made and decorated ginger biscuits and home made decorations. Alice is very partial to blowing out eggs and decorating them!
Sending you much love and good wishes to your mum xox Keep well and enjoy all your folksy sales of all your incredible felted beauties xox
Wow what great giveaway! I love those cups and saucers!! Sooo cute! I am about to place a link in my blogs sidebar too
I really hope your Mum starts to recover soon, She is in my thoughts.
Samantha x
Oh yes, we have an easter tree- got into the habit when we lived in the Netherlands. I have stupid quantities of decorations to hang on it…just can’t resist making some each year.
Lovely eggs!
I never thought of having an Easter Tree, but mh, maybe starting with some Easter twigs this year.
But the give away set reminds me of that set I had back in the days, it had of course rabbits and was only used on Easter… oh, memories!
I’d like to have one again, and I do love hens and sheep and cows.
Oh I would love an Easter tree. I will definitely start collecting decorations.
I would love to enter for the giveaway please. Such a cheery little cup!
Your eggs are beautiful Penny. Sending wishes for your Mum’s speedy recovery.
I can’t have the green thumb for my Easter tree as it NEVER has any choccy eggs grow on it … any advice?
Would love to be included [and to win] your giveaway though.
We do indeed have an Easter tree but we only started it last year and it’s only got a few decorations so is a little bare, we’d love to win! I read Penelope’s comment about using the twigs at Christmas too, what a great idea, thank you!
So glad your mum’s on the mend, Penny. Take it easy yourself.
The easter eggs are gorgeous (no surprise there – you made them)!
Spring though – what’s that? Coming into autumn here, and no lovely colour changing trees – just more green! All the more reason to dangle some jolly decorations.
Don’t put me in the hat – breakables are just that when they travel this far! Although I would love a jaunty morning cuppa! x
That cup is da bomb! What a cheerful way to start the day! I love your blog and all the artsy stuff.
Thanks for sharing!
Dear Penny, I’m happy to hear that your mother is recovering! I hope she gets well soon! You have made beautiful Eastern eggs. In Finnland we collect branches for a vase and decorate them with coloursful feathers and small eggs – it’s nice for spring! Some kind of tree would be great …
I’m so exited with your lovely giveaway! I love cups and mugs and yours are just so adorable! I just wrote a post so I’ll go to tell about your giveaway!
Sunny wishes! Teje & Nero
can I go in the draw please Penny
Love your blog and the eggs are gorgeous. So are the cups and saucers:)
the eggs are so pretty – the colours work really well
how lovely of you!!! xo
I love those eggs you made!!! They are beautiful – you are quite creative. I only stumbled across your blog tonight, and I am thoroughly enjoying myself.
Oh, and a very funky cup. LOL I’m sure it will make someone’s morning get off to a great start!