…and I haven’t been here for AGES! so sorry, it’s always the way isn’t it? There’s either nothing going on and all the time in the world to write about it, or all sorts of interesting stuff happens and there’s no time to spare AT ALL!
Hope every one is enjoying enjoying a little sunshine at last, although it’s certainly been chilly here in North Norfolk. I love this time of year, especially that fleeting moment when the trees are dressed in tiny vivid green leaves but the tracery of branches is still visible against the blue sky. Full of promise for the months to come.
I have at last managed to spend a bit of time in the garden but it’s mostly been spent making cunning plans to keep the small four legged one out of the veg patch.
He,of course is convinced of his helpfulness.
If you’ve been visiting for a while, you will remember the veg garden crisis last year, when Higgins was a pup.
So I’ve been plotting ways of keeping him off the raised beds.
The trouble is, he has taken to using them as a way of increasing his stature in the world when shouting at passing tractors and bicycles and hurtles down the garden before leaping into the middle of the bed. I was happy when we found a dear little picket fence with just the right dimensions to enclose the bed…
Higgins was elsewhere when we put it up, and arrived to inspect it just as we finished.
He trotted round and round the outside on top of the sleeper…
…grizzling about being thwarted, and getting faster and faster until suddenly BOING! he went straight up in the air, and came down in the middle of the bed…where he was stuck…!
Like Tigger, his bottom is most definitely made out of springs….
So, no seeds sown yet, just more plotting…
I was wondering about a trampoline?
In the meantime, I’m trying to identify a mysterious plant which appeared uninvited under the polytunnel once it got warm and cosy. Maybe you can help?
I’ll be really grateful if someone can tell me what it is. I hope it’s not edible ‘cos I’ve pull it all up!
I’ll be back very soon to share some exciting news, until then…

Good to see you again Penny, I was getting withdrawal symptoms you know.
Doesn’t Higgins look as though he is going to help in the garden? I think you might have to put some netting over those raised beds or he’ll keep on getting stuck in there.
I’ve no idea what that plant is but I bet you anything you like that someone will know sooner or later.
Higgins and the spade is just the coolest!
Will Higgins be entering any show jumping competitions? In the miniature category ,of course!
Jane x
So did the higgster get a clear round ? Or did he get 4 faults for a refusal to jump back over ?
Scrolling down, we just knew what was going to happen! That little villain!
I’m rather hoping that the exciting news will involve a little Higgins lookalike……
hahahaha, lovely Higgins, never fails to entertain! The vision of him on his trampoline………….
The plant is a weed, don’t know the name but it is definitely a weed (which I know some people define as “a plant in the wrong place” and that is indeed “a plant in the wrong place”)
I love Spring too, love to see everything coming back to life, all fresh, just lovely.
Carol xx
If I wrote a blog it would be 4 quarterly installments ‘Gosh it’s June’ ‘How did September get here?’ etc, so I’m always amazed other people write and I enjoy it when they do. I thought the plant had a ‘foot’ in it – I don’t think it’s monks foot but I think it could be colts foot on further googling. http://www.gardenorganic.org.uk/organicweeds/weed_information/weed.php?id=72
Definitely 4 faults, but I am determined to get him a rosette from somewhere, so it’s a dog show next, that’ll cause chaos!
Popped in for little fix of Higgins
I think he sees the fence as a challenge!
The plant is definitely Coltsfoot. Did you see the yellow flowers – they appear before the leaves. Anyhow – if you don’t want your lovely raised bed filled to brim with the stuff, get it out now! It might come back but just keep it in check.
Brilliant post Penny, Higgins is a very clever little sausage xox Those legs are not going to defeat his will to get where he needs to be
That naughty Higgins! Although he does look very cute with his spade.
Coltsfoot used to be made into cough medicine – along with nightshade! I like one of its other names best – son afore the father.
Higgins is telling you it’s spring!
Colts foot without doubt.
Where is the year going?
The brilliance of the fresh shiny green leaves in the sunshine last weekend was quite overwhelming.
I loved the pictures of the “under-gardener” , he looks so adorable.
You could give Higgins his own little patch and let him grow his own radishes , perhaps .
It works with small children .
P.S. You don’t have to actually eat the radishes …. a very overrated vegetable , in my opinion .
Vof Higgins! You look wonderful and very busy with your garden works! This is so exiting season – so much happening in the garden! Take care of your vegetables! Hugs from Nero & Teje
Vof vof Higgins…I think my first vof disappeared…you look great and busy with your garden works! Take care of your vegetables! You think there will be any straberries – they are my favorites! Hugs from Nero & Teje