How lovely it’s been today to have nothing but happy smiling faces on the television! It’s been a miserable year in the world so far, with earthquakes, the tsunami, uprisings and war and sadness, so the happiness of William and Catherine and all the people in London celebrating with them has been so uplifting. I said I was just going to switch on to see the dress, but I watched the lot, and cried and still managed to carry on needle felting… there was only a little blood!
I hope you had a lovely Easter. We did, and Higgins had boys to stay and he loved that. I’ve had to eat rather a lot of hard boiled eggs over the last few days as the boys forgot to take them home, but they’ve all gone now. (I think I would have enjoyed the chocolate ones more, but strangely they remembered those!)
Higgins discovered the joys of a hammock…
…but I found it a little disconcerting to be hit by a low flying dachshund landing on my stomach when I was lying in it myself, quietly reading.
Now it’s time to get organised and think ahead.
So much is happening in the next few weeks that I need to get to grips with it all, make a list and tell you all about it…then it must be true!
Watch this space …

Hello Penny!
Thank you so much for that sweet ‘Funky Farm’ cup I won from your giveaway!
What a happy post! I love Higgins in the hammock – I don’t think Nero would try that but i would love to have a relaxing moment there! Wedding was wonderful and reminded us Diana’s wedding – both like fairytails!
I’m waiting exited what is true?!
xxx Teje
Ah, there you are! So glad that you had a good Easter.
Know the feeling Penny- so much to do,so many lists, so little time….aaargh!
Hammock-Higgins is tres cute!
Brave Higgins ! I never feel my best in a hammock . Too fidgety perhaps …. I’m no sooner in the dratted thing , than I remember I want another book and another coffee .( Apropos of which , do they still have those white china teapot/drinking cup things these days ? Handy when one’s semi-prone )
Your Easter looks wonderful . Marvellous to have the boys so near !
As always, your blog made me smile for all the right reasons… thank you for sharing…