Is it because I’ve been talking for three days? I’m not complaining, Open Studios has been fantastic, and we still have next weekend to look forward to. It’s been wonderful despite it being our first time, and despite being a bit out on a limb location-wise when you look at the Norfolk Open Studios map, we’ve had so many interesting and interested people visiting us.
But I’m sort of feeling a little overwhelmed at the moment with everything happening at once. And again I’m not complaining, just a little shell shocked. And I feel I want to share it, because I know that I’m on a journey which lots of women of all ages are embarking on since the advent of the world wide web. For the first time, women, and yes I know there are men in the same situation but it’s so much more a female thing, are no longer having to sit at home, alone, with creativity at their fingertips but not knowing how to make it more than sock puppets for the children or fundraising contributions for the school fete.
With Blogs, and You Tube, Twitter and most importantly retail sites such as Folksy and Etsy not only have we got the opportunity to get together as an online community, we can pass our skills on to others and find a market for our creations.
I remember my first blog post, and the feeling that I had nothing to say which could possibly interest anyone other than perhaps my nearest and dearest (and then only because they were being kind!) Now I feel that I am part of network of like minded women from every part of the globe, and really appreciate the support I’ve received through the comments which have been left over the years.
Just six months ago my friends pointed out that it was about time I stopped talking about the fact that I had an unused Folksy shop that I might just put something in sometime, if I ever felt I had something worth selling and just got on with it. And with the help of the lovely Emma of Silver Pebble I actually made my first sales last November. So what I’m trying to say is, you really have to go with the mantra…Just Do It!
Because I have wasted SO much time just talking about it…
It’s not that I’m suddenly making lots of sales, lots of money In fact I’ve left it a little late to embark on a new career! But I do feel now that I have validated what I do,and better than that, I can thumb my nose at the M.E. which has tried so hard to relegate me into life’s cul de sac.
So if Planet Penny posts are a little thin on the ground at the moment, forgive me. The more exciting things that happen, the less time I have to blog about it! But I have new friends to tell you about, and the Pick ‘n’ Mix Market coming up on the 11th June
… bear with me, as Arnie says…

Here here Penny, I couldn’t agree with what you have said more! You go girl! xox Penelope
Well done Penny! I just know that you will grow and blossom in your chosen sphere.
So glad that everything is going so well for you. I think we all sometimes feel a little less valued than we should but good friends and family will usually put that right (not to mention the four-footed friends who usually raise a smile).
Fabulous post Penny and so well put. I read something else today that said “making is connecting” and your post sums this up.
Well done you! ‘Just Do it’ is such a good mantra. I hope your success continues.
That sums up how perfectly how wonderful this community is Penny and what we all gain from it.
So glad all going well for you and see you on the other side of the stall on Saturday.
Lisa x