Had to slip a quick post in before heading off for the weekend, and to say thank you for all the lovely comments you have been leaving. They do mean a lot.
I made an exciting trip into Norwich today. Exciting just because it’s nearly six weeks since I last went, so caught up in the busy-ness of the last few weeks as I’ve been. Mainly it was for a trip to see Jon, my lovely hairdresser for a tidy-up, (although alas, gettting caught in the rain meant that the nice ‘blow dry’ was a blow wet by the time I got home) but it did require a trip to the Cherryleaf for a restorative coffee and fresh scone.
I now have the yarn required to do the last row on all my crochet circles to turn them into squares so I have a little portable project to pop in the car…
On the way back to the car I popped into wholesome in Swan Lane to find a little something to take home for lunch, and was really excited to find Bray’s Cottage pork pies which everyone seems to be talking about and I was desperate to try.
Followed by….
Dr Tim Kinnaird’s wonderful Macaroons….
I had to share of course…
I’ll know better next time!
So now I’m heading off to finish packing. I have a batch of Biscotti finishing off in the oven as I type, ready to take along for leisurely elevenses over the weekend, and I need to sort everything a small dog needs for a weekend at the seaside…

Penny! I dreamed of you and Higgins last night! That there was a picture of the two of you in the paper and I thought I should cut it out and send it to you, but suddenly there you were so I just gave it to you!
That photo of Higgins is hilarious, I bet it would be funny rotating it until he is the right way up then cropping right in on his big smiley face he he!
Have a lovely weekend and the food looked delicious!
Love Alice XXX
Who wouldn’t be excited!! I love that photo, he is such a character!! Have a great weekend
It’s going to be an excellent weekend , if you’ve “begun as you mean to go on” ! Pork pies ….
And lots of exercise squaring up your circles . Not to mention chasing a beachcombing Higgins !
Oh lovely! A trip to the seaside
I MUST try those pork pies (I wonder if they can beat the ones I get from the Highgate Farm Shop butcher? – there! I’ll probably have to buy one this morning.)
Alice’s comment had me standing on my head to look at Higgins the right way up – a priceless portrait!!!
PS I tried Dr T’s macarons and they are deeeeeeliciously naughty!
Higgins looks just fabulous.BIG smiley face!
Those Bray Farm pork pies are the BEST I have ever tasted- we had one of the onion marmelade ones at Holkham last year.Still linger in my memory,can’t wait to go back and eat another.
Have a lovely weekend.
Enjoy your break and have a lovely relaxing time. Hope Higgins enjoys his holiday – he looks as if he’s raring to go (must be the little twinkle in his eye).
ooohhh Penny what a feast of foody goodness! Yay I’m really looking forward to seeing you on monday for tea and cake (food, always food involved!) Have a fabulous trip away this weekend and a little blue birdy told me a special day is being celelbrated this weekend. Have a fabulous wonderful family break. I can’t wait to eventually meet Higgins… Alice is desperate too! Safe journeys and see you soon xox P
Have a wonderful weekend Penny. Try not to lose Higgins on the beach.
Sounds like the perfect day in Norwich – will have to check out some of those places you mentioned. Always interested in Fooooood!
I love your crocheting, such beautiful colours, very lush )