I’ve had a dis-AAA-ster! My camera’s packed up! It’s like having my left hand tied behind my back (and I am left handed) I think I’ve probably worn it out, I’ve used it nearly every day for 13 months. Anyway, it’s off to the repairers, but that won’t happen till after Christmas, and I’ve ended up trying to get stills off my little Flip video camera, and they’re not up to much. So I can’t show you a lot today, but in the spirit of Handmade Monday, I’ll do my best.
Do you remember this, which I brought home from the Knitting and Stitching Show at Ally Pally?
Wel,l when I had a sudden urge to make paper chains, Origami paper seemed to the answer. I bought a multicoloured pack in Hobbycraft, 5 7/8″ square, divided each square into 6 strips and set to work with the Pritt stick and Hey Presto! paper chains to match the Origami Ball!
We still haven’t got the Christmas tree up, every time we try it snows and sleets and makes it wet again! I think we’re going to bring it into the utility room tonight to dry off, or we’ll never get it decorated. Hopefully I can find a way of sharing it with you before the big day.
If you call over at 1st Unique Gifts you’ll find all the other crafty people, busy with their Christmas makes and linking up for Handmade Monday.
See you soonxx

Technology has a habit of breaking down just when you need it. I love paper chains. They are so colourful and they don’t use as much electricty as Christmas lights
The paper chains are great (remind me of being back at school as we used to make lots of these each Christmas!) – have a love Christmas and New Year – Mich x
I love the origami ball Penny, I saw a link to one made out of newspaper and that was too pretty indeed. We have attempted paper chains but they keep coming undone so I have given up! Sorry to hear about your camera, amazing how dependent we become on them when we blog. I get really uptight if i can’t find mine, I have set places where i put it and when it’s not there….panic! Sad but true :0)
ps. have you seen my dolly peg angel I made after being inspired by your tutorial? xox Thanks so much for posting it, I want to make more. I loved plaiting the hair…really good fun x
Wow, that brings back so many memories of making paper chains as a child!
You’re so clever Penny….have a great Xmas xx
Have a great Christmas Penny, the chains look great with the ball.
Good luck with your tree, I put mine up today but didn’t have to worry about the weather, I keep mine in a box in the garage ;o)
Take care
Jan x
I just love your bright and cheerful colors that you always manage to find and put together! Makes one very happy. The ball is just awesome. Hope you get that tree up soon! Time is running out!
Your origami ball looks fantastic. Love the bright colours. Hope you have a great Christmas and Happy New year. Hugs Mrs A
Origami paper – wonderful idea! So much nicer and brighter than the rather dull construction paper we always used as children.
I’ve had Christmas trees drying in the laundry room in other years. Often when I bring them home they’re covered in snow and have to drip dry. (Not this year though.)
Wishing you a speedy camera return.
Sorry about your camera, like you I would be lost without it that is the problem with technology. Love the colours of the paper chains and these take me back a few years!
Have a very Happy Christmas
I think an origami ball might be on my list for this week!
It’s called Sod’s Law. Bit like the dishwasher (electric or human) packing up on Christmas). The origami ball is lovely. Hope you have a great Christmas
Oh gosh, infant school paper-chains!
I hope your camera can be brought back to life!
Love the paper chains – so colourful!
Can sympathise with the camera disaster – had it myself – and with being left handed
Hope you have a lovely Christmas,
Alison x
Oh, major flashback! I used to sit and make paperchains for hours as a kid – I think that might be on the agenda for next year!!
What a nightmare to have your camera decide to break now – technology is wonderful until it decides to die on you!
Have a wonderful Christmas
Ali x
I love your paper chains and origami decoration Penny, they look great.
Have a lovely Christmas
The paper chains look great, and they’re so much fun to make. Merry Christmas. x
Love those origami balls, I think they look so effective.
Have a great christmas
I’m sorry to hear about your camera, I hope it can be fixed. My Nikon is acting badly and I had it cleaned/lubed/adjusted recently, but it’s still acting badly, so I think it might be on it’s way out. It’s really making me unhappy because I don’t want to spring for a new one.
I love the origami ball.
Hope you have a fabulous Christmas, look forward to reading your blog in the new year. xx
They are all great and can be used for Easter and birthday’s!
Have a lovely Christmas!
Jo x
How wonderful I haven’t made paperchains since I was at primary school. I love your Christmas decorations they look fantastic and so colourful. Have a wonderful Christmas and I can’t wait to see your tree.
Those are beautiful x
Paper chains are amazing especially the colours used to make this chains.The colourfull paper ball can be a big center of attraction a the time of christmas decorations.