Wow! Look at the sunshine!
I think Tim brought it back with him. We went off for a walk in Bacton Woods yesterday. We haven’t been since the time Higgins had a play with a very bouncy spaniel, got a sore leg and had to be carried back to the car. He might be little but he’s very solid! But it was lovely, and I’ve spotted clumps of bluebells so we must be sure to go back again at the right time.
The gorse made a lovely splash of yellow…
…and Higgins even met a little friend…
I’ve spent the afternoon in the garden today, I’m glad you can’t see the compost under my fingernails! I’m trying very hard to keep up with the Garden Diaries but I’m afraid I’m a bit of a fair weather gardener. The broad beans are coming on very nicely and I might have a few baby salad leaves to harvest next week, but the carrots and spring onions are taking their time. I hope a bit of warm weather might do the trick.
More and more things are bursting into flower. This really is my favourite time of year. You can feel things growing all around, and I love the fact that the roadsides are filled with daffodils and the hedges with the starry white blackthorn blossom, and every time I go out in the garden something else has popped out.
There’s still the odd garden pest though!
I also love the weeping willow at this time of the year, at the point where the leaves have emerged just enough to turn the branches limey green without hiding its gracefulness.
I’ve been very busy indoors too, and after all the wrapping and packing I’m nearly at the end of this batch of rainbow yarn. I’ve had so much lovely feedback as the pink parcels have arrived at their destinations.
‘My cotton has just arrived ! It is so so gorgeous (even better than I thought!)’
‘The cotton arrived yesterday afternoon. It is WONDERFUL!! Better than any cotton I have ever used. I LOVE it! THANK YOU so much for sharing. I am off to crochet a little mouse… 8-)’
And it’s great (and just a little strange) to see the yarn turning up on other blogs in other countries, in Australia and the USA.
If you haven’t got your pack yet,
find out all about it here,
Please get in touch with any questions
I’ve been needlefelting, working on the piece for the Taster Exhibition at the Forum in Norwich for Open Studios but I haven’t anything to show you just yet! What is so frustrating is having a pattern in my head for another crochet idea and NO TIME TO MAKE IT! I’ll try very hard to fit it in before Handmade Monday comes around again, I do hope it works.
So on that note I’d better stop chatting, and skedaddle off to work again, I hope the sun’s been shining where you are…
See you soon…x

Gorgeous photos. I must get on to our local common with the camera this weekend and see what’s appeared there.
I’m so jealous of your spring. Please send some this way. At least your garden pest is better than the slugs we have.
Hi Penny, long time not visiting. Sorry for that.
Love the shot of them both waiting patiently by the door. Bacton woods look good, well worth a visit I think.
If only all garden pests were as cute as yours
Wow, your daffs are gorgeous – as are all the other blossomy things. We have daffodils here too, which is very strange – they’re 3-4 weeks early.
Higgins and Henry look like they’re enjoying the sunshine.
I love the lime-green willow fronds too. At this time of year they’re positively glowing.