Needlefelt Sheep for Handmade Monday

I don’t know what the weather is doing in your part of the world, but despite the bright sun, fluffy clouds and blue sky, the wind feels as if it’s just blown off a snow field in this corner of Norfolk!  It doesn’t help that we know we live in the windiest spot in the village, as you can see by our proximity to the village mill, now sadly defunct. That’s us, at the end of the arrow…

So even though I’m still finding plenty of newly emerging flowers…

The view is still decidedly wintery…

…and it would actually be really good to get some rain, and I don’t say that very often!

I’m going to share some other people’s handmade lovelies with you now, before making a very exciting announcement!  So first of all, have you come across a book called Best in Show – Knit Your Own Cat?

knit your own cat

One of the ladies at our Knit and Stitch group was given this for Christmas, and has been knitting her own cats ever since!

Aren’t they amazing?  Imagine knitting a tail, with 4 stitches, on 4 needles!

And, since I am running out of time in my life to make anything for me, I went off to Folksy to find myself a peg bag and found just what I wanted from Plum Pudding, and couldn’t resist these little heart fridge magnets as well…

There are so many pretty things in the shop, and the fabrics are right up my street.

And now for my big announcement…

This is my 300th Blog Post!

Added to which, I have just galloped past 100,000 visits on the Planet Penny stats, so as a thank you to all you lovely people who have loyally followed, and commented and generally joined in,  I’m going to have a prize draw.

This time, I’m offering a very special prize.  Do you remember my needlefelt sheep?

There haven’t been any sheep in the Folksy shop for a while, something I mean to address very soon, and they usually sell for £30.00. But, I have one very special sheep looking for a good home, and because this is an occasion worth celebrating, I am offering her as the prize.  Meet Goldie…

Goldie could be yours, all you have to do is to leave a comment on this post for a place in the draw.  If you ‘like’ me on Facebook or follow me on Twitter  you’ll go into the hat again!  It’s that simple… I’ll keep it open for a couple of weeks to give you all a chance to join in.

And can I make a plea for some healing vibes to be sent my way on Tuesday?  I dashing off after teaching the needlefelt course at The OutHouse Studio on Tuesday morning to have a tooth out in the afternoon, at two thirty would you believe…(tooth hurty!?…sorry..) So I may be a bit feeble for the rest of the week.

Anyway, off to 1st Unique Gifts now to link up for Handmade Monday again, do go and see what everyone  else has been up to.

See you soon x



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57 thoughts on “Needlefelt Sheep for Handmade Monday

  1. Stocki

    Ohh my goodness what a lovely giveaway… yes please…and I am already a FB follower…good luck on Tuesday…hopefully it will go smoothly :)x

  2. Wendy

    Goldie is just gorgeous!! I shall double check I’m following you in all the appropriate places.

    I adore the knitted cats!!!

  3. Handbags by Helen

    Pick me, pick me! I have a bit of a sheep collection going on. Follow on facebook already, but don’t twitter….she’d have a very good home with the other sheep!

  4. Amy

    What a pretty little sheep! I’ve only just stumbled across this blog, it’s full of very pretty & creative things.
    I’ve had something of a sheep obsession going on these past few months, making pompom sheep for the public art installation ‘Join the Flock’
    I always name my sheep & I was glad to see that your ‘Goldie’ was named! 🙂
    Good luck with the dentist.

  5. MarieAnge

    Congrats on your 300th!

    The book is lovely and Miss Goldie is even lovelier!
    She would have a very special spot on my shelf alongside my other sheep, chickens, mice, etc 🙂

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  6. Sarah plant

    I know I have won previously, but would love another sheep to add to my flock! Goldie is very cute! I love the knitted cats too, would love to be able to knit a version of mine! Already following on Facebook and twitter 😉 congrats on reaching the milestone too! xx

  7. Carol

    Hi Penny, it is just the same here, beautiful blue skies, sun and…… freezing! I’ve just been down to the greenhouse to put fleece on some plants and I came back nithered.
    The flowers are looking lovely at the moment, I’ve been taking photos too, can’t resist!
    You are bad – showing us that wonderful cat book, I’ve put it straight on my “wish list”.
    Congratulations on 300 blog posts! Yes please, I’d love a chance to re-home Goldie, what a lovely little sheep she is.
    Lots of healing thoughts coming your way for Tuesday.
    Carol xx

  8. Nina

    Knitting is not something I have mastered yet, my mum knits for England so I always pass knitting tasks to her!
    Goldie is so cute, you’ve really given her character!

  9. Tracey

    What a cute sheep, would love her to be mine, I love reading your blog, reminds me of home now I live else where. Already like you on fb. love the blogs and good luck for tuesday

  10. Rowena

    I have just found your blog and enjoy looking at everything you have made. Would love to win the little sheep.

  11. Andrea

    Goldie is beautiful Penny! And I’m impressed with your 300 posts, wow! I’ve been following you for a little while now and I must say I really like your blog…Good luck with those teeth by the way :S…
    PD. I follow you on facebook 🙂

  12. Mrs. Micawber

    Congratulations on your 300th post!

    I love those cats – they’d be perfect for me as I am unfortunately allergic to the real thing. That black one is my favourite.

    Good luck with your dental appointment.

  13. Chris

    Lovely pictures as always. Winter is still with us in the frozen wastes. Last week we woke to 5 inches of snow (soon melted,, but still!) and another couple of inches yesterday. It’s quite annoying as we’d had no snow in the winter. It has to get warmer soon – we were spoiled by having hot sunny weather a month ago. Hope the dental appointment goes well.

  14. Anji

    Want her, want her, want her!!!!! We’ve got the village sheepfair this year and need her to give me luck as the pitch for 2 days has cost an arm & and both legs. Well done on reaching 300 and good luck at the dentist.
    Anji x

  15. Jill McGee

    Good luck at the dentist – just remember once the tooth has gone it will never ache again!

    PS. Goldie is gorgeous … i wish my hair curled like that!!!

  16. With U in Mind

    Wow you’ve been busy. Plus a HUGE well done on your 300th blog post!

    I love the knit your own cat section. That woman must have talent.

    And of course – I NEED Goldie. Just liked your fb page and already follow you one twitter. Happy days 🙂

  17. mary i

    I am one of your new followers. I hail from Tuscaloosa, alabama.USof A. Anyhoo love your site and want to be entered in your drawing please. I need Goldie as it is to hot here to raise my own sheep. 🙂 Vibes being sent your way for painfree tooth..

  18. Marigold and the Goatmother

    Oh, I LOVE the fridge magnets … especially the blue polka-dotted one! I hope your tooth extraction goes well. That can be daunting – well, anything dentist related. Goldie is quite cute…when are you going to make a goat, eh??? 🙂

  19. Rhian

    Goldie’s gorgeous I’d love to bring her home to mountains of North Wales where there are loads of tiny lambs jumping about to welcome her.

  20. Helen

    The fridge magnets are lovely, I’m not surprised you couldn’t resist them!
    I hope your tooth is ok and you recover from having it taken out!
    Goodie is gorgeousI have to say! What a lovely prize. Coincidentally I started following you on twitter this morning…all thanks to the hash tag handmade Monday!

  21. Suzanne

    Goldie is so sweet, thanks for the chance to win.
    And I am lovin those knitted cats, your friend is so talented, as are you. Hugs Sue x

  22. Stephen @ Soy of the North

    If I could send you some of the rain I had this weekend, I would. Far too much of it up north this weekend. Goldie looks fantastic and those cats do too. Hope you feel well again quick after your appointment.

  23. mcrafts

    Well done on 300 posts! Goldie is lovely as are the little cats. Good luck with dentist – hope its not as bad as you’re anticipating Mich x

  24. carol

    Goldie is amazing – and would love to snuggle up on my slowly growing cotton club ripple blanket 😉

  25. Rachel J Fenton

    Hope your tooth removal doesn’t leave you in pain!

    Congratulations on your 300th blog post – brilliant!

    Forget-me-nots always make me a little sad and happy, but there’s buds on them there bare branches, just waiting to pop. I’ll send rain vibes from damp Auckland!

  26. Arran

    Ruby Farmhouse Holiday Cottages. Cornwall
    Hope all turns out well with the tooth! A sore tooth runs you down.
    Your fridge magnets are gorgeous, so colourful.
    Enjoy Spring the most beautiful time of the year. X

  27. Pickle-Lily

    I LOVE your sheep!!!
    On another note having had sveral teeth out recently (and a doomed feeling about the the root canal I had last month) I can totally sympathise – so soothing thoughts being sent your way and lavender heat pads help as well.
    Jo x

  28. vanessa

    Congratulations on your 300th post Penny! What a great achievement!
    Isn’t it wonderful seeing the Spring flowers emerging in the countryside, it never ceases to amaze me every year, it always feels like a treat.
    Those cats! I can hear them miaowing, good thing Higgins wasn’t there to meet them.
    Goldie is soooooooo sweeeeet!
    Love Vanessa xxx

  29. Nicole Hawkins

    The cats are amazing! I’ve done two dogs for my daughter but she is a cat lover too. Best of luck on the tooth!

  30. Emma

    Huge congratulations on your 300th post Penny. Goodness – that’s a lot of wonderful colourful crochet and needle felting (and the marvellous Higgins of course).

    Meeting you has been one the the highlights since I started blogging. It’s always such huge fun. Thankyou for being so encouraging and for coming to my Open Studios last year. Hurray for blogging, for meeting fellow makers and for handmade xxx

  31. Pingback: Carrot Cake! - for Handmade Monday - |

  32. kate b

    I have only recently found your blog but am now following avidly, and have liked you on fb. I love your creations, love the crochet mice, must try one soon but bet it won’t look half as good as yours. Goldie is wonderful and I would love to win her. xx

  33. Jean

    Could do with a Goldie in my life, fun and organic. I’m afraid i don’t do twitter or Fb but I have been following your blog for the longest time. And will continue to do so even if i don’t win the giveaway.

  34. Helen

    Goldie’s a sweetie and as I have a mixed flock of sheep from knitted to soap to wood to ceramic, she would fit right in. 🙂

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