I can’t quite believe how quickly the weeks are whizzing by, and it’s time for Handmade Monday again! It’s been busy, busy, busy here on Planet Penny. The felting needle’s been red hot, the sewing machine has been whirring away, and it’s all stuff I can’t show you at the moment! We are now on the final countdown. Never mind about Will and Kate… that wedding is so last year… it’s just thirteen more sleeps till Will and Louise’s big day!
The weather is still appalling, I’m hoping it will get all this rain out of it’s system so we can have just one sunny day on the 12th. Surely that’s not too much to ask?
I’ve been in and out of Norwich getting the last few bits and pieces so I don’t let the side down, and now have proper Mother-of-the-Groom shoes, no boots or Fitflops for now, and a trip to Get Ahead Hats for a smart titfer. I probably ought to get a very large brolly too!
I fitted in coffee and a ‘team talk’ with the Mother-of-the-Bride which was lovely, and a satisfactory plan was hatched involving a champagne bucket and two straws! Well, we can dream, can’t we?
Kit and I went to the Norfolk and Norwich Open Studios Exhibition private view last Monday in the Forum in Norwich and there were lots of beautiful pieces of work. There is certainly going to be masses to see over the three weekends that it’s running, with studios open all over Norfolk and Norwich. I really hope that if you are in the area you call in to see us in our little corner.
I’ve also been beavering away with the Planet Penny Cotton Club yarn putting the packs together…
and the Rainbow Mouse packs have also been very popular…
And in my spare moments in the evening I’ve been wielding the crochet hook, using up all the oddments of cotton left over from all the other projects. I’ve been making little flowers…
I’m not quite sure what I’m going to do with them yet. To be honest, by that time of the evening I haven’t many functioning brain cells but it’s a simple little pattern I can do on auto pilot and I’m sure a cunning plan will present itself eventually.
But, I hear you cry, what about the draw? Who is going to giving a good home to Goldie the sheep?
I’ve been all through the comments, and I firstly have to thank you all for all your good wishes for my trip to the dentist. It was worth all the trauma of the visit to know that the problem tooth has gone and all is well, and I’m sure all the positive thoughts you sent my way helped, so thanks again.
However, back to the comments… I added up all the entries, with the extras for Facebook and Twitter, and there were 68! Then allocated every entry a number, and used the Random Number Generator to choose the winner…
it was…
Natalie, of Free Spirit Design!
Congratulations, Natalie. I’ll be in touch to get your address very soon!
Thank you to every one else who entered, and commiserations. Not to worry, I’m sure there will be another excuse for another draw before long! But now it’s time to link up again with Handmade Monday over on 1st Unique Gifts, where you’ll find plenty of places to visit, and lots of lovely crafty things to see.
I’ll be back soon….x

Norwich looks lovely – how exciting to have a wedding to look forward to. Just hope the weather improves! So glad your cottons are going well – they’re beautiful colours and the mouse packs were an inspiration!
I shall keep everything crossed that the awful weather will have gone before the wedding. We will have photographs, won’t we?
The rain has got to stop sometime soon, surely? The sun will be out by 12th May I hope! If I could crochet, I would be making rainbow mice, they are so lovely!!
I’ve had a couple of flying visits to Norwich in the past but don’t remember those pretty bits. Will have to visit again. Loving the flowers, they are shouting “garland” at me. Thats something I have been meaning to do with my Planet Penny cotton. Mmmm maybe this week….
Congratulations Natalie!
It sounds like you have been very busy! Not sure how you fitted coffee in to your busy week!
Thanks for sharing the pics oof Norwich. It is a city I love and we’ve not been for a while…must remedy that!
have a good week!
I love the cobbled streets, which I assume must be Norwich. We’ve been to Norwich once but I can’t remember much about it except for the castle. There wont be any rain left by the 12th! Don’t worry!
Gosh, Penny I can’t believe the wedding is next weekend, how very exciting and I will be praying for the glorious Spring sunshine to come out for your Will and his Louise :0) I love weddings, they make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. I have a friend’s wedding to go to on 26/5 so here is to a bright sun filled May!
I know what you mean about doing easy crochet that doesn’t need much in the way of concentration, I’m loving using your cotton at the moment. The colours are so cheery and the quality is ace. I’m so pleased people are purchasing your cottons xox Hope this week is full of calm and excitement at the same time xox Penelope
Whatever the weather I am sure that the wedding will be great! I love the flowers – I’m sure they have loads of uses (hairbands, belt, decoration….)
I read on somebodies blog that they were looking in a bride shop and they were selling white wellies with dimante stuck around the top, bet they sell really well…maybe get a pair just in case!! haha
I’m sure you’ll find a good use for the little flowers, nice and colourful.
Hope you get to wear the bonnet not the brolly on your lovely day. Its so nice that you have a good relationship with the other Mum. Makes for an easier life. I am also fortunate that my SIL’s Mum is one of my best friends too.
Wishing you every success for your Norwich Exhibition.
I love the colours, so vivid. Hope all goes well with the wedding whatever the weather but at this rate there’ll be no rain left!
Yay, well done Natalie! I’m very jealous!
And well done on the shoes Penny, I can’t wait to see all your secret stuff.
As for the flowers, I may be able to use some of them in conjunction with my felting – would you sell them?
How exciting to be so close to the wedding.. I have to wait at least another year to get even a sniff of excitement as my daughter gets married in August 13! Of course it will be dry by then.. it will be sunny and gorgeous… I’ve put an order in for you! Congratulations Natalie! Hugs, Jill x
So the drought continues?
I do hope you get a fine day for the wedding. I also hope we’ll get to see lots of photos!
Your birds look so bright and cheery in the exhibition picture.
Those flowers say “shrug” or “cropped cardi” to me. Or table runner. I’m having a wonderful time with my PPCC yarn, and will be posting a pattern next week featuring it.
thank you, thank you , thank you Penny!!! I am completely in love with Goldie the sheep and can’t wait to settle her in to her new home!!
and thank you everyone for your congratulations
Your beautiful birds look fabulous at the exhibition Penny – a wonderful splash of colour
i’m sure they’ll be very well received! x
Congratulations to Natalie!!
Lovely little flowers!!!
xxxx Alessandra
Congratulations to Natalie! Norwich looks beautiful in those pictures, seems like a movie set to me! (I live in Mexico) Oh, and thank God the dental problem is over! And good luck with the wedding day :)!
Norwich looks so good and brings back memories when I had to visit one of the offices for work, loved it. I love Open Studios so much fun just never plucked up the courage to enter and open my home! You have so much to do but will get there in the end, have a good week
Well done Natalie on your win
Lovely pics of Norwich. Sounds like you have had a good week and I love the thought of a bucket of champagne (sounds wonderful) The flowers you have made are gorgeous and looking forward to seeing how yo use them. Hope you have a good week.
Well done Natalie
I love the Elm Hill area of Norwich, your pictures are stunning. It’s a lovely sunny day today here in Suffolk, lets hope it continues to improve.
Jan x
Love the pictures of Norwich, I haven’t been for about 25 years but those buildings are a lot older than that!
I’ll join in all the wishing/praying for a sunny day on the 12th – it’s got to stop being so miserable by then. But I’m sure it will be great whatever.
Those flowers are cute. I’m imagining some sort of dangling creation with them.
Best of luck for the wedding, I hope you have a lovely and dry day
I agree weather has been awful lately, best of luck for the 12th! I’d like a bit of sunshine too!
It’s always nice to see your photos of Norwich, I was at uni there a few years ago and don’t go back often enough.
Glad all the wedding preparation is getting there! Fingers crossed for the weather! I really like those little flowers, I’m sure you’ll come up with a geat use for them
I love all of those flowers, I can’t wait to see what you come up with. BTW now every time I come I have to play with HIggins. I keep discovering more things he does. LOL!
Your cotton packs are beautiful and I love your little flowers.
Those colours really sing! I can feel my resolve weakening…
I have not been to Norwich yet, but if it looks that pretty in the rain, I think it may be well worth a trip
congratulations your blog beautiful!
I love knitting
kisses from Uruguay!
Such pretty little flowers
Fingers crossed for fine weather on the 12th 
I’ve been nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award and I am now supposed to pass it on the fifteen other people. Well fifteen is more than I can manage, I think, but I want to pass it on to you because I think your blog is great! You can see your entry here: http://rainbowjunkiecorner.wordpress.com/2012/05/05/versatile-blogger-award/