Hello! So sorry I haven’t been around for a while, and thank you so much for the lovely Get Well Soon messages which were very much appreciated. I usually have to cope with a bug in the computer system, but this time the virus has been my very own!
The last few weeks have been flagged up for ages as the busiest of the whole of 2012 but I had thought I would gallop out the other end triumphant carrying a banner (or a stream of bunting!), not stagger out with a box of tissues under one arm waving a white flag!
In the space of month there has been:
- A Wedding (Proud Mama #1 (with hat))
- A Book Launch (Proud Mama #2)
- CSSD Student daughter left for Mumbai as part of the Morni Theatre Collective (Proud Mama #3)
- Norfolk and Norwich Open Studios- three weekends (Working hat)
- Another Wedding (Proud Aunt (with another hat))
- Most of my best-beloved family either visiting or staying (see items 1 & 5)
In amongst all this, Planet Penny decided it was not possible to wait another month to become a business rather than a hobby, which has involved finding a business account, an accountant, taking legal advice….and so on….and so on….
Perhaps it’s not surprising that a rogue bug decide to join the party, but I really haven’t appreciated having such a nasty little gate-crasher!
Today is the first day I have actually found two brain cells to rub together so I’m gradually trying to get my studio back into working order whilst thinking my way round all the ‘stuff’ which has accumulated whilst I (as in ‘my brain’) have been ‘off line’. so while I’m doing all that, I’ll share a few of the photos taken over the last few weeks….
There has been of course Open Studios, and this is what Planet Penny looked like in ‘exhibition space’ mode…
There were times when you couldn’t see all this though…
…and times when we were playing host to our local MP!
Just down the road our neighbour was hosting her first Open Studio, complete with a herd of Alapacas…
and a yurt!
Hands up who is joining me with serious ‘Yurt Envy’!
A fabulous time was had at the book launch at Heffers Children’s Book Shop in Cambridge…
Not often you have to queue to speak to your own son!
And as the rain fell, the garden carried on growing…
…and growing…
…and growing.
But now it’s back to normal time. I’ve already re-jigged one set of display shelves to accomodate the latest Planet Penny Cotton Club delivery…
…and it’s heads down sorting out the next pattern and kit. The packs are for sale on Etsy, follow this link or the the Shop button at the top of the page to find them, plus the Rainbow Mouse kits, Mini Mice Fridge Magnet kits and patterns.
See you again soon! x

Did you ever manage to find the time to write up that fridge magnet mouse pattern?
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Thank you so much for the tour through your Open Studio and your garden… I enjoyed it immensely. The Alpacas are beautiful and yes, I will join you in Yurt Envy!!
A lovely post with lots of lovely photos. I’m glad you’re feeling better and good luck with the ‘business’. I’m more envious of your studio than the Yurt but if I had a studio like yours then this would definitely be followed by Yurt envy
Good to hear you are feeling better.Hope the business goes well- it is a big step to take.Yurt and studio envy in equal measure!
Book arrived – thank you both. In the midst of two weeks of Open Studio here- very quiet, handed out hundreds of leaflets, sent out loads of mailings but thus far 5 people. Weather here has been absolutely VILE, cold northerly winds,thrashing rain and we had the town regatta at the weekend which has not helped!I’m hoping next weekend will be better…
Well done! And sorry Mr. Murphy had to show up with the bug. He’s brought rather a large one to our house as well of late. God Bless the Gardens…they do keep a growing and keep us sane!
So glad to hear you are on the mend, I’m not surprised your body had a bit of a melt down with all that going on! So glad to hear bout your business now growing – did you see you rainbow mouse pattern was featured in a recent folksy email?!
Gosh what an incredibly busy time you have been having Penny, good to hear you are on the mend. A viral infection can seriously take the wind out of your sails and be careful not to rush straight back into doing too much :0)
I love your garden and studio pics, especially your cotton club stash photo, I forgot how gorgeous all those colours are together. What a fabulously clever family you have, you must be ever so proud xox I must pop over to Thomas’s blog to congratulate him. Lovely to have you back in the land of blog xxx Penelope
Yes! Serious yurt envy! I love the beautifully painted framework.
All the alpaca appear to be named “Shawn” (Wallace and Gromit joke).
They’re adorable.
I’m glad the bug is better – it’s horrible the way a virus can turn one’s brain to mush.
The studio looks lovely and cheerful. I hope the MP was suitably impressed. (HE doesn’t spread happiness the way you do.)
Good luck with the business venture!
P.S. If you ever want to give us a closer look at your framed artwork, I for one would love to see it.
glad you’re feeling a bit better now
your open studio looked fabulous! x
Yes, I have yurt envy!
Oh I’d love a yurt! I keep trying to persuade my family to holiday in one but my teen says it’s too much like camping!
Wonderful garden pictures!
Aww I hope your feeling better soon! I love Alpaca’s theyre so sweet and have so much character : )
Glad to read that you’ve bounced back. And what a busy time you’ve been having. So much positive stuff there though, you should be feeling jolly proud of your achievements and your families
And your garden is looking fabulous.
Those Alpaca look like cartoon characters!
It is good to know that you are starting to feel better, all those pressures on you would have made you susceptible to that bug.
Good luck with the business venture!