When I introduced the Mini Mice on a Handmade Monday Post a month ago I had just finished making them, hadn’t written the pattern and was in the run up to Open Studios etc. Definitely the last time I introduce something that isn’t in the final stages of going ‘live’! Since then I have been asked over and over about the pattern, the kits and when I would have them available. The thing is, I really want to get it right. I don’t want to disappoint anyone with a pattern that doesn’t work or a kit which doesn’t look like fun, which is why I’ve been beavering away all week to get things ready for this post.
As you can imagine, the Crochet Mini Mice kits take a little while to build, and I had to find a way to supply the yarn so it’s tidy, but also looks attractive.
I now have a new little windy gadget and some cards. Here’s the yarn in all it’s rainbow gorgeousness…
The Mini Mice kits will also contain the magnets, the stuffing, the eyes and noses and the all important pattern, enough to make 14 mouse magnets. All you will need is a 3mm hook and a needle and black thread. I think my next quest will be to source a supplier for 3mm hooks as I’d love to be able to add those to the kits.
The pattern will be for sale on my new Etsy shop. I’m sort of teetering in the middle at the moment between Etsy and Folksy. Because I have so many visitors from the US, Etsy seems to be more geared toward that market, while being very user-friendly for the UK and other places. Does anyone else have any thoughts or experiences about this? I’d love to hear from you if you do.
If you have previously bought a full pack of the Planet Penny Cotton Club yarns from me and would like a copy of the pattern, do let me know and I will send you a copy free of charge.
I will be putting the kits on Etsy this week at £17.50, but as an introductory offer I have 5 to sell at the special price of £15.00 on a strictly first come, first served basis. If you would like to buy one, please contact me through the Planet Penny Contact Form.
I was all set to leave you with the links to Handmade Monday over on Handmade Harbour where you will find all sorts of crafty goings on, but I embarked on a mini project today inspired by the lovely Penelope by the Sea on her blog L is for Love.
She has been Noticing Yellow this weekend so I popped out for half an hour to see what ‘yellow’ I too could notice. Quite a lot as it happens…
What a lovely sunshiney end to the week!
See you soon…x

Sunshine yellow beautiful and all those delicious meeces.
Lovely pics and yellow is such a gorgeous sunny colour – make sou feel summery. Hope you have a good week.
I can appreciate all the work that goes into patterns and kits and you’re right to wait until it all feels right. I can imagine them being really popular! Love the yellow, definitely the touch of summer we all need!
the mini mice are fantastic, I really want a kit, only problem is I dont know how to crochet. I agree you shouldnt let it go until you are completely happy with it
What a wonderful colourful post!
Even with dull rainy weather, a bit of yellow can always brighten the day.
Fantastic mice again. All they need is a rainbow coloured cat chasing them
It’s easy to see why the mini-mice have drummed up such interest. They really are so appealing!
Fantastic colours of wool. It is no wonder everyone is so keen to have a go! Fantstic and well worth all the hard work!
Lovely Mini Mice, they are so pretty. I agree that your lovely sunny yellow photo’s are very ‘sunshiney’.
Jan x
Dearest sweet Penny
How delightful that you mentioned me and that you saw such yellow in your midst. It’s indeed a reviving colour, even for the greyest of days. I don’t knowhowto do the linky thing that you set up for your cotton club but, maybe it would be a fun thing to try and look into for my ‘noticing’ posts?
As for the mini-mice project you have set up, well, what can I say. Another stroke of genius on Planet Penny x All the very best with this venture, I know it will be a true success. Thank you for your continued friendship and sweetness, it means a lot to me.Hope this week is full of light and laughter for you xox much love Penelope
Oh, what a fabulous bunch of rainbow mice! how cool and how eye catching! they are lovely. good luck with mice sales on etsy
your little mice are fab and the kits look so inviting!
Etsy sounds like a good bet, especially for your US fans – perhaps you could keep a foot in each to cover all bases?
love the yellow collage – what a fun idea! x
I simply love these mice They were here last time and i loved them then too good luck with the kits sales great idea
Wow I love your mice they’re so colourful. It’s lovely to see
some bright colours after all the
rain we’ve been having. You’ve certainly brightened up my day.
Thanks. Ali x
I really wish I could crochet! Your mice kits really inspire me to want to learn!
Such gorgeous colours, I love them!
They are so sweet and in such lovely, bright colours. Love em.
I just love all the colours and the mice are so cute – makes me wish I could crochet!
Maybe that will have to go on the wish list – “learn to crochet”
Hello woolly Penny! Such a beautiful post and look at those mice! You must have worked so hard to get things together. They are spectacular. I have hopped over form Penelope’s blog post on yellow to find your contribution. It’s a good game she has suggested to us.
I wish you a very happy week.
The mice are seriously cute! I know they will be just as popular as their big brothers! The photos of yellow are so cheerful in such grey times, thank-you for sharing. Jo x
I love the mice, so colourful. And the yellow photos are super – so bright and cheerful amongst all the dismal weather we have had lately.
What a shame the actual sunshine didn’t make an appearance in your yellow themed montage – we can live in hope that it might appear again sometime before Christmas!! Your kits look brilliant and I am sure they are going to be very popular. I too am stuck between Folksy and Etsy. I only very recently signed up to Etsy and am really glad I did – I have had more visitors in the last week on Etsy than I have in months from Folksy. I like to support British with Folksy but Etsy just seems to be so much better, more customisable, better options for fees (they are about to introduce a one off £30 a year fee and unlimited free listings which will be a winner with me)and I can pay to advertise on Etsy. These functions might be available on Folksy but if they are I haven’t discovered them yet! X
Love the mice, really cute idea! I hope it all works well for you over on Etsy – I’m wondering whether to make the move too as my Folksy shop has never really taken off and I’m wondering if a new home would help
I love the yellowy photos-very cheery!And the mice look great as ever.Good luck with the kits.
I’m someone who sometimes buys small things like patterns. I often go to folksy but usually end up back at etsy to make a purchase. The reason is simple; I can never find what I want on folksy as the search facility is hopeless. Also, if you find something you want to look closely at then when you click to go back to your search it takes you to page one. Not funny if you had already gone through 11 pages. I tend to give up at this point. Etsy takes you back where you were. As a site it’s far easier to negotiate and use. Sometimes, when I want fabric for instance, I particularly want a UK seller as fabric can sometimes cost a lot in postage from overseas. Invariably I go to folksy and just give up and go back to etsy. I love it, as it is easy and works well, is cheaper in lots of instances and far more user friendly than folksy.
I did write to them about it as I find it so frustrating and they said they were trying to address some of the issues but it was a work in progress.
I think if people know where you are and are going straight to your shop in folksy, then it is worth having it but people trying to find something you sell and being directed to you via a search is probably better done by etsy.
I love yellow, it’s such a lovely happy colour! Might try a bit of ‘yellow spotting’ with the girls later!
Good lick with the kits! Looking forward to ordering my planet penny cotton as soon as i can find a way to sneak more atash into the house without himself noticing haha
Hi Penny
Just wanted you to know that I have nominated you for ‘the sunshine’ award. Full details can be found on my post here:
I understand that if you have already received many of these types of awards you may not wish to join in, but I hope that the link on my blog brings in lots of new visitors to your beautiful blog. I chose your blog as it always makes me feel ‘happy’ and ‘sunny’ when I visit to see your colourful crafty projects.
Best Wishes
Fleur xx
I love the way that you have drawn together the images, it looks stunning and yellow always makes me smile… but where was the yellow mouse:)
I have just come over to your blog from Fleur Cotton’s blog. It looks great and I’m looking forward to reading your posts. The mice are very cute and colourful! Rachel x
Hi, Penny! Would you mind sending me a copy of the mouse pattern? Thank you so much!
The Goatmother
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