Advent Calendar – Day Nine

It might be Day Nine on the Advent Calendar, but it’s also Sunday so I think we’re allowed a bit of a break.  Feet up with the Sunday papers, and a magazine or two. I have a new favourite magazine which I have to say saved me from a bit of  a downer a couple of weeks ago.  I was having one of those anti commercialised Christmas moments.  You know, when you go into the supermarket at the beginning of November and they have the ‘Seasonal’ isle all stacked up with tins of chocolates, bumper bags of nuts and crisps and Christmas puddings as far as the eye can see.  And Father Christmas hats, and Elf suits, and illuminated antlers.  Oh, and mince pies with a sell by date a good month before Christmas.  And it all seems too much, there’s just too much STUFF!

But then my Christmas Issue of ‘The Simple Things‘ landed on my doormat…

The Simple Things - Advent Calendar Day 9

and it made me stop and think of what Christmas really means, and what it means to me as a celebration.

My fantasy Christmas would involve a log cabin in the woods and lots of snow, a reindeer drawn sleigh to take me visit Santa (I expect my grandsons would like to come too!) and a Carol Service (with a choir)  A log fire, a big Christmas tree filled with my eclectic collection of ornaments gathered over the years.  A traditional Christmas dinner with all my dearest family and friends and Higgins and Henry of course (and lots of help in the kitchen!)  Dr Who, ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’and ‘White Christmas  on the TV’, and someone who can sing and play ( guitar, piano?  I don’t mind)  for the musical entertainment.

Well, it’s not going to happen quite like that for me or anyone else for that matter, but it does make you think that actually, whatever the TV ads tell you, Christmas isn’t about cut price tins of Quality Street and Roses chocolates or the latest electronic gadget.

We can find our own magic if we look in the right places…

The Simple Things - Advent Calendar Day 9 The Simple Things - Advent Calendar Day 9

The Simple Things - Advent Calendar Day 9

Do you have a fantasy Christmas?  Do share it if you do…

The other magazine in the reading pile is a new Crochet magazine which was sent to me to review.  Have you seen it yet?  I spotted it for the first time on the High Street yesterday and you can also find it here.

Love Crochet magazine - Advent Calendar Day 9

Ideal for beginners as it has a comprehensive ‘How-to’ section at the back, and lots of different project  for different skill levels.  Some pretty baby blankets,  this neck warmer which is on my to do list..

Love Crochet magazine - Advent Calendar Day 9
(and the dog’s cute too!)

And these pretty mats which would be a great project for honing newly learnt crochet skills.

Love Crochet Magaxzine - Advent Calendar day nine

I love these subtle natural shades, but these patterns would work well in the Planet Penny Cotton yarn, especially using either the warm part of the spectrum…

Planet Penny Cotton Warm shades

or the cool one…

Planet Penny Cotton Cool shades

Hope you’ve had (or are having)  a peaceful Sunday, I’ll be back tomorrow!

Don’t forget to call over to Handmade Monday to find lots of other Christmas makes, and if you haven’t entered the Prize Draw you can find out all about it, and the fab prizes on this post

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18 thoughts on “Advent Calendar – Day Nine

  1. Penelope

    Dearest Penny
    I think I’ll just join your perfect fantasy Christmas please…oh and lots of bubbly too :o) I too get the heebie jeebies with all the commercialism of Christmas and try and turn a blind eye at all the excessive food andchocolates which make me feel nauseous just seeing them! I love good cheer, company and food at Chrismas, anything else is a bonus really.
    I also love looking in hedgerows for berries and hooly and other Winter foliage to dec our home with.
    must look out for that new mag, I have seen people talking aboutit in blogland already xox Take care and keep cosy this coming week x Penelope

  2. Liz

    I dream of a simple Christmas. ONE pressie per person under the tree…..something really wanted or needed, a leisurely breakfast of kedgeree – hubby’s speciality. A long wintery walk with all the family and then a sit down meal with family AND friends, I miss having friends to share the day with. I would also happily hop on a plane to see my lovely sis in Sydney if I could. I miss my family at this time of year.

  3. Teje

    Hi Penny! Your dream Christmas sounds very much like mine and I thought everyones. I hope that my more realistic dream comes true and we have a quiet, slowly Christmas at home. This year I haven’t even crocheted any decorations as often. Too bad we are always so busy. I hope your Christmas is going to be as close as possible to your dream! x Teje

  4. Gaynor

    Sounds bliss. Can we come if Sean brings his guitar – he can be the musical interlude. I LOVE the Christmas tree made from all those beautiful bits and pieces. Inspirational. Lovely post Penny.

  5. Jill

    Your fantasy Christmas sounds perfect. Mine would be to have all of my family, aunts, uncles, etc, together for a wonderful family Christmas just as we used to do when I was growing up. Sadly, age and distance means lots of my relatives can’t make a get-together but in fantasy-land, they would be able to. Hope you have a good week.

  6. knitnrun4sanity

    I think that it is really important to to step back away from all the hype and commercialization at this time of year. You do not need to buy everything in the shops – we will not run out of food because the supermarkets are shut for 1 day! We always take our children to see Father Christmas at a place which is really rustic with very little cheese. My idea of a great day out!

  7. wendy

    Your perfect Christmas sounds perfect! Mine would just involve all my children and grandchildren together round one big table. One of my daughters has a birthday on Christmas day and I miss her the most if she’s not there (she’ll be up after Christmas this year) x

  8. Blue Forest Jewellery

    A simple Christmas would be lovely, wouldn’t it? That magazine has some great ideas and makes. My main wish is always for some snow – I’m a child whenever it snows – apart from that, so long as I have the hubbie and the dog with me, Christmas is complete.

    Have a great week,
    Alison x

  9. threadsnshreds

    I totally agree about the commercialism! I work in retail, in a very seasonal based shop and it does drain away every bit of the love away from the season! I come back from my summer hols in sept and walk straight in to xmas! For me the beautiful season is just associated with no time for myself, stress and tiredness. The more lovely hand-made christmas creations I see the more I long to be able to enjoy a traditional christmas and to be able to make so many componants towards it! oh well maybe one day!
    Looks a great magazine, ive not seen it before!?

  10. Mrs. Micawber

    My dream Christmas came true 8 years ago when my nephew took my sister and me to England for the Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols at King’s College. (At the end of a long day spent standing in queue, we were three of the last five people allowed in.)

    For me, Christmas happens every year when we sit down on Christmas Eve morning to listen to the Festival live on radio. Everything else is just busy-ness. (But I do love the time spent with family on Christmas Day.)

    The ideal Christmas? One where I got all my creative gift ideas MONTHS in advance, instead of late November and early December, and actually made them all early! I’d also love to have pots, pans and dishes that would wash themselves and put themselves away. 🙂

  11. Ginny

    I do have a Christmas fantasy, which is to go away somewhere for Christmas. Not sure where, just somewhere in the country and go on lots of nice long walks, on cold but crisp and sunny days. I know that probably sounds terrible, although I am in my favourite part of Christmas, the build up with all the school shows and nativities. I prefer this bit to the actual Christmas.

  12. A Wooly Tale

    I am one of the people who will always believe! I am such a child when it comes to Christmas!

    Thank you for sharing parts of the magazine, that tree is incredible…so different!

  13. Trish

    Yours sounds like a perfect fantasy Christmas to me too. But apart from that I would like to go back to the Christmases of my childhood – we would have our stockings at home then, before lunch, all my extended family on my Mums side would go to Grandma and Grandad’s house – Aunts, Uncles, cousins… There would be 13 – 17 of us in total. We would have lunch there and then presents from relatives afterwards, in front of a roaring fire. Happy memories 😀

  14. Wendy Melling

    Loved reading this post. I agree about all the stress at this time. It’s important to take a deep breath, and make time for yourself, as well as family and friends. The Simple Things is a great magazine, a wonderful treat, allowing time to slow down.
    Wendy x

  15. Alison

    I loved the description of your perfect Christmas. Like yourself I think Christmas should be about family and friends. I’ve often found myself buying gifts for family members just because I had to buy them something. I will have to check out The Simple Things magazine when I’m in the supermarket, thanks.
    Ali x

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