Not a lot of creativity of the crocheting kind has been happening on Planet Penny over the past week. It’s been half term and Higgins and I have been visited by our favourite little boys. (And a big one and we like him too, but he’s slightly less noisy!) In the middle of it all I was sent a lovely present and if you are wondering what a Harty crochet hook is, all will be revealed presently.
It’s been sooo cold and grey, and now they’ve all gone home Higgins is sulky and I’m feeling grumpy. Spring cannot come soon enough…
Higgins had such a lovely time having someone around who can do running. I have my good points as far they go from a doggy perspective, but I’m rubbish at running…
Boys also do interesting things with sticks…
And the Harty hook? Well I had a message from the lovely Nicola via the Planet Penny Facebook Page saying she would like to give me one of her beautiful Harty crochet hooks, I just had to choose the style and size. That was the most difficult bit, there’s such a lovely selection which you can see on the Fleabubs Website.
I eventually chose this one…
And I had enough quiet moments to crochet up some little flowers…
…and finish the edging on my baby blanket to test it out. (Not a moment to soon as my new great-niece arrived a few days ago! )
I’ve not used a hook with a handle before and I really recommend it. Very much more comfortable to hold, especially if you are using a small hook as you don’t have to grip so hard. Thanks you so much Nicola!
I’ll leave you now so I can get back to the fire, the flowers and the hook but not before I leave you with a link to Handmade Harbour for Handmade Monday Linky. Do call in and see what everyone else has been up to.
See you again soon…

I love that hook, the colors and the design….gorgeous!!
Lluisa x
Aww looks like little Higgins has had a fantastic week with his young pals
I love the little butterflies on the crochet hook – great choice! And your baby blanket is beautiful, i’m sure it will be greatly treasured.. just think, its young recipient might be passing it on her child one day…! x
Looks like Higgins had a lot of fun with your visitors. The crochet hook looks very bright and colourful. What a lovely gift to receive.
I love seeing what Higgins has been up to! I have seen those crochet hooks around and really wish I was able to crochet so I had an excuse to buy one!
Higgins looks like he is having a fantastic time – that stick looks as big as him

I’ve noticed those crochet hooks before, Fleabubs makes some really beautiful designs. Like you I have never used a hook with a handle before. Perhaps it’s about time I gave it a go
Love the action shots of Higgins – flying ears an’all! I always use crochet hooks with a handle – much warmer and easier to use, I find. Love your crochet flowers – very Springlike!
The baby blanket is so beautiful – such lovely colours together. Aren’t you clever?
Have a great week,
What a lovely hooky present, so pretty. The baby blanket has turned out gorgeous. Bet mum will be really happy wrapping baby us in it.
Great looking crochet hook – all the ones I’ve seen before have been a dull grey!
I may just have to go and have a look at this site. I really like the hook. Spending a lot of time crocheting it would be nice to have some beautiful hooks. Your baby blanket is fab, I love the vertical chains running through it. Hope you have a good week.
What a great hook! Enjoy using it x
A pretty hook and lovely pictures of Higgins, what more can I ask for?
The hook looks lovely and such a great idea. I don’t crochet but I can imagine it would make life easier. Love the Higgins shots, as usual. What is it with boys and sticks?
Congratulations on becoming a great aunt. I’m sure her mummy will love the baby blanket.
Glad to see Higgins having fun. He looks adorable in his red coat.
Glad that you and Higgins have had a good time. Your Harty hook crochet flowers are very pretty.
Your baby blanket is simply beautiful. The new hook is so pretty, off to take a look at the site.
The hook looks beautiful enough to leave out on display, and to remind you to pick it up and make more wonderful things such as another baby blanket. The one in your photo is gorgeous!
Wendy x
What a really beautiful crochet hook. Great pics of Higgins – an Oscar winner. Hope you have a good week.
That is a really gorgeous blanket and it looks like you all had a fabulous half term. Just popping over to look at the fleabubs site!
Wow – am in awe of the blanket and the flowers! Really pretty hook, it’s so nice when you get something spontaneous like that
Simmi x
I’m jealous of anyone who can crochet and have their work turn out as they planned! Lovely…
The crochet hook is lovely as is the baby blanket – just gorgeous!
Higgins looked like he had a really great time running round and enjoying the company.
That is a beautiful blanket. I love the vertical stripes in the bright colours and the matching flowers. I’ve not tried the hooks with handles before but some of the ladies I’ve taught have and I’m getting more tempted, especially for lace work
Higgins is flying along in a couple of those pics isn’t he … I bet he can’t wait until the next school holiday!
That baby blanket is GORGEOUS! Do you have a link to buy/get the pattern??