Feeling Blue…and Grey.

dry mud

This is a post in two halves because I’ve had a few days where my usual Pollyanna disposition has been conspicuous by it’s absence.  I’ve been in two minds too, as to whether to even write the post but in the end I felt that appearing relentlessly upbeat  is probably a tad annoying and maybe letting on about the down times is a good thing (occasionally)

gloomy skies and feeling blue

It’s not been helped by the weather.  Not just the cold, but the unrelenting gloom.  I don’t function well under sullen grey skies and feel like I’m carrying the weight of them around balanced on the top of my head.  I know this means I’m feeling blue but I love blue, and grey, well not so much.

Add to this an M.E. flare up, my other half being in the middle of the North Sea and the boys heading off back home to the South Coast it’s been a bit grim round here, I’ve definitely been Mrs Grumpy.

footpath and grey skies - feeling blueBut today there was sunshine.

Norfolk Sky - feeling blue

The aches and pains have subsided a little so I could enjoy my walk with Higgins properly and I could almost see the flowers in the garden opening…

purple crocus



yellow crocus

Apparently the Met Office consider March 1st as the first day of Spring, so the end is in sight.  Lets hope it sweeps the grey away!

I celebrated the sunshine by announcing an upcoming Facebook Giveaway which will happen when I reach the 2000 ‘likes’ milestone so if you’d like the join in the link is here.

crochet flowers on a plate
…and I also indulged in some silliness with a little sheep.  I retired the sheep I’d had on my keyring for some years when I changed my car and swapped it for a crochet heart keyring, but despite looking a little battered and tired I couldn’t bear to part with her.

So after a quick wizz around in the washing machine she has now been spruced up and given another car based role.  Together with her knitting she’s going back in the car to sit on the dashboard to bring a spot of Planet Penny colour to what is alas, a grey car!

knitting sheep

Next step, a crochet cushion or two!

Back soon …x


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21 thoughts on “Feeling Blue…and Grey.

  1. Penny Lindop

    Oh, Penny, I know how you feel – this winter and grey seems to have gone on for so long. I too revelled in the sunshine today, although it was still chilly. And I can relate to family being away as mine have both flown the nest too (well, sort of!)
    Let’s hope for more sunshine, and the aches diminish

  2. Jill

    I know what you mean about grey weather and i don’t like it much either. A mid week Higgins fix helps!

  3. Boo Christine Ellis

    Aww it’s horrible to feel like that. Have you tried one of those special SAD lamps – a friend of mine has one and swears by it – worth a try. Your garden flowers that are popping up will surely help as must your adorable Higgins! Take care and be kind to yourself. Love your flowers in the dish so much. Best wishes, Boo 🙂

  4. Chris

    Penny, I live in the Pacific Northwest of the US so I can totally relate to your feelings of blue and that relentless, grey!! Ugh!! Enough is enough, I say!!
    What is M.E.? I hope it is something not too serious for you….
    Yes, bring on the sunshine, that will make all of us feel so much better!!
    Love your lil sheep! 🙂

  5. Amy

    Best wishes Penny,
    I’m an MEer too, severely affected, I love your cheery blog but hadn’t realised you were a fellow ME person! X

  6. knitnrun4sanity

    I am sorry to hear that you have been feeling down. It is not something I associate with you as you use such bright and cheery colours in your work. It is amazing how a little bit of sunshine can make a huge difference and as for those flowers….. Roll on Friday 🙂

  7. Toffeeapple

    So sorry to hear that you have been unwell and lonely, Penny. I hope that today’s sunshine managed to make you feel a little easier. Your flowers look lovely, peeking out of the grass.

    I am amazed that your sheep came out of the machine looking so good!

  8. Sherrill

    I LOVE the look of your flowers and all the sun to go with them. Spring can’t be far behind if the flowers are starting to bloom, can it? Unfortunately, my flowers are under about 4 1/2 feet of snow, so spring will be a little later here, but we have LOTS of sun today, and that helps bunches. Hope the sun keeps shining inside and outside! If all else fails, hug Higgins. Surprising how often that helps.

  9. Penelope

    Thinking of you Penny, I’m pleased to hear that your M.E. has calmed a bit. I too am loathing this grey gloom, it feels like the longest Winter I have ever experienced in the UK. I am so sleepy and fed up with having to put layers on…oh and all the washing around the house trying to dry.. I could go on but won’t. Yes,lets look on the bright side, flowers are starting pop their pretty heads into the world and the days are getting longer :o) Sending love and hugs, take special care xox P

  10. Meredith

    Sorry you are feeling glum, it seems to be that time of year, I think when Spring blossoms you will feel so much better.
    Hang in there,

  11. Chris Gill

    you’re feeling better. We too seem to have had endless gloomy days but at last the sun has returned and what a difference it makes! Clear blue skies for several days now make the world look a lot brighter.xx

  12. Fran

    You are definitely not alone with the weather sickness and I too have had slight creative block, but its inspiring to read your blog and see that despite it all you can still produce wonderful things. That said I am off with renewed vigour to tackle a neglected project. Thank you Penny x

  13. Sleepy Kitty

    Hi Penny, sorry to hear you are not feeling well today. I have ME and Frbromyalgia too so I know how hard it can be. Sending you hugs and hope you feel better soon. X

  14. Rachell

    Relentlessly happy blog posts do get boring, in fact I’m planning 52 weeks of grumpy next year as there are times when reading jolly lists grate! Grumpy can be very funny and raise a smile, or is that just me and my warped sense of humour?!
    Pollyanna behaviour ignores the fact that there are days when we all wake with a headache, drop toast buttered side down on a dusty floor and things go steadily down-hill from there.
    Generally I enjoy the ‘my life’ type of blogs which detail the real, good and crappy, which we all experience.
    Me? I’ll just stick to craft stuff and sounding very boring 😉

  15. Rainbow Junkie

    Sorry you’re feeling down. I have always found grey days oppressive but I can vouch for a SAD lamp helping with a winter desire to hibernate till the sun shines again.
    Love the photographs of the flowers: real and crochet, and your sheep – such fun!

  16. Marigold

    It has been gray and more gray here too. We are certainly ready for some spring too! The picture of the crocus just made me feel happy…well, that and Higgins’ bright red coat. 🙂

  17. Faith

    I’ve had a good bout of the blues recently, not like me, feeling rubbish and cold…even dog walking has failed to give me the boost I need. I do hope that it is going to warm up a little soon, it’s wearing isn’t it?

    I do hope for you (and for me) that there will be sunshine a plenty very soon.x

  18. Mrs. Micawber

    Oh Penny, I hope you’re feeling better now. Your flowers are lovely, and that knitting sheep is a kick.

    P.S. What a fabulous crochet hook in your last post!

  19. Annie @ knitsofacto

    I do hope you’re feeling a bit better now Penny x

    (As a fellow ME sufferer – with RA too – I do know how tough it can get. And I’m another Pollyanna type too, but we can’t keep that up every day, can we! Hugs x)

  20. Ada Bea

    Hi Penny, sorry you are feeling not so good, I too have to manage a very difficult health condition so have some understanding of ‘bad days’! Hope you are feeling more upbeat soon.
    Off to get my own ‘happy fix’ and have a good look around your beautiful blog! 🙂 x

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