All Sheep Shape…

daffodils in the sun for a Sheep shape post

Have you heard the sound of birds singing and  sheep dancing on Planet Penny this week?   It’s all because the sun is shining and I have finished my piece for the Norfolk and Norwich Open Studios Taster Exhibition at the Forum in Norwich….yippee!   I’ve just looked back and found I published my Ta-daaa moment for the last piece almost exactly a year ago today, you can read it here.   And I said “This has existed in my head for so long it was rather a shock to realise that I hadn’t actually made it yet, so I’ve been working on it all week” And I can say exactly the same this year.  It’s amazing how a deadline focuses the mind!

But first, the sunshine.  It’s still not very warm, but it was a relief to wake up yesterday morning and realise the wind was not whistling in the chimney which it’s been doing for days.

frosty gardenI’ve had the doors open into the garden for the first time this year (and kept my fleece on) to let some fresh air into the house and Henry and Higgins have appreciated being able to wander in and out as they please.  Henry has a spot on a warm paving slab where in a few weeks he will be able to get spaced out on Cat Mint…

Tabby cat in the garden

…and Higgins parked himself under the bird feeder to make sure no pesky birds could get at the little dish of water I  put out for them.  He found it was particularly delicious, so much nicer than the inferior water in the dog bowl!

miniature dachshund

There’s a lot of bare earth in the garden, even the weeds are holding back, but there are patches of Spring to enjoy…

purple crocus

white crocuses

mixed crocuses

frilly daffodil
And so to my big project for this week.  I really wanted to do something completely different this time, to step away of the bright colours, the crochet, the small things.  Also to challenge myself on the needlefelt front and make something much bigger than little birds and mice.    So I’ve used a very subdued palette…

sheep fleece
Natural Merino fleece with a background of charcoal grey.

So can you guess what I made? Well, of course it’s a sheep!

needlefelt sheep for NNOS 2013
It’s actually quite hard to photograph and get the angle right…

needlefelt sheep for Taster Exhibition NNOS 2013

It’s called ‘How to Knit a Sheep’… (but please don’t ask me for a pattern!)

'How to Knit a Sheep' NNOS 2013

The knitted part starts off as unspun fleece and gradually reduces in thickness until it becomes  undyed 4 ply to knit the lacy part.

Needlefelt Sheep for NNOS 2013

knitting for 'How to Knit a Sheep' for NNOS 2013
This has been a rare moment when the finished piece is almost the same as the picture in my head, hence the singing and dancing!  As you can imagine, I haven’t done a lot else this week but there are exciting Planet Penny things in the pipeline which I hope to share with you soon.

It’s Handmade Monday again this week so I’m linking up with Wendy for Handmade Monday over on Handmade Harbour  and I’ll be back very soon…x



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54 thoughts on “All Sheep Shape…

  1. Alaine

    Stunning! What a beautiful representation of the world of fiber arts!! I stand in awe!

  2. Tickled Pink

    That’s amazing. I love it. So clever and a great display of all the different phases of wool. Wonderful.

  3. Chris

    Wow is right!! That is incredible and so life like…you are beyond creative….an arteest extrordinaire!! :)Amazing!

  4. Emily

    That’s absolutely amazing. So creative and very life-like. You’re so very clever. I also love reading every blog and never miss one. Xxx

  5. Jill

    Amazing. If the sheep face wasn’t so clean i’d think it was a real one just stuck it’s head in to say hello!

  6. Joan

    As always I am totally go smacked ( excuse the word but it was the only one that perfectly described the condition!). You make such wonderful and inspiring things!! Lovely photos of he flowers and animals too. Thanks. Joan

  7. Laura

    Wow, I just love the sheep! And the flowers are great too – I love seeing signs of spring, even if it’s still quite chilly 🙂

  8. Teje

    Penny, I’m almost wordless … gorgeus, amazing, beautiful, fantastic (do I know other great English words?)! I love your sheep and the idea of something starting with a wool and ends up fine knitted lace is fantastic! I would love to pin and tweet your talented work, but not without your permission.
    I’m so happy to know such a creative and talented lady! x Teje

  9. Simmi

    WOW. That is SO impressive! I am not surprised that you’re singing and dancing, it looks amazing 🙂 Well done you! Simmi x

  10. Andrea

    Absolutely love the sheep! And the photos are great – makes me think of warm spring days?!

  11. Faith

    Our cat has been sitting in the sun spots on the carpets, or on the back of my dressing table! It’s so nice to open the doors and let the light in isn’t it?

    Love your exhibition piece, very clever, isn’t it amazing like you say what a bit of pressure does to productivity.

  12. Patchwork Fairy

    I know that feeling very well – when something exists in your head so long you nearly forget to make it! But your sheep is amazing – the eyes are so well done. xx

  13. Jan @ Handcrafted by Picto

    This is so wonderful, I love the concept, the way it’s been ‘constructed’ and the finished piece. No wonder you are all singing and dancing.

    Loving the flower pics too, a bit late but welcome never the less.

    Jan x

  14. Free Spirit Designs

    Oh wow! What an inspired and beautifully executed piece or art!! You have really out done yourself this time 🙂

    Isn’t it lovely to have a few rays of lovely sunshine minus the biting wind! x

  15. knutty knitter

    It was almost frosty here for the first time. Sprocket (the cat) prefers the watering can for really tasty water 🙂 He is also the reason for the gap in my window box.

    Love that sheep!!!

    viv in nz

  16. Elizabeth

    Penny the sheep is FANTASTIC! I love the whole concept of it. It’s made my day! Very tempted to get to the exhibition…we’re only in cambs…

  17. Fran

    You have such a wonderful imagination and some terrific skills to make the thought a reality…absolutely amazing piece of work. Oh, and the crocuses are gorgeous, if somewhat delayed.

  18. lisa

    It’s amazing how happy and alive people become as soon as the sun comes out! Great sheep! Very life like face!

  19. Lady Jane

    wow- that sheep is amazing! I have never tried needle felting but it seems to be a very exciting and pliable medium – I have seen quite a few wonderful creations out there in blogland etc.
    And the knitty bit – brilliant idea!

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  21. Heili

    Awsome! I want it! So well done! It’s even bit scary how real the sheep looks like! 🙂

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