Sunshine and Flowers

Suddenly it’s Spring!  It’s such an overwhelming change too, after a winter which seemed to go on forever.  The daffodils at the side of the road, resolutely green and tight budded, responded to the sunshine so immediately you could practically hear the sound of popping as they opened.  There’s now a definite green tinge to the brown twigginess of the hedgerows, in a few days Spring will really be busting out all over!

It’s been another busy week, which started with a trip to London.  I went to meet the Pinterest Team, who came over from the US to organise a campaign with selected bloggers.  And they selected me!  Very honoured by that, and very surprised!  Anyway, it all happens in May and I look forward to telling you all about it then.

With a little time to spare, I wandered round and went off to see St Paul’s, knowing that  in  a couple of days I would be seeing it on the news during the coverage of Margaret Thatcher’s funeral.  I was too late to go inside, but it is a very beautiful and imposing building, especially with the blossom and late afternoon sunshine.

St Paul's Cathedral, blossom & sunshine

Back home, Open Studios is fast approaching.  We’ve picked up boxes of brochures and postcards and tomorrow we’re off to the Forum in Norwich with our pieces for display in the Taster Exhibition which is on from Tuesday to Friday.   I mentioned in this post that I was making a website for our Art Trail so if you would like to know more about us call over to the Two Rivers Trail (and watch out for the gorilla!)

I’m longing to find time to get out in the garden like some others I could mention…

miniature dachshund sunbathing

…and Higgins isn’t the only one enjoying the sunshine out there either…

butterfly in sunshine

…but at the moment I tend to just wander round with a cup of tea and a camera in my tea breaks.

grape hyacinths in sunshine

These little Grape Hyacinths have survived remarkably well considering they are on one of Higgins’ routes round the garden and he’s trodden on them regularly for months!

cowslips & aubretia in sunshine


I’ve done nothing in the vegetable patch, so this little pansy has taken advantage and moved in…

pansy in the sunshine

I skived off from working for a couple of hours this morning to visit the beach.  We’ve not been for ages as we’ve had weeks of Arctic winds blowing straight of the sea and I didn’t think it would do my sinuses much good!  It hasn’t done the beach much good either, as our miles of pale gold sand has been scoured off and deposited elsewhere.  The level of the beach must be about 15 feet lower, and there are pools and stretches of clay.

clay exposed by coastal erosion - Norfolk

The huge chunks of granite which are part of the sea defences and normally partially hidden in the sand are exposed, and it was quite a feat of mountaineering to get over the top and on to the next stretch of beach.

Norfolk beach in sunshine
Higgins really enjoyed the pools…

dachshund in the pool
..and also discovered the most revolting bit of flotsam…or even the shape of a baby’s dummy.  He smelt it from about 20 feet away, made a bee line for it and carried it all the way back to the car to put in his toy box!

miniature dachshund

So this is why I haven’t finished the project that was going to be my Hand Made Monday feature!  I’m sure you don’t begrudge me a trip to the seaside though, and I will get back in the next few days when it’s done.  I have also taken deliver of a fresh batch of Planet Penny yarn which I need to get back on to the Etsy site so it really is busy, busy, busy at the moment.

Don’t forget, there is still time to join in with draw for a copy of The Knitted Home by Ruth Cross.  Just visit the post here, and leave your knitting story in the comments.  Do take a moment to read some of the stories which have already been left, some of them really raise a giggle.

Back soon…x


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12 thoughts on “Sunshine and Flowers

  1. Teje

    Hi Penny and Higgins! I’m happy to see that you have a beautiful weather and enjoyed your weekend!
    So beautiful photos!
    Hugs from Teje, Nero and Hanna

  2. Love, Lucie

    Here in Yorkshire we are also being treated to the spring display. Just need the hedges and trees to start greening up and we’ll feel we’ve finally left that winter behind.
    But I do miss the sea having grown up on the
    North Wales coast.

    Love reading your blog btw.

  3. Toffeeapple

    I am amazed at the loss of your beach, I wonder what will happen to it in the rest of the year?

    Love the pictures of Higgins, especially the flying ears one, bless him.

  4. Penelope

    Dearest Penny
    I adore it when you capture Higgins’ flying ears, he is too gorgeous and full of character. Your garden looks divine, such a gorgeous stretch of green and trees, Mr. H certainly looks like he is enjoying himself!
    I look forward to hearing about the pinterest campaign in May and hope you enjoy getting ready for your open studio xxx Penny

  5. Pat

    Hi Penny, your photographs are simply stunning. What beautiful spring time pictures. And, Higgins is adorable as ever!

  6. KateUK

    Don’t worry about your Grape Hyacinths Penny- they are the cockroaches of the bulb world and would probably survive a nuclear holocaust. Once they get going, they can take over a garden, so encourage the lovely Higgins to trample them as much as he likes!

  7. Chris

    Beautiful spring photos Penny! Is that your garden? That Higgins!! He is just too funny…not to mention adorable! 🙂

  8. Marigold

    So glad you are getting some fabulous spring! I can see the Mighty Higgins is impressed as well. 🙂 I love his prize. 🙂 Congratulations on being chosen for the Pinterest thing. Well deserved! P.S. Our cowslips are blooming too. I just love them and wish they were native. But at least we have some!

  9. Mrs. Micawber

    Penny, your garden is spectacular! If I were Higgins I’d be stretched out on the grass too, soaking up the sun. No doubt he feels he’s earned the rest, having worked so hard at being appealing all winter long. 🙂

    Very interesting about the beach … I do hope the sand returns somehow. Love Higgins’s flying ears.

    Looking forward to seeing what new fame and fortune awaits you with Pinterest.

    P.S. Lovely photo of St. Paul’s. That was one of our favourite stops when we visited London a few years ago.

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