Switch Off for a Day in the Sun

Bank Holiday weekends should be the time to switch off, but they rather merge into the background on Planet Penny.  One tends not to do just a five day week when you work from home, it’s very hard to shut the door and walk away, Tim’s working rota takes no account of public holidays and I’m my Mum’s carer.  This means I can’t actually remember when I actually switched off for a whole day.  Which is ridiculous!

So last weekend I awarded myself a Day Off!

First rule: Do Not Switch On The Computer.

Second Rule: Do Not Switch On The Phone.

I started with a trip to our lovely village shop, our Community Shop if you remember, I own at least a brick or two!  I bought the Sunday Paper, a cup of freshly ground coffee and a Double Chocolate Muffin and took them outside in the sun .  I took no photos of this, I’m afraid, but everyone behind the counter in the shop rushed out to take one as I was christening the new chairs and tables! (If you really want to see, you’ll have to check out the Facebook Page!)

Once back home I dragged the old steamer chair under the cherry trees in the garden and filled it with a throw and cushions…

Patchwork Throw, crochet and knitted cushions in garden chair the place to Switch Off…went in to collect the only paper work I intended to do  all day…

Reading the papers to Switch Off…and got back to the chair to find it was being kept warm for me!

Miniature dachshund in garden chairOnce we had established that if anyone was going to sit on the grass it wasn’t going to be me, it was fine.  I not only read both Saturday and Sunday’s papers I went on to finish the book I had started a while ago.

After lunch one of us decided to carry on sunbathing…

Tabby cat sunbathing
…while the rest of us went for a walk…

miniature dachshund running

(the one with short legs did running)

The name of this lovely lime green tree escapes me, but aren’t the flowers pretty?

green flower

It seems only a short time ago the hedgerows were white with snow, but now it’s blossom.

blossom in hedgerow
So pretty and so fleeting…

white blossom


Then home for a cup of tea.

A light supper and an episode of Endeavour finished the day and I woke up the next morning feeling I had a weeks holiday, full of ideas and plans!

This is something I must factor in to my life on a regular basis to keep the creative juices flowing, however hard it is to find the ‘Off’ switch.

I wonder… what do you do to unwind?


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13 thoughts on “Switch Off for a Day in the Sun

  1. Toffeeapple

    I thought your tree was a Lime, but the leaves don’t look right so I am no help at all.

    I’m glad you enjoyed your day off and that the sun shone for you.

    How lovely to see Henry as well as Higgins!

  2. Teje

    Dear Penny, I’m happy you had a day off but switched on your camera! Beautiful photos! Higgins and Henry are so sweet! x Teje

  3. Debbie

    Hi Penny, I think you definitely deserved a day off and it sounds like even though you were still taking pictures for the blog, your batteries were re-charged. After last year we should all make the most of every bit of sunshine and enjoy it!
    PS I love the way you write!

  4. Wendy

    I seem to have lost my off switch since getting custody of my newborn great-nephew! It’s worth it though. He is adorable!

    I love your blog. The way you write is great. Plus, I have a little crush on Higgins :-). Keep up the great work and take more days off!

  5. Gertie

    Looks like you had a great day off. Lovely pictures of Higgins and Henry.

    To unwind I like to read, take a bath or do some sewing. Pretty boring stuff I’m afraid…. xx

  6. Celia

    What a perfect day, I’m pleased that Higgins let you have the chair… you deserved that day off. When you work fom home it’s very easy to just push on at every opportunity, or do chores around the house and garden.
    I think the lime green tree may be a Norway Maple.

  7. Rachel

    I love your chair with the beautiful throw and cushions, it looks so inviting! Glad you had a good day off – sometimes it’s worth making the time to stop completely so that you’re refreshed and energised to carry on (talking to myself too there – it’s something I need to keep reminding myself to do!)

  8. Annie @ knitsofacto

    I think I needed to read this post Penny, thank you. I have recently become my Mum’s carer, I am trying to build knitsofacto into a business, and I have my work for the rescue charity too. Lately I don’t stop from getting up to going to bed and it’s taking it’s toll. I will schedule a day off soon 🙂

    Have a lovely weekend 🙂

  9. Chris

    The photo of Higgins in your comfy chair under the tree made me laugh! He is such a character…much like my Sophie…his US twin sister! 🙂
    I arrange a bouquet to relax or sit somewhere near the water!

  10. Marigold

    What an interesting tree! The leaves look like a Maple, but the blossoms certainly do not. The Goatmother has one of those seat warmers. 🙂 In my spare time, I eat Peanuts and hay and grass. I do sunbathe, though.

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