Sunshine and Shadows…

Sunshine and Shadows flower

Having lost the label I’ve decided this is my Sunshine and Shadows Plant!   I’m sure someone out there will know the proper name but with it’s bright sunshiny petals and gorgeous purpley leaves I think my name really suits it!  I do know it likes to be a bit damp, and that’s been real headache this hot and sunny summer.  The lawn has pretty well given up.

dry lawn

I don’t water the lawn, do you?  It seems to bounce back as soon as the season changes and between Higgins and ‘his’ boys (who are coming for a visit very soon, cue much excitement!) it’s never going to be a bowling green.  I’ve just about managed to keep the pots and tubs going, the veg garden and my ‘Sunshine and Shadows’ Plant.  I say the veg garden, hmm… this year I’ve managed two bowls of strawberries…

strawberriesThere’s what is shaping up to be an enormous pumpkin…


and so far, two runner beans…  What a good thing Tim is away so I don’t have to share!

It’s been quite busy on Planet Penny over the last week or so thanks to the Rainbow Mice appearing in the Australian craft Magazine, Homespun

Homespun Magazine

It’s amazing to think there are little Rainbow Mice running around all over the globe!

Recently several people have bought more than one pack of the Rainbow collection of yarn with throws and blankets in mind and this has concentrated my mind on something which has rattled around for quite some time.  I wrote last week about the problems of being  ‘Just the One‘ and never having enough time, or pairs of hands to do all I want to do, and one of those things is to make a big enough crocheted piece to work out what sort of area one pack of yarn would cover, in granny squares or a ripple.  And this has held me back on an idea I’ve had for ages, because I kept thinking it would raise the unanswerable question.

But I’ve decided, stop faffing around, Penelope, get on with it and see what happens!

So, and this is where the Sunshine and Shadows theme appears again, I’m readdressing the Planet Penny Colours from either end of the spectrum, and making up packs which would be perfect for making cushions, throws, baby blankets etc with a more defined colour palette.

Put together Aubretia, Delphinium, Cornflower, Eggshell, Aqua, Jade and Apple and we’re in the shady woodland end of the garden…

Sunshine and Shadows Knitted Mice

…and meanwhile Rose Red, Gerbera, Petal, Peach, Marigold, Buttercup and Lime reflect the sunshine and heat on the terrace…

Sunshine & Shadows Knitted Mice
The packs are the same size, but with 2 balls each of the seven colours in the Sunshine or Shadows colours and they are going in the Planet Penny Etsy shop today…

Sunshine and Shadow Collection, Planet Penny Yarn - Sunshine

Sunshine and Shadow Collection - Planet Penny yarn - Shadows

I’d love to know what you think and if anyone has made a throw, cushion or similar with their Planet Penny Cotton I’d love to see it, and to know how big it is!  I’m going to be working on a baby blanket because not only have I got my prospective Grannification next year, my niece is expecting this month so baby things must done!  My crochet hook will be smoking!

And speaking of baby things, this week I made these…

baby socks
I’m getting very excited!

This week I’m linking up with Handmade Harbour do call over to find lots of handmade lovelies to admire!

I’ll be back soon, have a lovely week…x


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28 thoughts on “Sunshine and Shadows…

  1. Trish

    Fantastic idea Penny. I really don’t understand why more yarn sellers don’t do mixed colour packs. Takes the hard work out of choosing colour schemes for those who are less confident about it.

  2. Lou

    Oh how fab!!! Love both those combos! I made a large granny square blanket for my son, I have had 2 small sets and 1 large of your yarn and have a small amount left after making the blanket! Happy to test with another batch, shall be snapping up a green set very soon! 🙂

  3. Penny

    Hello Penny
    Well done in getting your signature rainbow mice into the Australian magazine, they certainly are globe trotting now. I made a big granny square blanket with your cotton about 2 years ago and only really used about half the stock, it was amazing. I really am attracted to all those pinks and oranges, gosh like a beautiful sunset altogether.
    I hope you and Higgins enjoy your boys soon, maybe the pumpkin will be ready for fritters or pie :o) x From a fellow Penelope x

  4. Rainbow Junkie

    Hi,When I want to know how much yarn I will need for a project I calculate it one of two ways, maybe both as a double check.

    I make a small sample and weigh it then work out what fraction of the whole it is and multiply appropriately. This should give me how many grams of yarn I need and hence how many balls.

    I also know that 1m of yarn gives me about 10 trs in crochet so if it is a granny something, for instance, I work out how many trebles I will create, divide by 10 to give metres and then based on the number of metres in a ball and I can see how many balls I should need.

    I tend to over estimate on the whole to be on the safe side.

  5. Simmi

    Ohhh I love both those colour packs! I don’t knit or crochet, but I imagine most people who do will love them! Well done on the magazine feature – that’s brilliant! Simmi x

  6. knitnrun4sanity

    I really love the mixes of colours. It is such a great idea. Congratulations on your appearance down under. You must be dead chuffed. I hope that you have a great week. xx

  7. mrsbrownmakes

    Lovely, lovely packs of yarn. Peach and Lime are two of my favourite colours at the moment, but I love all those blues together. Always exciting to be trying something new and SO great about the magazine feature. x

  8. Free Spirit Designs

    fab idea to create two colour palettes with your lovely yarns Penny, either set would make a gorgeous blanket.

    Our lawn has transformed from arid wispy dessert to lush verdant meadow in the last few weeks – due to more rain and less mowing (OH has a bad back and i don’t do mowing!) I agree, its amazing how quickly it transforms! x

  9. KateUK

    Your plant is a Ligularia Penny- I have one just outside my window, this year it has been decimated by little snails, who have eaten nearly all of the lovely purple foliage- thinking of putting it in a big pot topped with gravel next year to reduce the damage!

  10. Ali

    The colour combination of your yarns look perfect. I think it’s a great idea to combine the shades as I’ve spent ages wandering round a shop trying to match colours. Can’t wait to see your fully grown pumpkin.
    Ali x

  11. Sue

    Congrats on impending grannyhood! According to my sister there is nothing better in the world than being a grandma. 🙂

    I love your new colour packs. Funnily enough I am working on a pattern right now with the PPCC yarn, using the blue-green palette (plus lime, minus eggshell) and loving it. Will post when the project is done. (Sorry but no idea of the yardage, and it’s a little project which isn’t much help.)

    Congrats too on your widening fame, and long may the PPCC prosper.

    P.S. No, we don’t water the lawn – who has time? That’s what rain is for, anyway – when we can get it. 🙂

  12. Jocelyn K

    I LOVE the idea of being able to buy the colour palettes like you have shown – they look so pretty in the colours you have chosen.

    I received my rainbow pack I bought from you the other day – wow – so quick to Australia and I LOVE the yarn! Can’t wait to get some more in the colourways that you have picked as my 10 yo DD loves blue/green colours.

  13. Christmas Pie Crafts

    A two colour pack is a great idea. Well done on the Australian publication – those mice get everywhere (in a lovely way). Lawns are incredible, no matter how dry or battered they get, the come back looking perfect (well apart form the weeds in ours that is). Hope you have a good week.

  14. Celia

    Oh I LOVE the new colour packs! A super idea and one to build on … a limited palette with one contrasting colour maybe?

  15. Celia

    A super idea! I love the new colour packs.
    Runner beans very sparse here too and the garden is getting very dry.
    Higgins will be bouncing around will his boys – have fun :-)))))

    btw it’s Bigleaf Ligularia, not sure which variety.

  16. Debbie de Spon

    great idea about the packs 🙂 and yes that’s a Lugularia (Britt Marie Crawford is its name I think)…
    p.s. the courgette lemon drizzle cake was delicious 🙂

  17. EleanorLucy

    My word – how on earth do you cram so much into you’re day!! I’m impressed!!!! Absolutely adore the new wool packs, I love way the acid yellow-green mousecontracts and compliments his team mates in particular. Congrats on your mag feature too, it’s fab to be recognised, well done! And it seems you have green fingers too – I’m trying hard to be awed rather than jealous :oP

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