I’ve got to start this with a great BIG THANK YOU! I’ve been overwhelmed by the the lovely messages, kind thoughts and helpful suggestions after my last post. I’m working my way through a list of things to investigate! I’m feeling much better now I’ve come to the end of the course of antibiotics. I struggle to keep my brain functioning rationally at the best of times, and adding fogginess and gloomy spirits to the mix was not not helpful. However, I’m much brighter now, I’ve just got to keep a tight rein of myself and not go galloping off after the next exciting thing, wear myself out and go SPLAT again.
It’s heart warming to know there is a big supportive network of kind people who really want to help one another, even though we are very often half a world apart. There are plenty of negative things to say about the internet but this can only be a big plus.
We’ve been really lucky here in Norfolk to have had some beautiful weather over the past week or so. It’s very uplifting for the spirits and I’ve tried as much as possible to get outside. Higgins has helped of course although he gets a bit impatient with the pace, and my inclination to stop with the camera or pick blackberries.
Autumn is a lovely time of year, but it’s overlaid with sadness that everything is coming to an end, which is why I prefer the optimism of Spring. But the autumn light is fantastic, misty in the mornings but golden later in the day and the night sky is spectacular. And I never tire of photographing the richness of the hedgerows, and the warm glowing colours of the berries…
Worth hanging out of the bedroom window for!
Planet Penny hasn’t been completely neglected through all this though, I’ve had the crochet hook on the go on and off, and a two very large boxes arrived the other day full of yarn so I’m very well stocked. It’s just as well the nice young man with a van is happy to carry them into the studio because I would never lift them myself. They will sit there now until I’ve found places to stow all the yarn packs and I will treat them like a roundabout!
I’ve added half size packs to the Planet Penny shop, seven balls of either the Sunshine or Shadows shades suitable for smaller projects…
And, and I have a question to ask…Would you like White? Last year I tried a small quantity of white yarn, Snowdrop, which I sold as a Christmas pack with patterns, do you remember?
Now a new batch is available but if it’s the right bright white I will have to buy a whole case of it. Before I completely fill my little cottage with yarn and move into the garden shed I thought I’d better see whether there’s a potential market for it! So do let me know so I can do some forward planning.
And that, for now, is it. I’m off to put my feet up and peruse the weekend papers with a cup of tea, while Higgins and Henry fight over my lap (Henry always wins too, poor Higgins!)
I’m linking up this week with Handmade Harbour for Handmade Monday, do call over to see all the crafty makes there and I’ll be back soon I’ll be back soon…x

Hi Penny,
Glad to hear you are feeling better, Higgins looked like he was enjoying the autumnal sunshine
In answer to your question – I would buy/use white cotton.
Take care and try not to go splat
Glad you are feeling better, the change in the seasons is hard, Higgins I am sure lifts the spirit
I would love the addition o pf the white yarn
Hi Penny,
Glad your spirits have been lifted, people can be pretty amazing can’t they?
the weather looks glorious in Norfolk, what lovely walks you go on. I love the photos you take, nature is wonderful, when it’s not raining! Have you any idea what the yellow flowers are in your photo? A friend has some in her garden and I haven’t been able to identify them for her.
Take good care of yourself.
Penny replied:
I think the flowers might be Rudbeckia. They seem to have escaped from a garden and are growing happily by the side of the footpath, much more healthily than anything growing in my garden. Isn’t that always the way!
Glad you are feeling better. Lovely photos evoking the spirit of Autumn.
Glad you’re feeling better Penny. I absolutely love the photos of the blackberry bushes. I love the autumn – I think it’s the colours more than anything, but also the thought of the plants which are dying off and which will provide the earth with all the nutrients for next year. Also – it’s that bit closer to Christmas! Have a good week xx
Having bought your white before Penny would definitely buy more…. love your yarn and don’t use anything else now. Glad you’re feeling better x
Lovely autumn pictures – it’s funnt but I find autimn full of promise rather than sadness, perhaps it was all those new starts of a new school year!!
So good to hear you are feeling better! I am with on the roller coaster of highs and lows. I’m up now but could be down in winter.
I think white is always popular, you just need to keep reminding customers by showing it made up with the colours or in seasonal patterns.
Really glad you are feeling so much better. I also find Autumn a sad time; the colours are fabulous but it means the end of warm, sunny days and a short trip into cold, frost, snow, darks days – sorry, that sounds so miserable. Your photographs are lovely and the colours in them are gorgeous. Hope you have a good week.
Great to hear that you’re feeling better Penny
Gorgeous photo’s! I love the light at this time of year too and i’m forever whipping my camera out when i’m out dog walking too.
I’m a big fan of bright colours set against white, the blanket you’ve shown as an example of the snowdrop yarn is soooooo gorgeous! If i was a crocheter i think white would be a must x
Glad you are feeling better your wool is so colourful it should cheer you up looking at it! I think white is good for making seasonal things at this time of year.
We’ve certainly had some lovely weather, I’m in Suffolk and it’s been glorious.
I’m a big fan of bright colours so your beautiful yarn is always a big hit with me.
Have a great week
Jan x
Beautiful autumnal photos, definitely uplift the spirit. Glad you are on the mend and in answer to your question I would buy white, but what I really love about your collection is the choice of all those bright vivid colours
Glad the lovely weather and Autumn photography has helped you feel a little brighter.
I am really sorry to hear that you are under the weather. The lovely sunshine must help to bring a bit of cheer. Your photos are lovely. I am sure white is a good idea.
So glad to hear you’re feeling perkier and so envious of you living next to a field with greylag geese. Absolutely love the sound of geese this year and will be making our annual pilgrimage across the border to Norfolk once the pinkfeet start arriving. A risky business leaving the safety of Suffolk!!!! A wonderful time of year when it’s sunny and crisp and then cosy at night with a dog at your feet! Keep happy x
My parents were in Norfolk this week and reported back (rather smugly) on your gorgeous weather. Whenever I see your photos of yarn combinations it brings a smile to my face – they are so bright and vibrant! I lust after every colour. There can never be a dull moment with that yarn around.
just visioned myself back walking in the country side i remember when i was younger (OMG I can say that now)lol I walked in the lanes on the outskirts of the RAF camp in Wales St Athans and saw all the lovely things you saw the other day :)Funny thing here in Christchurch New Zealand you can walk basically thru the same country side and apart from the flax bushes and cabbage trees you see the same things so it’s nice to see what you see. I didn’t mean to ramble I was meant to say thanks for the Sunshine and shadow color wheel i like the description but as usual I got carried away
I love your colors 
Glad you are feeling better. Your autumn photos are beautiful. I just want to reach out and pick those blackberries.
Penny, I feel like I just finished a lovely walk with you and Higgins through your beautiful countryside. Your photos are amazing. It’s good to hear that you are feeling better. I love the idea of the white yarn – it really shows off the colors of the Planet Penny yarn.
I can just hear Higgins saying, “Well, come on, then!”
Our blackberries come much earlier than yours … which are gorgeous.
So glad you are done with the antibiotics now. I do hope the upward trend continues and you find something helpful out of all the suggestions left on the last post!
P.S. Re the last post: another suggestion might be the anti-inflammatory diet. Mr. M has been reading up on it lately and it sounds very interesting. You probably know about it already but thought I’d just mention it.
Beautiful post and love love seeing Higgins, even brightens my day ?
Lovely pictures, I adore the autumnal colours. I also love the colours of your yarn, and I really love your last picture – the white really sets off the rainbow of colours nicely.
Take care Penny, remember to relax and take it easy for some time every day!We get the geese flying over morning and evening here too- I love it.Something rather comforting about a skein of geese honking overhead at sunset and sunrise.
Your images are always so inspiring and this collection is no exception. I don’t crochet, but I think I would use white if I did. It’s a super winter colour for all those Christmas projects and as you rightly say, it’s perfect as a backdrop for colour. I missed your last post so will check it out – I’ve just read an excellent book which sounds like it might be helpful so I’ll let you know. I’m the same with Autumn, I feel it has a sadness where Spring feels hopeful and expectant!
I have just discovered your blog, lovely, and Higgins is super. Yes please to white yarn!! I just bought a lovely selection of colours from you and would love a pack of white to make blankets with. x
I really like your autumnal pictures – so pretty when the leaves are starting to turn colourful. Also, hope you are feeling better soon!
Lovely pictures as always and the pics of your little dog always bring a smile to my face. But then I got distracted playing with Higgins – that is sooooooo cool – how did you do that!
Hi Penny – nice to hear from you after all this time. Hope you are feeling a bit better now. Have been scrolling through your recent posts – you stuff is as lovely as ever. I still wear my little stuffed heart brooch on my jacket and get lots of nice comments on it. xCathy