I wish I could say I drove home in this fabulous yarnbombed taxi, but I had to leave it at Alexandra Palace and the Knitting and Stitching Show.
Anyway, this is just to say I’m back, the shop has reopened for business and I’ll be along with a proper blog post very soon…
See you soon…x

Hello Penny
I feel like I haven’t said hi for a while. I hope you had a great time at the knit and stitch show. One day I WILL go! Am I right in thinking you came down to the coast too? Sorry, I’ve been bogged down with this and that and everything. I hope you had a great time if you did and look forward to hearing all your news xox Penny
ps. Alice is loving her big granny square Planet Penny cotton blanket on her bed at the moment, so colourful in this grey weather x
Hello Penny, I hope you enjoyed the knitting and stitching show and found lots of inspiration. That taxi is fabulous! I expect Higgins will be pleased you are back! (I’m asuming he doesn’t do the shows?!)
Looking forward to seeing your next creations!
best regards Debbie
Welcome back!
I thought you might be going to tell us that YOU yarnbombed that taxi!
Hope the show was wonderful, and looking forward to hearing more about it.
So envious of all you people who went to the show at Ally Pally recently – I shall have to rectify this one day