Norfolk November Skies and a Rosy Glow…

Hello!  I can’t believe it’s taken so long to get back here for a catch up.  I must say the new look for the blog is really growing on me now, and it seems to sit much better on a phone or tablet.

Last weekend Two Rivers Trail Christmas Fair was AMAZING!  We couldn’t believe how many people came, there were cars parked all over the village, with people having to walk for half a mile to get to us!  The Planet Penny Stall looked like this…

craft stall Two Rivers Trail..although I don’t think many people managed to stand back to have a look at anything!  If you would like to see more, all the photos I took of the day are over on the Two Rivers Trail website where you can see some of the beautiful things from other members of the Trail.

I actually thought I would have a quiet week catching up with things, but it’s been anything but, and so busy I’ve struggled to find time to even get out for a walk with poor little Higgins…

He’s not impressed!

miniature dachshund

So in the spirit of a breath of fresh air, here’s yesterday’s walk which took place when the sun came out after a miserable gloomy start, and the wonderful Norfolk November skies came into their own.

Norfolk Sky November

Higgins Miniature dachshund

Ivy on tree
seedhead and Norfolk Sky
Autumn leaves
grasses and Norfolk Sky
pine cone
rose hips
You don’t get long after lunch for walk at this time of the year, do you?  It does mean being treated to a wonderful view of the sunset as we head back home.  Note the mud! Glorious isn’t it?

Norfolk Sky sunset
sunset Norfolk sky
Ending just after we arrived back in a wonderful rosy glow.

pink sunset
And talking of a ‘Rosy Glow’  I’m going into boastful mother mode again,  Last night elder son Thomas won a second award for one of his children’s books, The Pets you Get at the Brilliant Book Awards!  Proud?  You bet I am!

TYhe Pets you Get - Thomas Taylo
Adrian Reynolds, the illustrator, you may well have met before with the Harry and the Dinosaurs stories, which have been made into a popular TV series.

Since I often turn up here with a book review I have no compunction at all in recommending ‘The Pets you Get’ as an excellent buy for Christmas!

And now, I have a ‘cunning plan’ for December on the blog so I’m off to see if I can make it work!  And it’s December tomorrow so I better get going…

see you then…x


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8 thoughts on “Norfolk November Skies and a Rosy Glow…

  1. penelopeangelPenny

    Hi Penny
    Im loving your new look blog and thanks for posting a pic of Mr. Higgy he is too precious. Really pleased to hear that your Christmas Fair went well and such great news for Thomas too xox Penny

  2. Maria

    Hi Penny – I can see some lovely colourful birds at the front of your craft stall in the picture – do you have any of them left for sale? And if so, how much are they? They are so gorgeous!
    Maria x

  3. 54paintings

    Good to hear you had a successful Fair- so often this year I’ve heard people having poor fairs- great that you ended with a good’un and well done to Thomas.

  4. Lilly's Mom

    Penny your photos are always amazing. Higgins is so adorable and looks so comfy sleeping. You have worked so hard on all your lovely creations. My best to you!

  5. Chris

    Beautiful, stunning sky photos! And that book looks way too adorable! Talent sure runs in the family! 🙂 love lil Higgy!

  6. Pauline - Rutland England

    Your pictures are lovely and thank you for the book recommendation – perfect for a little boy I know!


  7. Toffeeapple

    Glorious pictures Penny, making me jealous of all that sky. And Higgins too, bless his little legs, thank you for that!

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