Oooh, not long now! Day Twenty of the Christmas Countdown and there’s something else to hang on the tree, a paper songbird.
If you click on the image below you will find a link to the pattern for this little fellow, and of course, you can make him any colour you like!
This is an even simpler shape. No pattern, but it shows that it would be very easy to make your own individual pattern and then make a whole flock of little birds. Great fun for the children to decorate.
These fringed and cut paper birds are effective. It would be nice to curl some of those feathers for an exotic effect.
I love this little birdy from Miss Clara, so many pretty things on her blog…
And finally… book art. Isn’t this stunning? I’m not suggesting you should try and knock up a table centre like this before the big day. Just make a cuppa, there’s another beautiful blog to look at!
So I shall flutter off just now, and look forward to seeing you tomorrow…x