A Funny Old Week…

It’s been one of those weeks where I feel like I’ve taken two steps forward and one and a half steps back, do you have those?  The main calamity was the disappearance of Planet Penny into a virtual black hole a couple of days ago.  Many apologies if this affected you in anyway, it was not your computer!  The technical term according to the help desk was the ‘White Screen of Death’ which was very scary, but I was really smug when I worked through the long list of instructions they sent and sorted it out…All On My Own!

It’s quite horrible outside, the wind is howling and the rain is lashing down, so I do hope you are keeping warm and dry.  My heart goes out to everyone suffering in the floods, it must be horrendous…

It seem very odd that if a disaster happens abroad all manner of aid, both financial and physical is supplied, but when people are suffering hardship from extreme weather conditions in our own country it seems such a struggle for them to get any help.  (If you are not in the UK, you might not be aware of the flooding in some areas in the west of the country, but you can find out here.)

Anyway, back home with a cheerful picture of the bike which I found outside our Community Shop this week.  It’s owner was probably only about eight years old, but what style…  I’m quite envious!

Flowery Bicycle

I had great plans to share a new pattern, but what with one thing and another, it’s not quite there.  I found some crochet bunting on Pinterest, but not finding a pattern decided to work it out for myself.  I wanted something a bit plainer than the more usual ‘granny’ bunting, and I’m very pleased with this.  It’s really quick and easy…

crochet bunting - Planet Penny Cotton

Hopefully I’ll finish off the pattern very soon, and there will be more photos when the light is a bit brighter!

I’ve had my ‘window-dresser hat on this week in our Community shop and with Valentine’s Day on the horizon I made this Valentine Tree for the window display…(although I’d actually quite like to keep it on my dresser!

Valentine tree

I’m now going to desert you for a comfy chair by the fire with the baby knitting, where hopefully the sound of the howling wind and lashing rain won’t be quite as loud as it is here in the studio!

I’ve amalgamated two of the patterns from the Debbie Bliss pattern book from my last post, so I’ve got a stripy tank top on the needles…

Debbie Bliss tank top
I’ll be back soon…x

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10 thoughts on “A Funny Old Week…

  1. Denise

    Definitely a two step forward and one and a half step back week in my world, too, so I know exactly what you mean! Must be the stars misbehaving. And I am doing baby knitting by the fire in an attempt to ignore the rain – new granddaughter due in 3 month’s time, so better get a click on!! Happy knitting to you!

  2. B.J. Bradley

    Cheating a bit working on my knitting machine to make a mini handbag and arm to encourage my knit and natter group in our next yarn bombing attempt. Bag bits made now to work on the arm.

  3. britjane

    I think the whole month of January has been a bit two steps forward and in my case three steps back!! I am going to start February with a renewed surge of energy and enthusiasm, well that’s the plan. I love the bunting can’t wait to see it finished and hung up.

  4. mama2five2014

    The weather here is awful, cold, miserable, torrential rain – but whats new here in Manchester! I really like your bunting I made something similar for my Christmas Decorations this year – cant wait to see your pattern.

  5. Lilly's Mom

    Hi Penny, sorry to hear about your wintry weather. I wish we could get come much needed rain down here in Southern California. Your new bunting pattern looks great! Have a wonderful week.

  6. Alison

    Morning Penny, Well done for sorting out the computer problem, technology is great when it works!!! We were only saying the same about the UK’s lack of helping people, thousands sent abroad, nothing done here. Love the bike, tree and your bunting.

  7. 54paintings

    Know the feeling about the noise of weather- I’ve been wearing headphones with the volume well up for what seems like the whole Winter to get rid of the pounding rain and howling wind sounds in my studio!

  8. SmitoniusAndSonata

    The Valentine tree is lovely , what a clever idea !
    Sorry you’re all getting such ghastly weather … especially everybody wading around in Somerset . Perhaps if the Cabinet and their families were made to live there for the next few weeks some useful measures would result ? Not the halfhearted “maybe it might be good idea to dredge next year … if it doesn’t cost too much “. the longsuffering residents are hearing now .

  9. Pingback: Missing Mojo - Found | planetpenny.co.uk

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