Goodness Gracious me! It doesn’t seem possible that it was 2007 that I wrote my first tentative post, and followed up with my first recorded finished project…
I’ve spent the last couple of days scrolling through all the posts and collecting images from each year. (And saying to myself…’was it THAT long ago?…how time flies…sigh’) It’s been quite a good indicator of my changing interests and how things have developed. My first year was quite transitional. I started our local Knit and Stitch group, Higgins arrived, I made my first forays into dyeing and discovered the delights of a good compact digital camera with lots of photos of the garden, flowers and nature.
The following year I discovered the rainbow loveliness to found at a budget price with Stylecraft yarn. Got my felting needles out again after a bit of a lull after graduating and my new studio was built.
There was a lot needlefelting in 2011. I had a stall at the Pickn’Mix Makers Market and took part in Open Studios for the first time…
Big things happened in 2012. We had a lovely family wedding, Open Studios again and I discovered the Planet Penny cotton and opened my little online shop. I wrote my first patterns and got invited to few exciting events.
2013 was more of the same, with some needlefelting workshops to run into the bargain, and a new Art Trail for Open Studios…
And this year, with a new member of family and lots of other plans, is shaping up quite nicely too!
But what has made it all so special is you. All you out there who visit, and comment and sign up to follow. Who leave comforting messages when things are difficult and encouraging remarks .
Writing this blog has meant I’ve met up with like minded people, and also been in touch with people from the other end of of the country and the other side of the world. It’s an amazing privilege, and a lot of fun!
So I’m planning a very special thank you.
I’m going to create a Box of Delights and fill it with the essence of what Planet Penny is all about. Little bits and pieces of everything I do. So there will be some yarn and fabric, ribbons and bindings, beads and buttons, ooh, all sorts of small bits of loveliness!
I’m going to be putting the box together over the next couple of weeks and sharing it so you can see what will be inside. I’m really looking forward to it!
And then? I’m going to give it away…to one of you.
All you have to do is leave a comment on this post to take part. Maybe say something about yourself, about what you do, why you visit Planet Penny (maybe you come to play with Higgins!) The only stipulation is that it’s a)non-offensive and b)it’s not of the ‘me,me, pick me’ variety (you have to do a little work!)
I’ll do the draw when I’ve filled the box, and no, I don’t know how big the box is yet! And it’s open to everyone. If you have a standard postal service in your country I will send it there if your name come out of the hat!
I’m off to the studio now to start looking through all the goodies I have stored in boxes, tins and baskets, and hopefully a by-product of the Box of Delights will be a tidy studio. (Well, I can dream!)
See you soon…x

I have been following your blog for a short while and blogging myself for only 2 months, I am always inspired by your posts – I really like the way you have displayed your photos of the year – I am going to try to learn how to display my pics better.
Wow, congratulations on 500 posts! I love stopping by because of all the wonderful colour! Especially on grey and gloomy winter days your photos bring a very welcome splash of brightness
I look forward to the next 500 posts!!
I’m soon to be relocating back to England, so I’ve returned to my old loves of crochet and knitting, which is how I discovered your blog.
You are such a great inspiration and as soon as I’m back in The UK I can’t wait to get some of your (literally) brilliant yarns!
I’ve followed your blogs for quite a while now
Love the colour, hearing what Higgins has been up to and even tried a couple of recipes.. including a particularly fantastic orange and almond cake! Congrats on 500 blog posts. px
Your blog always inspires me to try new methods and new colours! My wool addiction is starting to get out of hand now!
I love your blog, and always look forward to a new post. The photos of Higgins make me laugh and he’s such a handsome fellow. The main reason I visit though, is for your wonderful crafts. The colours are so vivid, your needle felting is superb and very inspirational. Your posts have the right mix of photos and narrative, to keep me interested.
I I have followed your blog since the year you went back to needle felting so missed your early time. Enjoy your blog because it is a riot of colour but also love all the family bits and Higgins of course!
You are such a artist, such beauty in the items you make!
Hi Penny, Congratulations on 500 posts! Wow, that is an achievement worthy of celebration – and you planning a giveaway to celebrate YOUR courage reminds me of the silly idea of buying everyone else at work cakes on MY birthday!
Not that your idea is silly and therein lies the rub….deciding just how to phrase every idea on your blog so as not to offend people or invite criticism for your ideas…… so congratulations indeed, you have managed to make friends all over the world through this fabulous virtual world you create – and we do feel your friendship when you share your world with us. You have such courage, sharing ups and downs.
I feel I know you – having discovered your blog only recently – but because we are able to back track through the archives we can “snoop to our heart’s content!” I loved reading about the person behind the name, your obvious pride in your family, the wedding, graduation ceremonies, books published, and grandchildren, alongside your fabulous creative textile world.
I discovered blogging only last year – and can honestly say it has changed my life. I had no idea the internet held such treasure, discovering so many like minded people out there. I have spent far too much time reading blogs and only recently started to leave comments.
I started a blog of my own just to publicise my litter of puppies, and that brought such a rewarding dimension to the process, but it was the accidental clicking on a button saying next blog (on Blogger) that brought me to this world of like minded people. I constantly think I should restart my own blog, but I just lack the courage. It was one thing having the puppies as a focus, but who would want to read my journal? Is my life and opinions worthy of publishing? Who on earth would find anything worth reading?
So Penny, 500 posts later, maybe your answer would be to just go for it, give it a try. I do feel you would encourage me – and that’s because I DO feel you are a friend. Nuts or what? I could stand beside you in a supermarket and not know who you are, but that just gives me a thrill really, to think about the people I do encounter. I suppose everyone of us has a story to share.
Penny thank you for sharing – and yes I do throw a ball for Higgins! Best Wishes….Mary
I follow your posts because they are COLORFUL!! Beautiful and fun things you create. I am a lover of all the rainbow colors!! I bought your cotton yarn, and am making the cute little mice. I would LOVE to win!!
Congrats on your 500th post!
I do love your needle felting and your crochet!
Well I have been keeping an eye on you for quite a while now, since Higgins was a baby really and yes he is quite a draw!
And me, well I make bunnies!
V xxx
I’ve been following your blog and Higgins for about a year and thoroughly enjoy reading it every time you post. I love all the bright colours and love the collection and have them myself to make your gorgeous crochet and knitted mice.
I live all kids of crafts and forever doing something crafty when I’m not at work or chasing after my 8 and a half year old boy.
Thank-you for all the wonderful posts with many more to come.
I found your blog/Facebook postings after seeing someone post your cute Rainbow Mice! I’ve loved reading about your lovely country, seeing photos you share and meeting Higgins! Thank you for the time you spend sharing with us.
Each and every blog post of yours I read is just that much more of your inspiration to others! I just can’t miss any of them so I have you in my notifications so I can receive your pick me ups :). I am a full time Office manager at a softdrink company and cannot get home quick enough to my crochet world (mostly gifts for family) I do not think there is a day that goes by with my ‘list of projects’ I want to do that I don’t make the comment ‘I need to be a stay at home Grandmother’ LOL. So you keep on sharing your crafty world (and Higgins) with us for our ‘fix’
Congrats on your huge 500 mark !!!!
I discovered you last year and love popping by for inspiration. I enjoy making things for my two little girls. They are the best of my life and want them to have items made with love rather than toys from the store
right now I’m trying to be brave and make doll clothes from scratch. Thank you for inspiring me to try!
Your colourful world has inspired me to learn to crochet – it’ll be needle felting next I think. The boiled orange cake has become a favourite ( i wish my Dad was still with us as he would have loved it). Higgins always makes me smile – he does cute so well.
May your colourful world continue to brighten my days and inspire me – thank you for sharing.
I think I found your blog through Attic 24! I have been on a textile journey since last April(I enrolled on an online course in Machine Embroidery with Anne Griffiths) I have tried needle and wet felting and dyeing and also started a blog at Anne’s suggestion. This whole experience including following craft/textile blogs has given me a ‘new lease of life’. I love the colour and variety in Planet Penny so thank you!
I have only been doing crochet for a couple of years, and yours was one of the first blogs I came upon. I am a cat person but just adore all of Higgins updates. I was born and bred on the Norfolk border and only moved away a few years ago now, so I enjoy reading your posts about my home County and a City I know so well. It’s always a pleasure when your blog updates arrive in my inbox. Thankyou for sharing your bright, colourful world and congratulations on reaching 500 post.
I’ve been following your blog for about 18 months now and you inspired me to start my own blog just over a year ago. Although I don’t crochet myself, I love your sense of colour and your enthusiasm for the things you do and I also love that you include pics of Higgins who is so adorable! Thank you and congratulations!
HUGE congratulations on 500 posts! I am a complete colour junkie and am in love with your yarn which is how I discovered your blog. Always there to brighten our day and provide us with lots of inspiration for our next project.
One day I hope to make something for myself, but as I love to make for other people I am finding this very tricky!
I only learnt to crochet about a year ago and I am literally hooked and I’ve been teaching all my friends. There is so much creativity in our area that I have started 2 stitchy groups and I have found new friends for life.
My current project is a monkey for my brand new niece
Thanks so much for being our beautiful webby rainbow – very welcome indeed, especially in all this beautiful weather we have been having!
Congratulations on 500 posts. I have been following your Blog/Facebook page for a while and am always cheered by the lovely colourful projects.
Many congratulations on your 500 posts Penny. I have followed since I started to crochet a couple of years ago. I always read, although I don’t always comment. I love the colour, the inspiration and the occasional recipe. And like someone already said… I do feel as though you are a friend
Go for it, Mary! Just write it for yourself because it will always be there to look back on. The rest of it will gradually fall into place. Penny x
Congratulations Penny!
I’ve been following you for a while although I don’t often comment! and yes Higgins is the biggest draw!!!!
Hi Penny! Congratulations on your 500 posts! Your blog is the first one I starting following and I still like to come and have a rummage around. My cat, Riddic, still loves his catnip mouse I made using heavier yarn with your pattern. I always have a little time with Higgins. I love all the photos you post, your garden, your walks and especially the ones with Higgins. I look forward to your next 500 posts…. and more!!
I vist you first thing in the morning with my coffee and am always inspired to add a bit more creativity and colour to my day. Your needle felting is out of this world amazing to see. Over here in New Zealand it is good to feel connected to the other side of the world through creative people like yourself. And Higgins is super cute.
Penny, I love your blog for the creative inspiration it provides. Great photos, great projects, and great conversation
Congratulations on 500 posts! I love the puppy photos of Higgins! The last few years have involved quite a lot of change for me too – eldest child has left home, arrival of our dog, Mabel, learning to love crochet and knitting again after many years absence, and starting a blog. Thanks for all the inspiration that your posts provide, and may there be many more!
Hi Penny! I love your work and blog and of course Higgins! You made big job gathering old photos and made fantastic mosaics! I’m happy to see and remember your beautiful creations! You love happy colours as I do and I find always inspiration and great ideas from you! Thank you! I am here in Crete with Nero, Hanna and Nelli and we all send you and Higgins lots of hugs! x Teje
I’ve been following your blog for around two years I hadn’t realised it was that long until your last post. I love your blog Penny and you have a great eye for colour and are very talented. I’ve picked up needle felting through following you and along with yourself and Lucy from attic24 you’ve inspired me to pick up my crochet hooks after around twenty years. And of course I just love reading about Higgins’ adventures he’s a little darling. Here’s to the next five Penny and thanks for sharing your world with us. Best wishes from North Wales
Rhian x
Oh Penny to sum it up; you have the ability to inspire people and transport them to a different place. Your photos are always amazing as are your designs. As an avid crochet/knit person, I can go to your blog and feel like I’m in England partaking of all the fun things you share. Living in sunny California is great but I miss the changing of the seasons. You give me those seasons through your photographs. And, your designs encourage me to think outside my box. Your blog is my favorite!
I discovered your blog fairly recently but your trail over 500 blogs echoes several of my own interests – needle felting, fabric dying to pick two. I’m also learning to crochet. Good luck for the future, thank you for inspiration and enjoyment
I love your blog because you use the most gorgeous colours that make my heart sing whatever my mood or the weather is doing. I love so many of the crafts you do and you inspire me to do more every day. Unfortunately this means between knitting, lace-making, sewing, crocheting, papercrafts, crochet and (very occasionally) housework and more crochet I have very little time to sleep! Did I mention how gorgeous and cheerful your colours are?
Anyone can write a yarn blog… You not only write a fun yarn blog, but it’s a fun yarn dog blog! Always makes me smile.
I come to planet penny for all the beautiful colour you use, for crochet inspiration, and to see your projects that set you apart from the rest (like your green man, which I’m still in awe of!) Congratulations on 500 posts
I’m not sure how long I’ve been following Penny but I do remember the arrival of that cute little puppy! I think if there is one overriding thing that appeals about your blog it is the colour… always such joyous colour.
I havent been following for long but I have been blogging since 2006, congratulations on your 500th post.
What do I like about your blog? The colour and variety of what you do. about me? A magpie, abit of this and that, not done terribly well but I enjoy what I do, into bookmaking at the moment, will knit once the heat leaves us here in Oz, hand stitching.Love what you do, another Penny,
O Penny, what a lovely idea! I have been following you since around the time you were planning that lovely wedding. It felt almost a shame that I am married already, would have loved to use some of your ideas. About me? A wannabee crocheteer (with more on my to do list than is good for me) stay at home mom, which makes me a cook, parttime cab driver, manager, household manager, oh well you know the drill….
Absolutely love what you do, but more so the fact that you also show besides the ups, the downs. Takes courage to do so!
Hi Penny. I am a new member from Australia. I work full time teaching children with autism. I find the escape into craft – particularly crochet a wonderful diversion. I particularly like browsing online to see all the wonderful projects and blogs that people across the globe are developing. It’s like my own personal treasure hunt. I am both inspired and a little envious. Working full time with teenage children leaves me a little time to participate in a craft group that meets socially weekly or fortnightly for a pleasant ‘sip and stitch’. I look forward to your posts and loved looking through your recap.Thank you for sharing all that is precious and personal.
Wow 500 posts, wonderful ? I just love coming here for the colour, the fun of Higgins.
Blogs are a lovely way to have friends you may never meet but just know because well, we
share things ?
I’ve been knitting for 30 years and crocheting for a couple of weeks. I love your colorful posts most of all. I want to be like you when I grow up!
Congratulations on 500 posts!
I’ve been following this blog for a year or so now because….colour…..crafts…..Higgins and I like your personal touch.
And I am so pleased to be included in a giveaway
Usually peeps like me in far corners of nowhere miss out and feel left out too.
viv in nz
Hello Penny ! Congratulation for your 500 Post !
It’s a little difficult for me because I read you from France (East of France, Lorraine to be right) and I don’t be really fluent in English, I read all the comments in order to have an ideas how to say my real thinks and I hope you can understand what I wrote !!! LOL!
I ‘ve been following Planet Penny since August 2013, after our holidays in Wales … I’m falling in love with this country !!! I should say that it was my first travel in England and Wales and I never have speaking English before (except at school between 1984 and 1990!!!). That was for me a great “revelation” !
So, I I love your ideas, colors and all your site. Every post is, for me, an English lesson !!! I read, I try to understand all you say, sometimes, I must use Google translation.
I just say : “Thank you, Penny, for all that you keep to me”.
Have a nice day.
Hello Penny, I have been following you for almost a year, I found you when I started to re learn crochet. I needed something for me and felt such achievement when I followed small patterns for embellishments. I started looking through the cyber world for yarn to help me enjoy my creations more and stumbled upon PP. Your cotton is bright and lovely to work with. I have also bought the white which I look forward to using soon. Your work is inspiring and you are a pleasure to follow. Thank you.
I come here for the colourful-ness and happy makes,
whilst I’m here I always play with Higgins, throwing a couple of balls for him.
I come here to pore over the awesome crocheting which I cannot get my head (or hands) around,
and I come here because my Mum says have you seen what Penny has done today!!
Congratulations!!! I love crochet and love colours, I feel at home in Planet Penny world!
Goodness me, is it really so long that I have been reading and enjoying your posts? Well done for reaching 500 posts Penny, I hope you will do 5oo more and include Higgins as well.
I knitted that cowl, the first thing that I completed after a break of twenty years without a knitting project.
Good luck for the future. x
Hi Penny, I’m a Mum of 3. I only learnt to crochet a year ago. I used your lovely cotton to finish my first proper project which was a Attic24 Happy Flower. It hangs in my bedroom as a reminder of what I can achieve. I have since used it for little projects as the colours are so cheerful. I found your blog after finding you on Facebook through another page.
Hi Penny I cannot remember how I first came across your blog but it must have been soon after I found craft blogs as you are near the top of my favourites. i bought your Planet Penny cotton but must admit it is still sitting in a lovely bag awaiting the right project although in the mean time I have made two bed size crochet blankets. I live near you so it is nice for me to know some of the places you talk about and next year I hope to visit you for Open studios. Thank you for all the time and effort you put into your blog and craft work. Looking forward to the next 500 blogs. xx
Wow! 500 posts already! Has it been that long?!?
It must have been, and congratulations to you for reaching this level!
Why I come see your blog you ask…. well, the colours, the insight into your daily life, the things that you do, the things that happen in your family. The way you share all these things makes you feel like you are part of the family, your family. So I keep coming back post after post because I feel welcome
What I do,… I knit, I crochet, I drool over those beautiful yarns that you sell on etsy. I dream of the day I can get some too. And back I go to knitting and crochet, these days mostly socks and clothing for my first grandson! And now I’m working on outfits for my next grandchild (hope it’s a girl!). Finding out on Valentine’s day via a poem my daughter wrote for my husband and I was the best news.
I was doing the happy dance in my nightie since I’d just crawled into bed Haha!
One day, if all the stars align, and the sun doesn’t implode, I may make it over to England and I’ll make sure to check in on your studio!
Thank you for cheering up my days with your blog.
Hi Penny,
I love your style of work with the rainbow colour selections! I have not crocheted with pure cotton yet, but I’m looking forward to trying a few of your patterns.
I enjoy seeing what is happening on your blog, as well as following you on FB and Pinterest.
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I love everything yarn & colourful on your blog, & Higgins is an added bonus! What you get up to creatively is amazing & shows what’s possibly with talent & imagination!
Hi Penny – wow, congratulations on 500 posts! The reason I come here is the COLOUR COLOUR COLOUR! So happy and cheery, it can’t help but put a smile on my face.
Not to mention your talent – I still can’t get over your Green Man! I can’t comprehend how you have managed to turn some fleece and yarns into that masterpiece – it has tempted me to give needle-felting a go, if I can get over my daunted feelings!
Thanks for the chance to enter, and looking forward to seeing more of your creations!
Maria x
Hi Penny, I have been following your blog for several months, since I taught myself to crochet. Being a leftie meant that my friends struggled to teach me. I love Higgins, we have a rescue dog Harvey. He is a cross between a poodle and a bichon friese. I have told him all about Higgins adventures.
I look forward to reading the next 500 blogs.
Lynda x
I’ve only been following your blog for a couple of months – attracted initially by the rainbow colours – gotta love a rainbow haven’t you!! My current job is ending during the summer and I’m going to start creating my own rainbows. Your blog has inspired me to explore crochet more – my aunt taught me when I was a little girl and I’ve fond memories of granny squares – cant wait to make them in rainbow colours.
Congratulations on 500 blogs – thanks for being so inspiring,
Anthea x
“Higgins arrived.” And the world was never the same again.
Congratulations on 500 posts, Penny! Thanks so much for letting us share your happy, woolly little world. Though the box of delights sounds most tempting, I will not enter the giveaway – I have won an awful lot of bloggy giveaways – so let someone else have my slot. Good luck to all the entrants.
P.S. Thanks also for the PPCC. Not only do I have some lovely projects made from it, it’s also been successfully used for lots of magazine submission swatches! A truly wonderful yarn.
Dear Penny, I thought a box of delights a great idea And I woukd like to send you my box of the delights I make here in Brazil, inspired by the things you post in your blog. Can you send me your dardes sim UK? Thanks a lot Malu
Congratulations and thank you for writing such a wonderful blog. I really enjoy reading about your life and all your creative endeavours, you are very talented. I love that you are now including your book recommendations. I have just read the two Mark Haddon books and really enjoyed them, it’s great to find a new author to read.
Long may you keep on blogging!
I’m new to your blog having only stumbled across it a few weeks ago. But I’ve then read back through to the beginning. I love your use of colour, particularly the rainbow of mice livening up an ikea clock.
Pingback: Filling the Box of Delights |
Love your blog, and especially love to throw a bone for Higgins to fetch!
am getting into all the crafts following the sudden, expected death of my husband. He always encouraged me and your blog inspires me. Thank you for that xx
Congrats on 500 blog posts. I’m a very recent follower (via Facebook) and particularly love your rainbow mice.
Hi Penny,
Beautiful box! I love reading your blogs and looking at your pictures even more. We’re a bit alike, loving colours and crochet and everything that is yarny amongst other things. I like to fill my facebook timeline with all things colourful, as there is enough negativity around us already, I try to block that out of some lines of communication as much as I can!
Here’s to you and another 500 posts
Love all the glorious colors and fun projects!
Congratulations on 500 blog posts. I am not even half way there. I have been following your blog since soon after I started a blog myself which is getting on for two years. I love your bright rainbow colours and your amazing creativity. It is very interesting to see all the things you were doing before I started following. Maybe I need to go and look at some of those posts.
Hi Penny
I’ve been following your beautiful, colourful blog for a while now and I love to drop in on Planet Penny to see what’s going on. Thank you for sharing your cheeriness, and of course Higgins! I love to knit and crochet and you have helped and inspired me with your ideas and colours. Keep going
Judy x
I love your blog – when I first discovered it I read it from the beginning, so I must have read all 500 posts! Here’s to the next 500 xx
Congratulations on your 500 blogs I really enjoy reading them they bring inspiration to so many people full of colour and beautifu fabric xx
I love your blog and how you use colours. You are such an inspiration. Your yarn is lovely too!
Thank you for such a fab blog, you are such an inspiration! I love your yarns too
Congratulations on your successful blogging. It was the little mice that led me here ages ago and what a colourful happy place this is.
Hi Penny….Oh, your lovely box is just scrumptious! Congratulations on your many posts…I know I’ve enjoyed the ones that I have read… And I always enjoy Higgins! Please give him a pat from me!
Val in Kansas
What an achievement, to reach 500 posts, congratulations. I came across your blog and Planet Penny through Attic 24 and have been an avid follower ever since. I now have soooo much more colour in my life, between you and Attic 24 I have been inspired to learn to crochet and to start knitting again. I have yet to produce anything as beautiful as Lucy or you do, just working on using colours and trying different crochet stitches at the moment but I am getting there….. who knows one day ……..Anyway thank you for inspiring me and I think your Box of Delights is absolutely gorgeous, whoever wins it will be a very lucky person indeed.
Congrats on 500 posts, love your blog
what a lot of lovely colourful blogging! I really enjoy your colourful facebook posts too. Loe to higgins x
WOWser, amazing to have reached 500 posts! that’s absolutely great, and when you consider all of the inspiration, support and ideas you have shared you should feel really proud. I love reading your posts, they always make me smile and I’m looking forwards to many, many more. Karen xxx
Just came across your blog today and had to go back and read earlier posts.Congrats on reaching 500 posts. I crochet,but may need to learn to knit
500 posts! You’re an inspiration Penny! I love visiting your blog, it’s so bright & cheerful and helps me forget the miserable weather outside. I love Higgins adventures too. He’s such a character. Here’s to another 500 posts and many more
You are such an inspiration! I love your patterns and yarn, and the way you put them together. The colors are awesome. The photos of Higgins make me laugh. I so enjoy reading what he has been up to. Congratulations on 500 posts!
Luv your lovely blog Penny a joy to read. Look forward to hearing about Higgins, enjoy the lovely colours, inspiration from your makes, pictures that show how wonderful our countryside looks and tasty recipies. Thanku penny, Luv joy
I love your blog because it doesn’t matter how tired I am after a long day at work, I always feel inspired to get crafting and make something! Thanks Penny, your blog reminds me there is more to life than the office! Sue
Hi Penny, I thought that I had entered, but I can’t see my comment, so sorry if I am entering twice!! Good luck to whoever wins. xx
Hi Penny, congratulations on reaching 500 posts and thank you for all the inspiration and colour you give us through your blog. I love knitting and crocheting, I just wish I had more time but don’t we all? I can’t wait to make some of your mini mice, I think they’ll look great dotted around our house. Here’s to 500 more posts, all filled with colour and happiness x
Hi Penny your blog is always full of color and so inspiring it just makes my brain pop with ideas I thought i would luv to have ago at making as many things as i could with as much color. I feel rainbow colors bring the child out in us all and make for happy crocheting OH and congratulations on 500 posts! Ll the best Pauline aka Lizmaynz {{{HUGS}}}
Yo quiero participar! desde montevideo, uruguay siempre sigo tu blog besos ximena
I want to participate! from Montevideo, Uruguay always follow your blog kisses ximena
That is one amazing giveaway. So beautifully and mouth-wateringly presented. I started reading your blog when someone sent me a link to your lovely mice to look at. (It was when you were inundated with people & loads of people took your mouse pattern – I didn’t take the pattern but just hung around your blog ‘cos I like it so much). Since then you have generously given away so many inspirational crafty ideas and shared some of your life stories with us. Thank you.
Thanks for sharing your lovely colourful world! I was introduced to your blog by a friend who fell in love with your rainbow mice, which I then crocheted for her as a gift. I’ve followed your blog ever since. I enjoy hearing about your craft-filled life, the gorgeous photos (particularly of Higgins!) and your lovely creations. I really love colour, it makes me a much happier person, especially when combined with crochet. I don’t have much time for creative crafty projects at the moment due to being a new mum – which I find is the most wonderfully creative and fulfilling thing I’ve ever done!
I come to your blog for colour!!! I love the inspiration
Dear Penny – I’ve been reading you since Crochet with Raymond blogged about you (a couple of years ago, I guess). I love the pics of Higgins and your wonderful colorful creations. It is a bright spot in my day. Congrats on the 500th post !
I’ve been reading your blog for a good couple of years, when I first found it I had to track back to the beginning. I love your photos. especially of your doggie friend Higgins, and what a lovely name he has. Your blog is so full of colour, its an inspiration to us all. Congrats on 500 posts, what an achievement, keep it up!!
Andrea x
I discovered your blog through pinterest this week, and have been enjoying reading past blog entries and especially looking at your colourful pictures of crochet and the countryside. My husband’s grandparents live in Blofield in Norfolk, and we very much enjoy going for walks when we visit!
Using the internet, last year I taught myself to crochet and then I discovered Planet Penny!! Your colours jump out, they make my heart smile and help me to conjure up many projects that I can make. Crochet is my de-stressing time, I let it flow over me, my lap, the cat, the floor!
I may have found the answer to longevity!! Send me the parcel, so I can crochet rainbows that Higgins can follow to That fun place. Thank You Planet Penny
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Love the montages! And they demonstrate one reason I enjoy your blog so much – all the colour :-). I’m finally (being more of a knitter) beginning to get the hang of crochet, so maybe I’ll be crocheting your mice soon!
You are so creative and I love all the color. I lie playing with Higgins too.
Congratulations on 500 posts. I’ve not been following since the start but I love your photographs and news of Higgins. You’ve also inspired me to try needle felting which I absolutely love. Long may your colourful and entertaining posts continue. Chris xx
Congratulations. I love your use of colour.
Wow congratulations on 500 blog posts! I love the way you mix colour together and I always find something inspiring when I visit!! Big hugs to you and Higgins xxx
congratulations, I love all the things you do just wish I had the time to do them (I have bought your Patterns just not very good at crocheting) but you inspire me. Thank you
How I have enjoyed following your blog. I have wasted (?) many many minutes playing with Higgins and trying to catch him out…no chance. On the other hand time is not wasted looking at your work and words and I’d love to get the chance to win the box of delights (aptly named).
Auntie penny, your blog has to be the most colourful blog ever. Having learnt to crochet just 3 months ago I look to your beautiful makes fro inspiration. I would love to be the worthy winner of a beautiful box of delights.
Jenny x
My dear Penny!! I love your patterns and your work. I also love your willingness to share. I visit your site almost daily and look forward with much anticipation all of your posts to FB. xoxoxo Dottie Lou (retired attorney who has returned to crocheting after a long lapse – I learned from my Grandmother when I was 5). Love to you! xo
I’ve just found your blog and am having a lovely slow coffee and crafty read. Please include me in the giveaway!