It’s all quiet here now, but last weekend I had my two grandsons to stay and it was a madhouse! It was very fortunate that I had on hand a selection of crafty bits and pieces from Baker Ross for us to have fun with, little kids and big kids alike. We had lots of fun with the Super Clay, what a long way we’ve come since my primary school days and the boring greyish brown lump that came out on Plasticine days!
One unexpected thing we discovered was how well it bounced! (These are things you find out when you have small boys around, don’t you?) Benjy, with a little help from Daddy, produced this jolly chap…
I made a little flower…
…and there was no holding my son back once he got started, we got another Higgins… He gives us that look when we don’t share our biscuits! And I found this strange little chap peering at me out of the cups and saucers… The clay air dries in 24 hours so it’s ideal for children to use to make little presents. (I think I’ve solved the next birthday present conundrum, and that’s for my grown-up son!) The Porcelain Paint Pens were really useful too. I’ve had a couple of plain white mugs for a while now, bought specifically for decorating in some way. Once you’ve created the design the paint is baked on and becomes dishwasher safe. One for morning coffee, and the other for afternoon tea! Baker Ross was also where I saved myself from disappearing under a mountain of unboxed matches when I got carried away by this project the other day. So much easier to buy empty matchboxes by the bag! For those of you who have been wondering how I’ve been getting on with the Green Man, he’s finished, and this morning I delivered him to the Forum in Norwich for the Norfolk & Norwich Open Studios Taster Exhibition which runs from Friday 18th to Wednesday 23rd April. I’ve written a post about the making of him for our Two Rivers Trail Blog so you can find out the details by following this link. While I’ve been typing I have had a very fidgety little dog round my feet, reminding me about walkies. It’s been lovely here the past few days so I’d better get out and wear off some of his energy… Wishing you all a peaceful, happy sun-filled Easter..I’ll be back soon…x
Those boys made some lovely things – the mini Higgins is cute, Those pens for decorating the mugs look a fabulous idea.
Have a cracking Easter! I love the crafting going on: the mini Higgins in 3d or mug form is so cute!
I love the mini Higgins!
Such fun you all had and love all that was made especially Higgins of course
Love the Higgins!