Here I am, at last. This is the longest gap in posting for years, and it’s been playing on my mind.
When I started writing this blog it was just for me, and I had no real expectations that anyone else would even notice I was I was here, let alone actually read it. And then come back and read some more.
What writing regularly did for me was to make me do stuff, and this fed my creativity and became a creative spiral. The fact that you out there dropped in to encourage me was a lovely bonus, thank you!
But it’s all so much easier when you can trundle along in blissful ignorance just doing your thing. The rot set in when I started thinking there’s more to all this world wide web stuff than I first realise, maybe I’d better find out about it. And then I started a business and suddenly there was all this big stuff which people were telling me I have to use, like SEO,…keywords …categories… And the little thing which was fun and interesting and created interaction with nice people suddenly became fraught with rules and regulations.
I worry about getting things right. And so rather than get things wrong I’ve ended up sacrificing the spontaneity with which I first started the blog, feeling overwhelmed by what I should be doing, rather than what I want to do. And I’m guilty of letting that happen in life at the moment too.
This is a busy time of year, next weekend Open Studios starts and there’s lots to do. It would be so easy to put off writing until it’s all over. But it’s like when you owe a letter to a friend, and for various reasons you don’t get round to replying and then time goes on and it gets harder and harder to justify why you’re such a bad friend that you can’t even put pen to paper to say hi. And you end up sending Christmas cards every year saying, ‘Will be in touch in the New Year’. And you don’t.
If you’ve been reading my blog for a while you will know I am a great believer in serendipity, the happy accident. It’s stood me in good stead over the years. By happy accident this morning I came across an amazing post this morning which really made me think about what I am doing. This is a quote …
…but if you want to be inspired as I was, click on the quote and read the whole post. It really makes you think.
So let spontaneity rule all round! I might just arrive here with a photo, or a short post, or I might write lots and fling in a tutorial, who knows! But I won’t let WordPress or All in One SEO bully me by pointing out I’ve only written 250 words and the recommended length is at least 400 words or whatever. It’s my blog and I’m not writing a dissertation!
This isn’t my usual kind of post, so thanks for bearing with me and I hope you’ll stick around, I wouldn’t be here without you …x

You go girl!
Hi Penny. I for one would be really happy to see you go back to your original postings. Pictures of Higgins (I really miss those), your garden, whatever is happening at that time. I miss your spontaneity! I love all the colour you create and all the colour that you find to share with us. I don’t mean this as you shouldn’t explore, do new things, etc. I just mean that you should be doing things your way, and not how someone/thing else says you should be doing it. Yeah! for Planet Penny!
You tell ’em. Do it how you want and I will continue to follow, whether it’s long, short, photos, tutorials. I love your posts no matter what. Have a lovely time doing it your way. Emily xxx
Do it for YOU – and enjoy. Break all the rules if you have to – who cares?
exactly…you give so much pleasure and no-one is drumming their fingers thinking “she’s not posted for ages”. and what’s the point if its just more stress…..
Looking forward to seeing Higgins for open studios!
Hi Penny, Yes you have a business too, but the blogging is for fun and for us to peruse, enjoy and gain inspiration, which I certainly have. Enjoy it again. Do hope all goes well with the open studios.
I’m just like that with letters and blog posts. I much prefer IG at the moment for its spontaneity and the “like” button, even if you don’t have time to post a comment on every photo, at least it shows you called by. Must admit I don’t read blogs very much at all now, I wondered why some posts had become so long/wordie hadn’t realised Bloggers on some systems were being prompted to post a certain amount of words, it explains a lot.
Good luck with the Open Studios.
Carol xx
You’re an inspiration to all of us regardless of the subject of your post. Higgins is adorable, planet penny cotton is bright and cheery and your pictures are lovely!
Love to get just a word or two from you, especially when you include those wonderful photos of Higgins (now that have I two doxies myself!)
Penny I’ve missed you, check in most days but would never dream of judging your postings, you are amazingly inspirational and busy, as an artist, business woman, family centered and a dog lover. You sound incredibly rounded and NO-ONE should dictate what you do or how you do it! You are on Planet Penny! When you have time pop in here to your blog and drop us a few lines of wisdom and some photos would be a bonus. I admit to following you on Pinterest, so I know you’re alive and well! And the face book page too. I have a request for another ripple blanket so I will be popping into your shop for another pack of PPCotton soon. Best wishes Penny
I too have missed you, but am glad you’re back. Don’t worry about what other people think, we all enjoy your posts whether about crafty things or life in general.
You are wonderful and is how I feel about my blog, not many visitors but it is really about me keeping a diary of what I am doing and where I have been. Nothing wrong with just one picture or even just a few words and yes sometimes you need a break too.
I now try to be more spontaneous as we never know what is around the corner
Give that higgins a great big pat from me ?
I can’t imagine anyone ever making a real difference to their own lives whilst doing what everybody else tells them to do. The creative people that stand out do their own thing. I live my life like that, or try to. Follow your heart Penny not guidelines and you’ll continue to thrive.
Jean xx
i love your blog and how you are so honest on it. i salute you for taking a stand and sticking to your blogging morals! your an inspiration and i hope to see more
I’ve really missed you Penny! Please keep blogging. I love the spontaneity and the simplicity so don’t change! We don’t mind how long/ short it is, how many photos there are or anything else like that.
Andrea. xx
Such a fab quote! I am trying hard to be more spontaneous! It is so hard. You are such an inspiration and I love reading your posts. Good luck with open studios. Jen xxx
The same thoughts have been going around my head too. I suspect many of us leapt onto the blogging/Internet/local business/clients (my story) in the beginning. I’ve had many guises as a writer. reviewer, creator but always, it’s the playing that matters.
Go play Penny and only show the results when you really feel like it. Keep your images in a ‘most recent’ folder, dip into it occasionally and weave a post around the images you select.
It’s much more fun to just do your own thing
And I, too, like the everyday and normal (and Higgins) stuff you write.
viv in nz
Doing your own thing is why we love you! Being overwhelmed by what you should be doing instead of what you want to be doing is something I am guilty of too, but yet again you have inspired me to take a step back and choose something more creative today. Follow your own path and keep us posted with all those lovely colourful pictures!.
Square up to those bullies and bonk them on the nose Penny! Spontaneity rules!
With you all the way on this Penny!