Midsummer! and a Festival…

It’s hard to believe we’re now halfway through the year and in this little patch of Norfolk we were blessed with a warm sunny weekend in which to celebrate the Summer Solstice.

We are just back from a Midsummer Festival which took place just down the road from us at How Hill, a beautiful spot on the Norfolk Broads.  You might just remember me taking part in a craft fair there a couple of years ago.

How HillThe aim of the Festival was to celebrate the success of the Truly Local shop in the small town nearby, so of course all the stalls, producers and businesses were truly local too.

Truly Local Midsummer FestivalThere was such a lovely atmosphere, we bumped into family and friends, and a great time was had by all, including Higgins!

He was particularly helpful when it came to testing the deliciousness of the beefburgers…

mini dachshund

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2014-06-21 19.55.24
What a look of sheer bliss…

Then of course he had to sort out the washing up after icecream…


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Mint Choc Chip…

2014-06-21 20.06.01
…and that icecream cornet, surely the pointy bit would go to waste otherwise…?

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There were more stalls than I can mention individually, but these are the ones I know you would like to hear about…

It was great to meet Rachael of Foxglove and Gingersnap with her snazzy stitching.  I only knew her through Facebook, I love meeting up with my cyber friends in reality!

Foxglove and Gingersnap

… and Sue Maton of The Mercerie We only ever meet when we haven’t got time to talk properly! She has so many gorgeous things to tempt knitters and crocheters alike…

The Mercerie

The Mercerie Crochet Blanket
Paul Williams, one of our Two Rivers Trail-ers was there with his wonderful wooden creations…

Woods World Wide
(I now have a dinky little board made from a local fallen tree, exclusively for me to slice lemons on! G & T, anyone?)

And a  brilliant, serendipitous find, Ros Arrowsmith who makes beautiful ceramics with which I have completely fallen in love…

Ros Arrowsmith Ceramics

Ceramics by Ros Arrowsmith

Ceramics by Ros Arrowsmith
I particularly love her quirky lettering style and giant handles.  It’s good to find something so fresh and different.

We finished with a walk round the Secret Garden, where my camera started complaining about it’s dying battery.  You can get a little flavour of it here… so peaceful and calm.

Secret Garden How Hill, Norfolk

The visit concluded with tea and cake, what could be better?

Back home I’ve a new project on the go, a spin off from last week’s Needlefelt Workshop, and a commission to complete, so I’ll be back soon with photos.

I hope you’ve had a lovely weekend too, see you soon…x

(now where’s that gin and tonic…?)

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6 thoughts on “Midsummer! and a Festival…

  1. nickirocky

    Love the look of the Salt Pigs and the “Rabbit Food” salad bowl! There’s not many better ways to spend a dry summer afternoon are there?

  2. Toffeeapple

    That Kate – always showing off! (we have met, by the way, she is lovely)

    Dear little Higgins. (and, I don’t like dogs). xx

  3. Lorna shearing

    Got some scrummy strawberries from your stall , my children and I had eaten then by the time we had walked round 🙂

  4. Jean

    Thank you for that lovely tour of the festival. We’re popping along to something similar this weekend at our local animal sanctuary. I absolutely adore the pics of Higgins, you can see he finds eating a serious business.

    jean x

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